Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 674 Who is in favor and who is against?

Giorno really thought he was going to GG at first, and was thinking about how to use the ability of [Golden Experience] to escape.

As a result, Mr. Abel changed his attitude with just one sentence, and invited them in respectfully.

Even though there are still two corpses lying at the gate of the manor

what is this?

Could it be that Mr. Abel's identity is very unusual?

It's not impossible.

No wonder he dared to do such a thing because he was full of confidence.

This discovery also made Giorno really relax a lot.

But the fact is that he is still too young and happy too early.

After escorting the two of them all the way to the outside of the reception room in the manor, the team leader finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The boss is waiting for the two of you inside, so I will leave first."

In the mafia, the leader is called the boss, the boss or Don.

Abel nodded slightly, "Has anyone ever said that you look ugly when you smile?"

The small captain felt aggrieved, the ugly smile on his face froze all of a sudden, he didn't know whether to put it away.

Abel sighed, "Forget it, don't laugh next time, it's too scary."

The squad leader nodded quickly, returning to his cold poker face.

Well, that's right.

Abel pushed the door open with satisfaction, and didn't even bother to knock on the door.

Giorno followed closely behind.

Inside, because Abel's true identity was not known, almost all important figures from Camorra were present for the sake of insurance.

"Welcome both of you. I am Kamo LS Sam, the current boss of the Camorra family. You can call me Sam. Please sit down."

An old man in his 40s or 50s introduced himself enthusiastically and reservedly, and then everyone in the room looked at Abel and Giorno.

Because at this time it was their turn to declare themselves.

"Gustaves Abel, you can call me Godfather Abel. I declare that starting today, Camorra will be under my control."

"Everyone here, who is in favor and who is against?"


Deathly silence!

Everyone in the room was stunned, for a moment they couldn't tell whether the other party was joking or crazy.

First of all, the name Gustaves Abel is very strange to them, and no one has ever heard of it.

Secondly, the word "Godfather" in the Mafia is a sacred and solemn identity.

It is the highest position above all mafia families.

It's not something that can be joked about casually.

In the end, even if the real godfather of the 11-member committee arrives, he has no right to directly seize control of the entire Camorra.

So... Sure enough, this person is a lunatic who came to find fault!

After completing the mental construction, the smile on Kamo LS's face has turned into a half-hearted smile.

"Are you joking? If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, the two of you will never get out of here alive later."

"So you objected?"

Abel sighed suddenly, then made a pistol shape with his right hand, aiming at Kamo LSmu.

Seeing this, the people in the room burst into laughter.

"He didn't think it was a child's game of pretending to be housewine."

"This guy might be mentally ill."

"Aren't you afraid of being pointed at by a 'gun'?"

"Scared, of course I'm afraid, I'm so scared to death, hahahahaha!"


Abel laughed too, and deliberately simulated the sound of a gunshot with his mouth.

As a result, the next moment, everyone's laughter stopped abruptly, as if they were being strangled by their necks.

Because Kamo Lsim's skull was directly lifted by a huge force, white and red splashed out, and everyone collapsed everywhere, and then the whole person just fell down on the sofa without breathing.

"It seems that I accidentally used more strength."

Abel was a little annoyed and regretful.

It had been a long time since he learned the Navy Six.

For a genius, it's not too much to develop the extended skill of the flying finger gun casually, right?

Well, he admitted that it was not a flying finger gun, but an armed domineering attack, that is, Liu Ying!

"Okay, who else is against it now?"

Abel's words finally awakened everyone present.

"Be careful! There are snipers!"

"No wonder this guy has nothing to worry about. We may have been surrounded by armed forces."

"Soldier, where are our soldiers?"

"Catch these two bastards, I will cut them to pieces."

. . . . . .

In an instant, a large number of mafia members broke in, and countless guns were aimed at Abel and Giorno.

Giorno was stunned, he didn't understand why it was fine just now, and suddenly a war broke out.

This seems to be different from the gangster life he imagined.

Then he saw Mr. Abel take off his white suit unhurriedly under many gunpoints, and then threw it into his arms.

"Hold it for me. The clothes I just bought yesterday will be bad if they get bloody."

"Is this the time to think about clothes?!"

Giorno shouted in his heart.

However, his movements were not slow, and he immediately hid in a corner. If something bad happened, he was ready to run away immediately.

After all, he wouldn't just catch up with him for the guy he just met for the second time, and fight to the death with the terrible Camorra.

But what happened next was completely beyond his imagination.

"It seems that you all made the wrong choice."

After shaking his head slightly, Abel just snapped his fingers lightly.

The members of the Camorra family, who thought this move was a signal to the people outside, immediately shouted: "Fire, kill them!"

It's a pity that his order was a little late.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's early or late, because it won't change the final result.

Poof, poof, poof, poof

Countless ice spears pierced the people in the room from all directions in the room.

In just an instant, all the mafia armed personnel in the room were wiped out, forming a hornet's nest.

Among them, dozens of ice spears "coincidentally" stabbed at Giorno, but stopped at the last moment.

The scared Giorno was covered in cold sweat on his face and back.

Even if he called out the [Golden Experience] urgently, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to survive just now.

Because [Golden Experience] can at most help him smash attacks from one direction, and there is no way to block the ice spear behind him at the same time.

This kind of attack is too terrible, as expected, Mr. Abel also has that ability

Just when Giorno started to think wildly, the ice spear in the room suddenly shattered into ice crystals all over the ground at the same time.

Giorno finally heaved a sigh of relief when the danger was lifted. His back felt chilly, and even his clothes were wet with sweat just now.

And Abel walked over, knocked on the table politely, and signaled the person hiding under the table to come out.

"I think there should be no objection to my proposal just now."

Abel said with a smile on his face.

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