Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 678 Backlash and Appreciation

Not long after, the car drove into the Camorra Manor smoothly.

When the two entered, they happened to see several corpses being lifted out of it.

Obviously, the shortcomings of adopting this kind of iron-blooded method to get the upper hand have begun to appear.

Not everyone is so easy to fool, and there are always some guys who are loyal to the original owner.

If Abel was an ordinary person, he would have died dozens of times by now.

But it's a pity that Abel has overcome all these unsightly tricks.



If there are any means, use them all.

In the banquet hall, Bugarati finally saw that person again.

And compared to the last time, the power on the opponent's body has become stronger, just a look, it actually made his breathing become heavy.

"Buggarati, you are finally here, sit down."

"Notify the following, let's get started."

After Abel finished his greeting lightly, the interesting thing is that the coercion also disappeared.

Immediately, delicate and expensive dishes were served on the table.

After the dishes were ready, Abel said as if joking: "Because the methods used before were a little more intense, there should be quite a few people in this manor who want to kill me now. I'm not sure about the dishes and drinks. Whether there is any poison in it or not, everyone can ask for blessings."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the uneasy faces of very few people and started to eat directly.

And as if he was afraid that the poison would not kill him, he tasted almost every dish and drank a lot of red wine.

Seeing this, Bugarati thought he was testing his guts.

In addition, Abel had eaten one by one, he thought it should be fine, so he started to prepare something to eat.

But just as his fork was stretched out and aimed at a certain dish, Abel's voice sounded at the right time.

"Well, the Neapolitan grilled lobster tastes really good, but the heat is a bit off. It should be to prevent the poison inside from volatilizing, so the amount and time of grilling with wine are specially shortened. I personally don't recommend this dish. "

"The Milleste macaroni next to it is relatively better, because the poison inside is a compound poison, which needs to be drawn out by red wine, so as long as you don't drink alcohol, you won't die from the poison."

"And that Osbrook knuckle over there"

As if suddenly interested, Abel began to conduct an extremely professional tasting of the dishes on this table.

Especially the poison in it, he is almost familiar with it, and he still thinks about it from time to time.

The people around were so frightened that they fell to their knees one after another. After such a big mess, one can imagine what will happen to them.

On the contrary, those people with ulterior motives now showed incredible doubts on their faces, and then turned into resentment.

They couldn't figure out why the various poisons collected from the black market couldn't poison the other party to death?

They obviously put it in with their own hands, and watched each other eat it with their own eyes.

Was it dropped in the middle?

Their actions have long been discovered?

"Go to hell!"

A few people who couldn't bear it rushed over immediately, picked up the knife and fork on the table, and stabbed Abel's vitals.

But in the next moment, their movements were all frozen in place, and they were eroded by a gust of cold air into lifelike ice sculptures.

At the same time, Abel was still cutting the steak on the plate unhurriedly, and then put it in his mouth.

"Well, sure enough, it's more fragrant with the addition of ingredients."

"Notify Stella to clean up the trash."

Soon a group of people came in and carried away all the ice sculptures.

"Eat, what's the matter, doesn't it suit your appetite?"

Giorno and Bucciarati put down the tableware silently, and said in unison: "I ate before I came here."

"Well, it's really not good luck."

Abel shook his head regretfully.

Giorno and Buccarati said in their hearts: "They are really not blessed with this kind of food."

Although they also doubted whether these dishes were really poisonous, why Abel was fine after eating them.

But let them taste it for themselves, they will definitely not make fun of their own lives.

So this banquet became Abel eating alone, and everyone else was watching.

Finally waited until the meal was over.

Abel took them elsewhere.

"Looks like you already have the answer, Bucciarati."

After lighting a cigarette for himself, Abel said straight to the point.

"Before I give an answer, I want to confirm one thing with your Excellency. Can what I want really be changed?"

Bugarati's expression was very serious.

He doesn't care about his own safety, he just wants to know if he can achieve his goal by jumping here from the Enthusiasm organization.

If not, why did he go through all this trouble?

The answer given by Abel is: "In my jurisdiction, anyone who dares to touch 'flour' is up to you. If you can't handle it, come to me and I will uproot them."

This sentence is enough.

Bugarati obviously relaxed a lot.

At the same time, this is also the first one who dares to promise him like this. Boss!

"Can I trust you? Boss."

"Time will prove everything."

In this way, Bugarati gave his own answer, and also brought good news that he would try his best to bring the entire team over.

In addition, it is the valuable information he knows about the 'Passionate' organization.

"Buggarati, from now on you will be Camorra's staff officer, and Giorno will be my agent, you must cooperate well."

In the mafia, the staff or consultant is also a very important position, usually held by the boss's most trusted cronies.

Not only responsible for mediating disputes within the family, but also serving as the agent, the second boss's guard, whose main task is to 'legitimize' all specific actions of the family.

Therefore, there is a natural cooperative relationship between the consultant and the agent, and both prosper and lose.

Now the stage, Abel has set them up.

As for how wonderful the performance can be, it depends on themselves.

So when driving away from the manor, Bugarati suddenly suggested: "Find a place to eat first? Then I will introduce you to a few people."

Giorno nodded, "I happen to be a little hungry too."

The same encounter before gave them a common topic, and it was also the basis for cultivating tacit understanding and trust.

In addition, since we will act together in the future, some things still need to be agreed in advance.

Furthermore, those subordinates of Bugarati are not easy to get along with.

Bugarati also needs to let the two parties meet in advance to see if everyone gets along.

Even if he made up his mind to leave, he wouldn't cheat his own people.

If it doesn't work, we can only get together and get together, just like Fuge.

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