Even when Giorno was undergoing the test of apa tea, Abel was not idle.

He found an address based on Camorra's intelligence network and information provided by Bugarati.

Boom, boom!

Abel knocked on the door very politely, and under his knowledgeable and domineering perception, not only were there people, but there were many people inside.

He even knew that someone was watching him through the cat's eyes at this very moment.

But there was no response to his knock on the door.

The corners of Abel's mouth turned up slightly, showing an elusive smile, and then lightly tapped his finger on the door.

The piercing cold instantly froze the entire door.

Then he tapped again, and the entire door shattered into ice crystals all over the place.

"It turns out there are people inside, I thought I found the wrong place."

Looking at the extremely vigilant people in the room, the smile on Abel's face grew wider.

"Who are you?"

The people in the room did not act rashly, because the ability shown by the other party just now has proved that they are not ordinary people.

Coupled with their current embarrassing situation, if they do it without asking, they may be liquidated.

But after all the questions, there were two people who had tacitly blocked the door and surrounded them.

As long as you wait for the next move, it will definitely make it hard to fly.

If so many people hit one, can there still be problems?

Abel didn't care about their overreaction either. He walked in, sat on the sofa, and lit a cigarette for Nature as if he was going back to his own home.

"Have you read all the newspapers yesterday? My name is Gustavers Abel, and I am the new godfather of Camorra. You can also call me Godfather Abel."

What Abel said made everyone in the room stunned. They thought about many possibilities, but they never thought that the other party would be the godfather of a hostile organization?

Is this a joke?

Although yesterday's newspaper, they also saw it, and even talked about it for a while.

But the other party dared to come here alone, do you really think they dare not kill people?

In the silence, the leader sneered first, and said: "Even if you are really the godfather of Camorra, so what? Since you can find this place, you should know what we are doing. I have to say, your The courage is really great, so big that Camorra will welcome a new godfather soon."

Facing the other party's threat, Abel was unmoved, "Hehe, don't say such scary words. As far as I know, although you are the most elite assassination team of the 'Zest' organization, it seems that you are not affected by it. The trust and respect of the boss."

"Nonsense! If that's all your last words are, you can die."

"You should be the leader of this assassination team? Put away those boring temptations, or are you already so afraid of your boss whose real identity no one knows? I came here specially today, but I never thought of recruiting a group of people." Poor frightened wretch."

Under Abel's ridicule, the expressions of the rest of the people were a little angry. If their boss, Lisut Nero, hadn't spoken, they would have wanted to kill each other a long time ago.

At this time, Risut, who had gray hair and eyebrows, and was wearing a black hat, seemed to be sure that the other party was not the person sent by the boss to test them, so he asked, "I now believe that you are the godfather of Camorra, So what is the purpose of your visit today? Want to recruit us? Don't you think it's too ridiculous?"

Abel did indeed smile, but it was just a sneer, "Solicitation? Maybe I did think about it before I came here. But now, after seeing you people, I have changed my mind."

"Death is imminent but you don't know it. The only life is in front of you but you don't know how to fight for it. No wonder Diablo never trusts you. I probably know the reason now."

"Wish ya'll good luck."

Abel extinguished the cigarette directly on the table, then got up and was about to leave.

But what he said deeply hurt the people in the room.

"Come when you want, leave when you want?"

The irritable and irritable Jiaqiu couldn't bear it any longer, so he did it directly.

His double [White Album] appears as an outer armor formed by condensing air, which can block bullets. There are skates under the feet that can be used for fast skating.

When his substitute appeared, the temperature around him began to drop instantly, even the air froze.

But this kind of ice ability is purely for nothing in front of Abel!

Not only was Abel not affected in any way, he also shattered the ice armor on Jiaqiu's body with a single punch, and while the opponent was bending over to vomit, he stretched out his hand and pinched the opponent's head, and lifted it into the air.

Click, click.

With just a little force, the helmet on Jiaqiu's head instantly shattered.

Just when Jiaqiu's head was about to be crushed, the others finally reacted from the huge shock, shouting and trying to save him.

But all their attacks failed to hit the target, and they were bounced away by the invisible air wall!

That's actually Abel's aggressiveness!

After several experiments, he has figured out some rules.

That is, when the armed arrogance is only protected on the surface, it cannot completely prevent the abilities of other stand-in messengers from taking effect.

But if you use Liu Ying's skills to release it, it is equivalent to adding a layer of isolation protection shield outside your body.

In this way, many substitute abilities cannot affect him.

Even Risut's attempt to use his stand-in ability to create iron products in Abel's body failed.

Not to mention the rest.


After discovering that his ability was ineffective against the opponent, Risut immediately stopped the conflict to prevent the conflict from expanding.

"Sorry, this is actually a misunderstanding. Can you let him go first? I promise that no one will stop you from leaving."

Risut's sudden apology made the partners all look surprised.

But a few smart guys vaguely guessed the reason why Risut did this, and their expressions immediately became serious.


Abel glanced at the guy whose eyeballs were about to pop out of his hand, and threw it away in disdain.

Then he took out a business card from his pocket and threw it to Risut.

"If you want to know Diablo's true identity, come to Camorra's manor tomorrow to find me, and you won't wait when it's over."

After leaving such a sentence, Abel left directly.

But this time, no one dared to stop him.

Only the people in the room looked at Risut with uncertain expressions.

After Abel's figure completely disappeared, Risut finally gave his reasons.

"My metal products didn't have any effect on that guy just now, as if something blocked my substitute ability."

"Since the other party is aware of our existence, he still dares to come here alone. Obviously, he has absolute confidence in his own strength."

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