Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 682 The whole army attacks!

There are two types of 'arrows', one is hollow and the other is embossed with beetles.

The former can allow ordinary people to awaken a substitute, of course, if the awakening fails, the result is death.

The latter is called [Bug Arrow], or [Golden Bug Arrow].

[Golden Bug Arrow] has a special power, that is to strengthen the double, and even make the double evolve again.

That is to say, the former is for 'person' and the latter is for 'substitute'.

So here comes the question, what will happen if the person who has awakened the substitute is stabbed by an ordinary 'arrow' again, or if the substitute is stabbed by an 'arrow'?

The answer is. Death!

Because a person can only awaken a substitute once.

This is also the law that Diablo and Polpo tested with many fresh lives.

So in Boerbo's view, Abel's Shadow Mage is his 'stand-in', and now that he is stabbed by an 'arrow', the only ending is death!

Although it is not clear where this person came from as a stand-in messenger, everything is over now.

A malicious smile appeared on Polpo's face.

But what happened next broke his perception.

Instead of dying, Abel walked to the side of [Black Sabbath] step by step.

"If it wasn't for taking this thing out intact, you would have been shattered into scum like that glass, fat pig."

As Abel spoke, he grabbed [Black Sabbath] by the neck, and then used his other hand to forcefully pull the 'arrow' out of his mouth.

When the 'arrow' broke away from [Black Sabbath], [Black Sabbath], which had almost fused with it, suffered heavy damage in an instant, and then began to go crazy trying to get it back.

Abel blew his head off with a punch.

Since [Black Sabbath] is a long-distance automatic control stand, even if it is destroyed, it will not cause damage to the main body.

So Polpo is still alive and well.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why, why the opponent's double was stabbed by an 'arrow', but nothing happened.

He hurriedly took the grenade in his hand, "Don't come here! Otherwise, let's die together!"

Abel looked at the 'arrow' in his hand, and after confirming that it was not [Golden Bug Arrow], he put it away.

Then he raised his head and looked at Polpo who was like a frightened mountain of meat.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I feel disgusting."

"Go to hell!"

Porpo yelled and pulled the ring off.

Abel came in front of the opponent in an instant, cut off Porpo's arm holding the grenade with a single blow, then grabbed that arm and directly pierced Porpo's belly, and stuffed it together with the grenade on it. guy's stomach.

After doing all this, Abel pulled away and left.

Just listen to BOOM!

The meat mountain of Polbo was blown to pieces, and he couldn't die anymore.

The whole scene was extremely disgusting, and the assembled prison guards just stepped in here, and all of them vomited out in disgust.

"Where are people?"



"Did I mean Porpo? I mean the one who broke in just now."

"I don't know, I should have already run away."

"Run? There is only one exit here. Tell me, where did he run from?"

"I don't know."


"What the hell do you need, search for me! Vomit."

. . . . . . .

While the prison guards were nervously searching the entire prison, Abel had long been hiding in the darkness and left the prison easily.

If these ordinary people want to catch him, it will probably never be possible.

"Now that the 'Arrow' has been obtained, the news of Polpo's killing should soon reach Diablo's ears, but compared with his own daughter, who may reveal her true identity at any time, this 'Arrow' is actually It doesn't matter anymore."

Abel thought about it and found that Diablo was indeed such a person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have left only one 'arrow' and sold all the remaining five 'arrows'.

The reason is that one is enough

"Then there is only one answer. The golden bug arrow is still in Polnareff's hands."

Recalling the plot of this JOJO, Abel slowly added many details that were not clear at first.

It's just that Polnareff is not so easy to find right now.

It seems that the only way to lure him out is to wait for the decisive battle with Diablo.

Of course, the best result is that there is no need to use that [Bug Arrow].

"Next, it's time to put some pressure on that Mr. Diablo who hides his head and shows his tail."

Abel made a call, "Let's get started, it's time to let the whole of Naples know who is the king of darkness here."

After receiving the order from the godfather, tens of thousands of members of Camorra all took action.

According to the pre-assigned tasks, raid every piece of territory of the 'Zest' organization.

The purpose is not to defeat them, but to make things messy!

Plus the assassination of Risut et al.

Abel was suddenly curious about how that Mr. Diablo would deal with this mess without showing up.

. . . . . .

Shikiyaro and Ticano, members of the boss's pro-guards, were eating in the restaurant, when suddenly a large group of people broke in with machine guns and started shooting.

"It's the people from Camorra who are coming, get your weapons and fight them!"

"Are these people crazy, actually engaged in a large-scale fight in a busy city in broad daylight?!"

"Don't stand still, or we'll all die here."

Under normal circumstances, Camorra would certainly not be able to do such an unruly thing, but who made their current godfather Abel.

And Abel didn't care about the consequences at all.

That's why there was this crazy scene in front of me.

Knowing that he could no longer sit still, Skearo immediately called out his substitute [Shock], which was a shark-like substitute, and began to teleport with the help of various liquids in the restaurant.

The most indispensable thing in the restaurant is liquid, not to mention the blood splattered everywhere provides it with perfect attack cover.

Soon, several of Camorra's visitors were killed by his double.

And they don't even know who killed it.

Shi Keyaluo was on the rise, but he didn't notice that the phone he dropped at his feet was already on, and the caller on it showed that it was the boss!

Diablo is contacting them.

It's a pity that neither Shirkiaro nor Ticano noticed.

A fishhook with a long fishing line precisely hit Shikjaro's body, and then the fishhook seemed to be alive, drilling deeper and deeper, and heading towards his heart.

Skearo immediately spat out a big mouthful of blood with horrified eyes.

Outside, Bessie, the owner of the fishhook, shouted, "Brother, I caught one!"

"Well done, Bessie. We'll leave the rest."

Proxiet of the assassination team said with a murderous look on his face.

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