Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 670 Miraculous Life Energy

The [Steel Chain Finger] with double A in strength and speed seized the opportunity, and the [Golden Experience] who punched several times in a row could only retreat steadily.

"good chance!"

At the moment when [Golden Experience] was knocked down, Bugarati immediately rushed forward, almost overlapping with the figure of [Steel Chain Finger], and quickly swiped his right hand over Giorno several times.

In the next second, several zippers appeared on Giorno's body, and several long dimensional pockets were opened.

This also made it difficult for Giorno to stand up again.

"Giorno, I, Bugarati, will accept your head."

Just when Bugarati was about to strike Giorno for the last time, Giorno twisted his arm, and with the help of the zipper on it, he extended the attack range and threw his arm out.

This also made Giorno's attack hit Buccarati first.

Of course, this soft attack force would not cause any harm to Bugarati. On the contrary, a large amount of life energy was directly injected into Bugarati's body.

In an instant, Bugarati's consciousness ran wild again, leaving his body.

From victory to failure, it only takes one thought!

Seeing Giorno and his substitute [Golden Experience] walking towards his body step by step, Bugarati finally panicked!

However, when Bugarati couldn't do anything and could only wait to die, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and blocked Giorno.

"Huh? No way, I've already released the water like this, why did you run so far away?"

Abel, who came later, glanced at Bucciarati who was motionless, and said in this tone on purpose.

"Get out of the way! The consciousness of this guy who is going berserk is about to return to normal."

As Giorno spoke, he was about to go around Abel and give Buccarati a fatal blow.

But Abel was not going to let his favorite tool man go offline in advance.

"Miraculous life energy, if I have the chance, I would also like to experience the feeling of consciousness running amok. But before the game between me and this guy is over, can you please stand aside safely and be honest?"

Amidst Abel's smile, a piercing murderous aura instantly pricked Giorno's sensitive nerves, causing him to back away quickly and at the same time, cold sweat drenched his back immediately.

It felt like meeting a natural enemy at the top of the food chain.

If he doesn't follow the other party's wishes, he will be torn to pieces immediately.

It was also after experiencing this murderous baptism that Giorno truly realized the horror of the other party.

Then the question arises, why did this terrible mysterious man help him before? What are you plotting again?

Just when he started to think wildly, Bugarati's consciousness of rampage finally returned to calm.

It's just that his complexion is not very good-looking.

Giorno alone almost caused him to overturn, and now this mysterious and powerful guy is chasing him again, he has almost no chance of winning.

The only good news is that the other party and Giorno don't seem to be in the same group?

Bugarati saw everything that happened just now, and keenly discovered the problem.

So can this complex relationship be exploited?

Bugarati turned around suddenly and ran, but instead of running to the intersection, he ran to the wall.

And when he was about to hit the wall, he immediately swiped down with his right hand, drawing out a dimensional pocket with a zipper, and then he got into it immediately, all in one go.

When he passed by, the zipper was quickly closed, and then disappeared completely.

Abel didn't care when he saw this, he just smiled and said to Giorno: "Want to become a gangster superstar?"

Giorno: "."

Giorno felt as if he had been seen through by the other party, and he even spoke out his dream.

"Gustavers Abel, remember this name, I will come to you again."

After speaking, Abel stepped on the sky with his left foot and his right foot.

Well, in fact, he used moon steps and chased him directly from the air, which is how he came here just now.

"Who are you, Gustaves Abel?"

Giorno asked a question to himself, but it's a pity that he can't get the answer now.

Maybe the next time we meet, he will know.

The perspective turns to Buccarati again.

After passing through several walls, Bugarati finally came to the street, and there happened to be a man with his back turned to him.

He rushed over without thinking, first he swiped his hand on the man's back, and then his whole body got into the dimensional pocket on the man's back.

When the zipper was closed and disappeared completely, Bugarati just disappeared.

According to the thinking of normal people, who would have thought that he would hide in a person's body.

At the same time, he firmly believed that the other party would never be able to find him.

If he hid like this from the beginning, he would indeed have a chance to hide till the end.

But the problem is, Abel's knowledgeable domineering has been locked on him, and after flying into the air, he almost watched him finish all this.

What else is there to say.

No matter how subtle the concealment is, if it is carried out under the noses of others, it will become extremely stupid.

Abel stepped on the moon steps like this, and began to move on the top of various buildings, his knowledgeable domineering and eyes were always locked on the man in green clothes.

And the reason why he didn't catch Bugarati now and let him fulfill his bet.

Or because he also knows this kind of child's play bet, it is difficult to subdue it.

In addition, Bugarati has several companions, all of whom are stand-in messengers. It would be best if they could catch them all in one go.

After Bugarati felt that he had escaped, he would definitely join his companions.

The facts are just as Abel expected.

About an hour later, Bugarati, who felt that he had almost completely let go of the man, opened the zipper again, got out from behind the man in green clothes, then looked around, confirmed the location and safety, and then quickly walked towards a certain place. direction to leave.

Not long after, in a certain restaurant, Bugarati and four companions completed the rendezvous here.

"Buggarati? What's wrong with your face? By the way, didn't you go to investigate the matter of 'Tear Eye' Luca? Could it be that the person who attacked 'Tear Eye' Luca beat you like this? "

Wearing a turtleneck cashmere sweater, tiger-striped leather trousers and an odd hat, Mista started yelling.

But what is surprising is that amidst the yelling, he quickly deduced what might happen.

The rest of the people were also surprised, after all, Bugarati was their leader.

How could they convince them if they had no skills.

But now that Bugarati actually suffered in the hands of others?

After sitting down, Bugarati picked up a towel and wiped his face while telling about his experience today with a solemn expression.

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