"Well, I said, Bucciarati. You've read the newspaper all day, and you don't really believe that guy can make any big news, do you?"

"Let me tell you, that guy was deliberately using this method to attract your attention yesterday. Those ice needles should be some kind of cover-up, just like the magic on TV."

In a private private room, the table in front of Bugarati was filled with various newspapers, and even those tabloids that sold poorly on weekdays were all bought by him.

It was just a waste of a day, and he didn't find what he wanted on it.

So much so that the Naranja people who had been here with him for a day became a little impatient.

But only Bugarati did not give up, because his experience and intuition told him that the other party was not lying, and something big would happen today.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door immediately outside.

"Mr. Bucciarati, today's evening paper has arrived, and it seems that something extraordinary has happened."

"Take it here!"

Bugarati's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to walk over and take all the newspapers.

It turned out that the first newspaper above published what he wanted!

"The base camp of Camorra was attacked by mysterious forces, and important personnel suffered heavy casualties! "

"The Camorra family officially announces to welcome the new godfather!" "

The Manifesto of Father Abel: War on the Passions! "

. . . . . .

Like a madman, Bugarati extracted the above key information one by one, and then summed up two important information.

One is that the base camp of Camorra suffered a very violent attack, and many people died.

Second, the guy from yesterday turned into Camorra's godfather today? !

It was really hard for him not to link these two things together.

Plus yesterday's inquiry

He began to reasonably suspect that the person who called the door today was very likely to be the person yesterday, and then controlled the entire Camorra by some means.

While becoming the godfather, he poured sewage on the "enthusiasm" organization, took the opportunity to divert conflicts, and agreed to the outside world.

It's really a good plan!

It's just that this kind of thing is easy to say, but it is even more difficult to really want to do it.

Even a stand-in envoy would be easily killed by modern weapons.

This is also the reason why the boss will not easily send them out.

So these newspapers can be said to have revealed the powerful strength of that person more sideways.

"Is today April Fool's Day? This is too exaggerated."

"Why did you declare war on us? Could it be that the boss really sent someone to do it?"

"This is obviously a frame-up!"

"It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is what to do with the bet between Bugarati and the other party now? The other party obviously won't just let it go."

"Why don't you just ask your superiors for help, and let those big shots take care of it."

"Come on, don't you think you have no brains to put your life in the hands of others?"

"Ah! You dare to say that I have no brains, I will fight with you!"

"That's enough, don't make trouble anymore, is it a headache if you don't see Bugarati?"

. . . . . .

When the noise finally ended, Bugarati suddenly asked a question that surprised everyone.

"If, I mean if. If I choose to fulfill that agreement, will you all be willing to leave with me?"

It can be said that this team was established by Bugarati himself, and he has a deep bond with everyone.

So he also wanted to see everyone's options before making a final decision.

Mista and the others were stunned and began to look at each other.

The heartless Naranja was the first to answer, and Naranja put his hands behind his head and said indifferently: "Where are Bugarati and Fugo, I will be there. "

Fugo was the one who brought him to Buccarati.

And Bugarati is comparable to his parents.

So under this kind of kindness, Naranja himself doesn't care where to go, it all depends on Bugarati and Fugo.

They stay, and he stays.

If the two of them choose to leave, he will follow.

Fuge, who was caught by the cue, replied: "Are you crazy, do you know how many stand-in messengers like us are under the boss's hands?"

"Once we find out that we have betrayed and left, they will definitely send them to hunt us down. What will we do then?"

"Buggarati, I know that you have been secretly investigating the organization of selling 'flour' recently, but ideals alone cannot survive in this world."

"So no matter what your final decision is, I will not leave, I choose to stay."

Fugo's answer made everyone fall into deep thought.

Because what he said was right, it was because of understanding that he was afraid.

Leaving is not as simple as just leaving.

In the mafia, betrayal is the most intolerable thing.

And is it necessary to trust a stranger who has only met once?

They don't even know what the other party is doing or what purpose they have.

But unexpectedly, Fugo's words made the heart hesitate, and the vacillating Buccarati made up his mind.

Afterwards, apart from Leo Apache, who made it clear that he would go forward and retreat with Bucgarati, only Mista remained and did not express his position.

But after watching Mista joke and express his inner thoughts in a joking tone, everyone knew that what he wanted to see most was to be with everyone, but if he had to choose, he would most likely follow Bugarati leaves.

This is where the charm of Bucciarati's personality lies.

At this point, Bugarati knew it well.

The day passed quickly.

When the sun rose again, Bugarati found Giorno in the old place.

In other words, Giorno has been waiting for him here.

"Oh it's you."

After the meeting, although Giorno was a little surprised, he quickly figured out the key point and understood Mr. Abel's intentions.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"That's right, it's just that I didn't expect you to be the one waiting at first."

Giorno's answer couldn't help but make Bugarat raise his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"I came to you to meet 'that person'."

Giorno nodded not at all surprised, "Get in the car, Mr. Abel's manor in Camorra has prepared a banquet."

it is as expected!

There was a gleam in Bugarati's eyes, and he got into Giorno's car without hesitation.

The two of them fought to the death the day before yesterday.

As a result, I got into a car today, and it is even very likely that we will work together in the future.

I have to say that fate is really amazing.

What's more interesting is that even though the two have played against each other and confronted each other, from the bottom of their hearts, they don't hate each other, but agree with each other.

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