Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 680 The boss has a daughter

The assassination team led by Risut Nero has always been in an embarrassing position in the organization because it is not trusted and valued by the boss.

In order to change this situation, they chose to take risks to investigate the true identity of the boss Diablo.

As a result, the two members, Gerrard and Solby, were tortured and mutilated, and then packaged into a courier and mailed to them.

This is undoubtedly the warning given to them by boss Diablo.

At this point, the seeds of hatred were completely planted.

But because Diablo still needs the assassination team to handle the dirty work for him that can't be put on the table for the time being, he didn't completely clean up the rest of the members.

Risut and the others also became low-key and honest, and never mentioned the two dead people again, and they dared not continue the investigation.

It seems that the relationship between the two parties has become harmonious again.

But in fact, Risut is very clear that this peace is only false and short-lived.

The boss may attack them at any time, and it is impossible for them to live in the shadow of the boss so uselessly.

It's just that they need a chance.

Originally, they thought that this opportunity would help them investigate the true face of the boss and get rid of him.

But now, it seems that a brand new opportunity is in front of them.

The man named Abel, who claimed to be the godfather, seemed to know Diablo's true identity clearly.

And the purpose of finding them at the beginning seems to be to recruit them.

Regarding the matter of betraying the organization, they had reached a consensus long ago, but there was always a lack of an opportunity, so there was nothing to hesitate.

The only question is whether this guy can be trusted.

In addition, the meeting this time seems to be not very pleasant.

. . . . . .

After a day of struggling, Risut decided to take the business card to see the other party first.

After all, the temptation of the boss's true identity is too great for them.

And they are also unwilling to be lonely.

If you can get more benefits and status after quitting, and you can take revenge on the boss Diablo, then what if you become a killing tool in the hands of another person!

Anyway, this kind of life has long been something they have become accustomed to. Working for someone is not a part-time job.

They just want a fair and not be excluded.

So when Abel saw Risut again, he was not surprised.

"Looks like you've already made up your mind."

Risut took a deep breath and said, "I know what you want, but I also have conditions."

"Tell me."

"I want a fair chance to compete!"

"that is it?"

"This is enough, because whether it is money, status, or rights, I will fight for it with my own hands. I will get back the corresponding rewards no matter how much I pay!"

In Risut's eyes, Abel seemed to see a flame called ambition burning.

In fact, if you think about what happened to this guy, you will know that they are usually doing any dangerous work, assassinating enemies and obstacles one after another for the organization.

As a result, they were always the ones who were ignored when it came time to discuss meritorious deeds and rewards.

Just because they do the dirty work, they won't be trusted by anyone.

Important sites will never be handed over to them.

Is this fair?

So people like Risut are holding back their energy and want to prove themselves.

Of course, this is also a double-edged sword.

Used well, it can kill the enemy.

If you don't use it well, you will hurt yourself.

But does Abel care about these?

Obviously not, he only considered whether these people could help him complete the prayer order, that's all.

"I agree to your conditions, and every ounce of credit you will make for the organization will not be obliterated."

"But in the same way, you must complete my order unconditionally. I don't want to hear any doubts. Do you understand?"

"Of course, this is also the way we have always acted. So about Diablo's true identity"

Abel directly threw out a photo and said, "Trixiu Una, she is that person's biological daughter. If you find her, everything will be over."

A flash of excitement flashed in Risut's eyes. He didn't expect that Diablo, who was hiding so deeply, would actually leave such a big hole for himself.

"Where is she? I'll take someone to catch her right away."

"That's not your task, your task is something else."

Risut was a little astonished, how could he be at ease if he was not allowed to handle such an important matter.

But when he met Abel's icy eyes, his heart shuddered!

Although he was very reluctant, he still admitted his mistake and said, "Sorry, boss. I was too impatient."

"Call me Godfather."

"Yes, Godfather."

Risut hesitated for a moment, and finally fought for himself: "Godfather, I have no intention of questioning your decision. But in this matter, Diablo will definitely send his capable generals to take the person away first. "

"Whether it is the Bugarati team or Diablo's personal guards, they are all composed of stand-in messengers, and their strength is extraordinary."

Abel said in a relaxed tone: "The Bugarati team? I hope they will carry out this mission more than you, it will save a lot of trouble."

Risut didn't understand.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

There was a smile on Abel's face, and when people came in, he said, "Because they are also my people."

After the words were finished, Giorno and Bugarati walked in, which immediately made Risut's eyes widen.

He thought that his assassination team was the only existence that the other party could woo, but now the facts proved how ridiculous his idea was.

Did even the 'loyal' Bugarati betray the organization? !

It's incredible.

Now he finally understood why they were not used for that important task just now.

But at the same time, his heart sank.

What was originally thought to be a stress-free competition has now become a bubble fantasy.

The difficulty of harvesting has undoubtedly increased a lot.

But thinking about it the other way around, even Bucciarati betrayed, doesn't that prove that his choice was not wrong and correct? !

When he thought that this time he really had a chance to kill Diablo and avenge Gerald and Solby, it was difficult for him to control his inner excitement.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Abel gave orders:

"Whether you knew each other before or not, you will get to know each other again later."

"Now start assigning tasks. The Bugarati team is responsible for finding Trish Una and bringing her back. We must ensure her safety. Of course, if you can receive Diabo Luo's mission instruction is the best result, and neither will nor force."

"Risut's assassination team started to assassinate members of Diablo's pro-guard immediately after the Bugarati team took action."

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