Under Abel's snap of his fingers just now, almost 90% of the important members of the Camorra family died.

And the remaining two or three small dried fish really found themselves able to take the lead after getting over the initial panic!

In the past, no matter whether it was power, status, or wealth in the family, they could not get the big head.

After all, even the important members are divided into three, six, and nine ranks. Obviously, these "ninth ranks" were deliberately left by Abel after he entered the room to observe.

Whether it is for their lives or their interests, they naturally have no second choice.

As for whether there will be some small tricks secretly, and whether doing so will lay mines for future development, he doesn't care much.

Anyway, as long as he completes the content of the wish order, he will leave this world.

At that time, let's not care about the flood!

"How to explain, I don't need to teach you."

Abel sat on the only clean sofa in the room and lit an afterthought cigarette.

"No, no, we will explain clearly to everyone that Sam and others died because they were attacked by hostile organizations, so they ended up like this."

A woman with heavy make-up hastily said flatteringly.

"Rival organization, for example?"

Abel seemed suddenly interested.

Seeing this, the woman quickly lowered her body, and while showing more of her career line, said a few names.

Those are the forces that usually have some grievances with Camorra.

But they failed to get a response from Abel, and even the hot figure she tried to show was turned a blind eye.

The woman was a little depressed, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, and finally gave a correct answer that satisfied Abel.


"Very well, it seems that you already know who the enemy is. So, how will you introduce my existence to people outside?"

"Of course you are leading us to take revenge on the 'Zest' organization, our only Godfather."

The woman tactfully knelt down and lowered her head to show her loyalty.

At this time, if she still doesn't know what this 'Godfather' who came to her door is going to do, then she might as well just find a piece of tofu and kill him on the spot!

It's just that the 'Passionate' organization, as the most powerful mafia in this region, is not so easy to deal with.

Camorra, or most of the mafia in Italy are managed by families.

But this is not the case with the "Passionate" organization. Its boss, Diablo, has been hiding behind the scenes, not to mention his whereabouts. A photo was circulated.

It can be said to be extremely vigilant and cautious!

Dealing with such an enemy is not easy.

Even if you want to repeat the same trick, it is impossible.

But as a person who just gave her loyalty and knowledge, how could she say those depressing words at this time and pour cold water on the godfather?

On the premise of ensuring her own life, she only needs to do her part well.

Abel stood up satisfied, took his suit from Giorno and put it on, "I hope to see Camorra's attitude in today's evening newspaper."

"Yes, Godfather. Your will is the direction in which we are going!"

When he followed Abel and walked out of Camorra Manor, Giorno, who had watched a big show, hadn't recovered yet.

That Camorra, who was notorious enough to stop a child from crying, actually changed hands like this?

He seriously doubted whether he was dreaming or not.

Otherwise, it would be too easy, a little child's play.

When getting into the car, Giorno couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Abel, after you killed so many of them, don't you worry that they are actually pretending to offer their loyalty and then waiting for an opportunity to take revenge?"

Anyway, for Giorno himself, if he killed so many people, he would definitely not dare to continue to use the other party's people.

But Abel's answer was laughing, and then he patted Giorno on the shoulder, and said in a joking tone: "Then kill them all, and replace them with a batch of tool people, isn't it all right?"

"As long as I can achieve my purpose, I don't care who I use. If anyone wants revenge, then just come to me."

"At that time, whether it is poisoning or assassination, as long as I think it can kill me like this, I welcome it at any time."

What a boldness this is!

Giorno was shocked by Abel's answer for a moment.

But in fact, there is only one reason why Abel has the confidence to pick peaches, absolute strength!

He is very sure that the weapons and armed forces mastered by these mafias cannot threaten him at all.

That being the case, why bother to start from scratch?

That's just making yourself uncomfortable.

"By the way, where's the pizza for you?"

After getting in the car, Abel seemed to suddenly remember and asked a question.

Giorno didn't know why he said "Here it is", and then Abel took it over naturally, opened the box, and then picked up a piece and put it in his mouth

"Hey, although it's getting colder, we can only make do with it first."


Giorno was speechless, isn't this pizza his fare? Why did you bring it back?

And I don't know why, seeing Abel eating like a big meal, he really feels a little hungry.

Shall I take a piece?

Just as he was hesitating, Giorno noticed in a blink of an eye that there was only a small piece of pizza left in such a large box of pizza.

"Leave me a piece!"

Giorno, who was really hungry, didn't care about being reserved, and immediately reached out to grab the last piece of pizza, and it was the one with the most cheese and the richest.

It's a pity that no matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than Abel.

When Giorno stretched out his hand, the pizza had already been stuffed into his mouth with a jingle.

"Huh? What did you just say?"

Abel chewed and swallowed the pizza two or three times, and then began to play dumb.

Come, come, this is the feeling!

Giorno gritted his teeth.


"Oh, then hurry up and drive."



What can Giorno do?

Can't do anything, at most it's incompetent and furious.

Angry stomach hurts, forget it.

But when he started the car and was driving on the road, he suddenly heard a sound from the back seat of the car that made his heart beat faster.

"Giorno, are you interested in being my agent?"

squeak --

Giorno's heart beat faster and at the same time he mistook the brake for the accelerator and stepped on it, causing the car to stop suddenly in the middle of the road, causing the driver of the vehicle that almost hit him to yell at him.

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