There are four of Bugarati's subordinates, or companions.

In addition to the Mista just introduced, there are three other people, Pannakoda Fugo with an IQ of 152.

Leo Apache, who was a policeman before and fell for something.

and Naranja Gilka, a grumpy troubled teenager.

Finally, with Bugarati added, these five people form a team, and all members are stand-in messengers!

The companions were all quietly listening to Bugarati's narration, with serious faces.

But suddenly, Mista interrupted Bugarati, and said, "Is that mysterious guy with terrifying strength tall, handsome, and very white?"

Bugarati was taken aback for a moment, "Do you know this person?"

Mista didn't answer, but instead asked: "Are you sure you really got rid of that person?"

Bugarati replied subconsciously: "Of course."

Wait a moment!

Bugarat stood up abruptly, and turned his head to look in the direction of Mista's line of sight.

At the table not far from them, there was a person drinking black tea leisurely.

And when he looked over, the man raised his teacup and gestured to him with a smile on his face.

That's right, the person who appeared here was Abel who watched Bugarati walk into the restaurant all the way!

"Why is this guy here?!"

There was a crash.

The unbelievable Buccarati subconsciously took a step back nervously, but was stumbled by the chair. He reached out and wanted to support it on the table, but accidentally knocked over the teapot, making Apaki frown immediately.

Then Mista explained: "This person almost followed you into the restaurant. I didn't think too much about it at first, until you just said 'get rid of the other party', I just noticed that this person walked away. Shut up, it seems a little disdainful."

"That's why you asked me about the other person's appearance, and then confirmed it."

Buccarati forced himself to calm down, and then supplemented Mista's words.

Mista just nodded slightly, indicating that it was indeed the case.

"Hey, hey, there are five of us, no matter how powerful this guy is, he can't be our opponent."

"Or just kill him now!"

Naranja, who was studying mathematics, suddenly dropped his pen and was eager to try.

And Fugo, who was just teaching Nalanja to learn two-digit multiplication, quickly grabbed the impulsive Nalanja.

"Don't worry, let's see what Bugarati said first? And even if you really want to do it, you can't do it here. There are too many people here."

"Fugo is right, what do you think, Bugarati?" Apache also agreed with this point of view.

Bugarati frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he took a deep breath, and finally walked in the direction of Abel.

After the rest of the people looked at each other, they all tacitly prepared for the worst.

If Bugarati's "negotiations" are unsuccessful, conflicts may break out immediately, and they must prepare for support in advance.

Moreover, once you make a move, you can no longer consider other things, you must go all out and kill with one blow!

Because through Bucciarati's narration just now, they also have a partial understanding of the strength of the enemy they are about to face.

At least Bucciarati is not the kind of person who likes to exaggerate the facts, let alone deliberately exaggerate the strength of the enemy for his own defeat.

"We meet again, sit down."

"After running for so long, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something first?"

When he was talking, the steak he ordered had already been served, so Abel simply motioned for Bucciarati to sit down, while he picked up the knife and fork and began to cut gracefully.

Even the clothes of ordinary civilians can't hide his appearance that is comparable to that of readers and friends, and his temperament that is not ordinary at first glance!

Bugarati said he had no appetite.

That's right, after being beaten up one after another, how can I have the appetite to eat? What a big heart!

Abel didn't force it, and while dealing with the steak on the plate, he asked casually: "Why, don't you continue to escape? Or have you chosen to admit defeat?"

"Before I don't know what method you used to find me, the result is the same if you continue. Of course, this does not mean that I have given up."

Seeing that this guy was still talking hard, Abel didn't continue to go around in circles with him, and said bluntly: "Come with me, it's time for the Italian mafia to change."

"Do you know what the hell you're talking about?"

At this moment, Bugarati looked at Abel as if he was looking at a neuropathy.

Abel answered the wrong question, "Don't you want to change? As far as I know, your parents were silenced because they witnessed the 'flour' trade, and you also hate the harm this thing has brought to the people here. But The gang you belong to now has also started to conduct transactions in this area."


"Enough! Who are you? Why do you know my past?"

When mentioning 'Flour' and the tragic death of his parents, Bugarati's complexion instantly became very ugly. He could no longer keep calm and slapped his hands heavily on the table.

Seeing this, Mista and the others who were waiting in full force stood up immediately and made moves to draw their guns, but they were stopped by Bugarati with a gesture.

And Abel was still tasting the steak leisurely, completely unmoved.

To be honest, there are several reasons why he was the first to win over Bucciarati instead of the "protagonist" Giorno Giobana.

First, Bugarati has a clear mind, a high sense of responsibility and leadership. Still very loyal, of course, before knowing that the organization started selling 'flour'.

Second, Bugarati is deeply used and trusted by the organization, and he knows a lot of intelligence information. If he uses it well, he can gradually disintegrate Diablo's subordinates and forces.

Third, as long as Bugarati is captured, it is very likely that he will reap the entire team he is in and get five stand-in messengers as helpers. On the contrary, the betrayal of the Bugarati team can also bring a lot of losses to the [Enthusiasm] organization.

Under the ebb and flow, the difficulty of the task will be greatly reduced.

Fourth, if Abel wants to become the godfather of the largest gang in Italy, of course he needs some trustworthy and capable people to help him achieve his goal. How many years can he complete by himself?

To sum up, Bugarati is a very useful tool man.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, Abel didn't want to kill anyone.

"What's the name of the second largest mafia organization here?"

Although he didn't know why he asked such an inexplicable question, Bugarati answered it with a cold face.


"Oh, for a formal introduction, I am Camorra's new godfather——Abel."

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