Does this person have a brain problem?

Abel's words directly made Bugarati impossible.

Because Camorra is a family-run mafia, all the people in power are members of the Camorra family, and he has never heard that the Camorra family has a godfather named Abel, and he is so fucking young!

Bugarati seriously suspected that the mysterious guy in front of him might not be as old as him.

So the godfather?

Do not make jokes.

If the other mafia found out that Camorra has a young godfather who is less than 20 years old, it is estimated that it will spread throughout Italy that day and become the laughing stock of all gangsters!

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Abel didn't explain it. After all, at this moment, he really wasn't.

But after tonight, not necessarily.

"Remember to read the newspaper tomorrow, and don't forget the bet between us, you lost."

"I'll give you three days to deal with everything and come to me, or you will be at your own risk."

Just as he finished eating the steak, Abel wiped his mouth gracefully with a napkin, then got up and left.

He has already made up his mind, and he will start with the second-ranked Camorra first.

And the reason for asking the second question is, of course, because the biggest gangster here is [Enthusiasm] where Bugarati and the others work!

It's not yet time to start with it.

Buccarati looked a little cloudy because of Abel's last words.

Obviously, the other party will not let him go so easily.

Just when he was upset, the conversations of the Mistas over there suddenly caught his attention.

"Huh? What is this? It hurts."

Naranja suddenly pulled out a slender ice spike from the back of his hand, feeling a little inexplicable.

The weather outside is as hot as a fire, where does the ice come from? How did it get stuck in his hand?

Nalanja was puzzled, and then noticed that Fuge had an identical ice spike stuck around his neck.

"Foog! Fog! Look! You have it on your neck too!"

Fuge was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch it, and there really was it!

Immediately afterwards, both Mista and Apache found the same ice spikes on different parts of their bodies.

"Buggarati, let's see if you have any on your body?"

Bugarati's face tightened, and he quickly checked himself, and then found an ice thorn stuck on the 'heart-shaped' skin exposed on his chest at an unknown time.

Then he hurried to the seat where Abel was sitting just now, and looked at the table.

I saw an Arabic numeral 3 frozen on the plate with ice!

Obviously reminding him that there are only three days.

At this moment, everyone realized that this was definitely not a coincidence, but a warning!

Because they have already confirmed that this is an ordinary ice thorn without any toxins.

But the frightening thing is that none of them know when they got the trick!

This time it was a small ice spike, so what about next time?

Could it be a long needle contaminated with poison?

Or a sharp knife that cut their throats and pierced their hearts?

Everyone's complexion became unsightly.

This warning hovered over their heads like the sword of Damocles.

It also made the hearts of those who were just about to do it chill!

Thanks to the scruples about the crowds here before, I didn't do anything, otherwise I'm afraid the consequences will be irreparable.

"No one should tell what happened today."

After the silence, Bugarati immediately exhorted.

When everyone heard the words, they nodded in unison.

Although it is not clear what Bugarati is going to do, they will definitely keep their mouths in check and will not cause trouble.

It's just that when they checked out, they were taught another lesson!

"Why so much money?"

Looking at the long bill, several people looked a little worried.

Although they don't bully ordinary people like other gangsters, eat bully meals and the like, it doesn't mean they like being tricked.

It's just that the restaurant manager's explanation made them speechless.

"That's right, the guest who just sat here said it was charged to your account."


Buccarati's face turned dark and scary, "Even if it's a pot of black tea and a steak, it won't cost the money, right?"

"Uh, I really don't need one, but that customer ordered 100 steaks and 100 pizzas at the beginning." (the most expensive kind)

The restaurant manager also said in a difficult way.


At this moment, Bugarati and the others cursed in their hearts at the same time, swearing at their hometown!

This is so shameless!

It's fine to eat and drink for free, but you still have the face to pack it?

And a hundred steaks and a hundred pizzas? Don't be afraid to die!

It's really as if their money is blown by the wind!

"Bill, please!"

Buccarati almost gritted his teeth and said these two words, and at the same time, he sprayed Abel in his heart at least a hundred times.

When they walked out of the restaurant, the manager of the restaurant was still smiling, probably very happy in his heart.

And Nalanja said very displeased: "Why do we have to settle that guy's account?"

"Don't talk about it, just think of it as spending money to buy peace of mind."

It's not that Bugarati didn't know that he could not give the money at all, but firstly, he was not this kind of person, and secondly, he wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

At least he paid for the meal, and when we meet again next time, he will have something to talk about.

So it's just a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.

Of course, being unhappy is definitely still very unpleasant.

Subconsciously touching his shriveled wallet, Bugarati left alone with a blank expression.

"Buggarati, isn't your house over there?"

"Don't go home yet, find a place to earn some extra money."

"Uh, fine."

Mista and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and then went back to their respective homes.

. . . . . . .

The next day, Giorno Ciobana was still driving his own car, looking for thugs near the airport.

It's just that today he doesn't know why, and he always looks absent-minded.

Occasionally, when looking around, they are extremely vigilant.

As if scaring himself.

"It's totally impossible to go on like this. Forget it, just treat yourself as a day off."

Giorno said something to himself, then kicked away the stones under his feet, and sat in the driver's seat again.

But just as he was about to leave, the door of the rear seat was suddenly opened.

Someone got in the car.

"Sorry, guest, I've already called it a day." Giorno said subconsciously.

"Call work not long after the sun came out, are you in a hurry to become a gangster superstar?"

Giorno was stunned for a moment, and then saw the person coming through the rearview mirror.

"It's you?!"

"I told you, I'll be back with you soon."

The image of Abel sitting in the back seat of the car is completely different from yesterday.

The civilian clothes on his body have all been replaced by classic suits, and it is still a white suit that is difficult for ordinary people to control!

Abel, who was dressed up like this, was getting more and more powerful.

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