Just when everyone was taking action, Abel came to a certain prison alone.

Although this place is really a prison, it has actually been completely infiltrated by the "Passionate" organization, and the guards inside are doing one thing in front of the other and behind the other's back.

The cadre of the 'Enthusiasm' organization, Bolbo, lives here and is responsible for reviewing the new members of the organization.

Abel came here to find him and kill him.

Because the [Arrow] owned by Diablo was in Polpo's hand.

According to his preferences, Boerbo will conduct random assessments on new recruits, including stabbing each other with [arrows] to see if they can survive and awaken their substitutes.

The substitutes of Bugarati and others are all awakened in this way.

Now that they have decided to destroy the Enthusiasm organization and kill Diablo, then of course this [Arrow] must be taken back.

Abel would not leave such a big hidden danger for himself.

In addition, he needed to keep such an important thing in his own hands, so he didn't send anyone else to complete this task.

"Stop, what are you doing?"


"Register here. Put all your belongings on the upper tray and perform a search."

The Mediterranean prison guard sat there and said lazily.

At the same time, another female prison guard told the rules, "After going through the door inside, go straight along the corridor, and you will see the cell number N28 Polpo."

"Although the cells are separated by reinforced glass, they can still have normal conversations."

"But touching the glass and exchanging any items with prisoners is absolutely prohibited."

"The visiting time is 15 minutes, huh? Why don't you come over for inspection."

After hearing this, Abel walked over and asked, "Go directly to the cell? Don't you need to arrange a special prison visit?"

"It seems that you haven't seen him before. You will know when you see him."

After the female prison guard finished speaking, she was ready to attack the handsome guy in front of her.

But unfortunately, Abel didn't like this, so he directly released the domineering arrogance, knocking out all the prison guards with guns around him!

As for the location of Polbo's cell, the female prison guard had already told him just now, saving him a lot of trouble.

It's just that the picture of all the prison guards falling down here has already attracted the attention of the monitoring room, and the prison's alarm was sounded immediately.

Under the special BGM, Abel easily came to the outside of Bolbo's cell.

Through the strengthened glass, Abel observed the environment inside.

There are refrigerators, toilets, small desks, and desk lamps, and there are mirrors and art paintings on the walls. Apart from the fact that the area is not too large, it is no problem to regard this as a single room in a hotel.

"It seems that the person who caused the alarm outside should be you."

Under Abel's gaze, the 'thing' that looked like a bed slowly sat up, and its fat body was like a mountain of meat.

It was Polbo himself that Abel was looking for!

Looking at this guy's body shape, one can understand why Borbo hid here for 15 years.

Obviously, there couldn't be a more secure environment for him to live in than prison.

With this size, when he was assassinated, he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

Even if it is a stand-in messenger, it is useless.

"Give me what Diablo put in your place, and you still have a chance to continue to retire in this prison."

Abel was too lazy to waste time on this mountain of meat, so he got straight to the point.

Boerbo was startled for a moment, and then covered his stomach with his hands and laughed, "Although I don't know where you heard about it, but you dare to break into the prison to find me alone, I have to say that you are very brave."

"But it's a pity that your soul will be drawn out and you will die soon."

Before the words fell, [Black Sabbath] wearing a black hat appeared in the shadow behind Abel, and stretched out his hands to grab him.

As long as it is touched, [Black Sabbath] can pull the target's soul or substitute out of the body.

But just when [Black Sabbath]'s hands were about to touch Abel's body, he suddenly couldn't move.

Because another 'shadow man' stood up from the shadows on the ground, and that was Abel's shadow mage!

I saw the Shadow Mage clinging to [Black Sabbath] from behind, locking it firmly.

"Oh? So you are also a stand-in messenger."

Polpo was not so surprised, because if it was an ordinary person, how dare he break into the prison to find him.

Part of his surprise is that the opponent's 'substitute' ability seems to be very similar to his substitute

Under his will, [Black Sabbath] immediately disappeared in place, and began to move at high speed in the shadow.

However, there was a scene that shocked Bo Erbo, no matter where his double went, the opponent's black shadow 'double' could follow closely all the time? !

"Borrow shadows to perform teleportation-like abilities. Unfortunately, I will too."

"If this is all your strength, then you can say your last words, Porpo."

Abel's hand lightly touched the tempered glass, and then the golden light shone.


The entire glass shattered into a piece of scum.

Without protection, Bo Erbo finally panicked.

He immediately opened the secret door on the wall, and the things inside were all things that could not appear in the prison according to normal conditions.

Such as pistols, grenades, cash, jewelry and more.

Obviously, this prison cell is completely like home to Polpo.

This shows how ridiculous the instructions Abel heard outside were.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that the doubles of the two were already entangled, Bolbo fired at Abelgo.

Without the protection of a substitute, the substitute envoy is just a mortal body, unable to stop the power of modern weapons at all.

it should be like this

bang bang bang.

Bolbo emptied all the bullets in his revolver at once.

However, what frightened him was that all those bullets bounced off the opponent? !

"Bullet armor? No, it's impossible! Even the most advanced body armor can't deflect bullets."

"Could it be that there are steel plates inside? Don't be kidding."

Polpo threw away the pistol and glanced at the grenade inside the secret door out of the corner of his eye.

It's just that the distance between the two sides is too close, and the space here is too small. Once you use this thing, you can only pray that you can survive.

So Polpo hesitated.

Before using the grenade to die with the opponent, he still has the last trump card!

"Do it, Black Sabbath!"

[Black Sabbath] suddenly protruded an 'arrow' from its mouth, piercing the head of the Shadow Mage who was entangled with it.


Polpo rejoices!

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