Chapter 683 The Notorious B·I·G!


A wrinkled guy stumbled out of the restaurant and fell to the ground with a face full of horror.

Even so, he still crawled far away with hands and feet, trying to seize this only chance of survival.

Recalling the tragic death of Skelo just now, Tichano shuddered.

In addition, his stand-in [face close-up] is an auxiliary stand-in with little combat power, so even if he wants to avenge his companion Shikjaro, he can't do it. Chance escaped.

But his body is aging faster than he imagined.

It is definitely not as simple as one or two substitute messengers hiding in the dark to attack them.


It filled Ticano's entire heart.

"Risut asked me to take him to say goodbye."


Ticano's body shook, and he lay on the ground unwillingly, motionless.

Proxiet put away his gun, turned around and returned to the messy restaurant.

It was full of dead bodies and blood.

The appearance of Shikjaro's death was much more horrifying than Tichano's, his entire heart was shredded by the fishing line.

Speaking of which, he died unjustly.

His double is 'Shark', and Bessie's double is 'Fishing Rod'.

Sharks are fish too, die on a fishing rod, what's the problem?

According to JOJO's world view, this is fate!

On the ground, Skelaro's cell phone was still ringing non-stop.

Proxiet walked over, picked up the phone, looked at the name displayed on it, sneered, and connected.


No one spoke first.

Until Diablo realized something, he said, "It seems that you guys have already killed Skiaro and Tichano."

"Die, Diablo! We'll break your neck and chop off your head with our own hands!"

Prosciutto spoke the harshest words in the calmest tone.

"Come on, I'm waiting for you to come to me."

After speaking, Diablo hung up the phone on his own initiative.

At this moment, I don't know if he regretted not cleaning up the rest of the assassination team immediately.


Because before he made this call, he had already received another bad news.

Chocolat and Seko were also assassinated.

Moreover, Risut led people to do it himself.

This is also the reason why he has been trying to contact Shikiyaro and Tichano, just to tell them to be careful and come back immediately.

It's a pity that it's still a step late.

So far, 4 members of Diablo's personal guards have been killed, and only one person remains, Carne.

However, Diablo never contacted the other party.

Because in Diablo's view, the existence of the Guards in name only is a foregone conclusion.

Carney is more useful killed than alive!

That was also a surprise he prepared for Risut and others.

. . . . . .

When the assassination team reunited, the expressions on everyone's faces were a little solemn and not very good-looking.

The reason is that there were casualties during the assassination of members of the boss's pro-guard.

Although they have an advantage in numbers, it doesn't mean that the members of the pro-guards have no chance to fight back.

Especially Chocolat.

This guy's despicable deeds and that terrifying double who killed people indiscriminately made even Diablo reluctant to use him easily.

In addition, Seke, who is similar to his stink and even complements his stand-in ability, is also a lunatic and mentally ill.

This led to the sacrifice of Hormaggio and Illuso while killing them.

The assassination team immediately reduced its staff by two people, and they were still two people with rather peculiar stand-in abilities.

Later, when there was only one Carnie left, everyone was very careful and couldn't be more careful, but they finally fell for it.

They killed Carney with great ease.

Easy enough to make them doubt life.

Then the nightmare came.

Carney's stand-in is named [The Notorious B·I·G], and it is an automatic stand-in that emerges from the resentment energy of the death of the main body.

Prioritize the attack on the fastest moving object, and grow its own body size after devouring the target's body and avatar.

Since the main body is dead, there is no movement distance limit and it cannot be destroyed.

Faced with this kind of thing, Risut and the others were all helpless, even dangerous.

In the end, thanks to the successive sacrifices of Jiaqiu and Meloni, it was finally led to another place, allowing the rest of the people to get rid of it.

But if there is no accident, it won't take long before this thing without any restrictions will swallow a lot of flesh and blood and become the real [Notorious B·I·G]!

If the world is destroyed because of this, none of them will be surprised.

There was no way they could do anything but notify the godfather of the matter.

When Abel heard the news, he was also a little surprised.

Obviously, this must be Diablo's counterattack.

He put a lot of pressure on this guy by finding a lot of things to do, and in turn he took advantage of this and threw him a big problem.

If it weren't for the content of the wish order that required him to become the godfather of the entire Italian mafia, he would definitely not care about this matter, and he would just walk away.

But now unless he said to give up the order, he had to find a way to solve this problem.

But before making the move, he still rewarded Risut and others heavily.

Isn't it just money and land? Abel doesn't care the most.

After all, the assassination team also helped him get rid of Diablo's personal guards anyway, and half of them died.

If there is no indication at all, the team will not be able to lead.

So after getting the 'due reward', the emotions of Risut and others also stabilized.

And it was obvious that this account was placed on Diablo's head again!

This is also something Abel is happy to see.

. . . . . .

on a certain street.

Many people ran screaming, amidst the sound of gunfire.

[The notorious B·I·G] is following instinct, devouring flesh and blood, and getting bigger and bigger.

And because the main body has died, it has absorbed the resentment energy of the death of the main body, so its speed, range distance, and sustained power have all broken through the original limit, and it has been in a visible state, so that anyone can see it.

Those bullets hit it, as if it was tickling, it was useless at all.

When Abel arrived, he saw such a scene of hell on earth.

After lighting a cigarette, he issued an order, "Dispel everyone around, including the guards. Not only are ordinary attacks ineffective, they will also become food and nutrition for this ghost."

"Yes, Godfather."

Gangsters driving off guards?

Generally speaking, the opposite is true.

But now under the leadership of Abel, Camorra has a tendency to change like terror.

These guards are paid thousands of dollars a month, what are they doing?

If it wasn't for the orders from their superiors, they wouldn't have come to deal with this monster.

Now that they learned that the people from Camorra had volunteered to resolve this matter, they were of course eager to agree, and hurriedly withdrew.

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