Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 684: There Is Nothing That Can't Be Killed

"Godfather, the people around have been dispersed. We also brought the bazooka, do you need it?"

Abel threw away his cigarette and walked straight inside.

"Stay here and wait for me to come out."



An ice wall was erected, enclosing the entire no-man's land to prevent [the notorious B·I·G] from escaping.

But to other ordinary people, this is no different from a miracle!

After all, there is no snow in this summer, so how could it freeze?

Thinking about what Godfather Abel said before, these people in Camorra still don't know who made it.

His expression has become extremely fanatical!

It sounds like a very penetrating chewing sound, which keeps ringing.

After eating an unknown number of people, at this time [The Notorious B·I·G] has become very huge and ferocious.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to treat this kind of stand-in who uses the body's resentment as energy to carry out activities after death with common sense, and its ability will be greatly enhanced, and it will become very scary.

Because the essence of a stand-in is the condensate of spiritual power.

"I want to see if this thing is really unkillable."

Abel randomly raised his finger, and in the next moment, a large number of ice picks rose from the ground, piercing the fast-eating stand-in monster into a hornet's nest.

But even though the head was pierced and suffered such a serious fatal injury, the double monster did not die.

Anyway, after breaking free, he recovered quickly.

Then he rushed towards Abel at an astonishingly fast speed!

But Abel's knowledgeable domineering still locked him firmly.

Dragon Fist!

A flash of golden light flashed, and the golden dragon directly bombarded the monster, and then entangled and exploded.


The monster was almost blown to pieces.

However, under Abel's watchful eyes, these rotten meats were quickly assembled together to bring them back to life.

It seems that it is really impossible to kill!

This is also the reason why Risut and others were powerless before and finally chose to lure him away to escape.

But Abel didn't give up. He thought about it seriously, "Resentment, substitute, spiritual power...then its weakness should be this."

Before the other party rushed over again, he stretched out two fingers and lightly tapped the center of his eyebrows.

In an instant, a large amount of silver light sword intent shot out, soaring into the sky.

Then the three sword circles of heaven, earth and man quickly formed, condensing the field of pseudo-kendo.


Abel held a silver light sword intent and pierced the monster's body directly.

But this time, it seems to have really worked.

I saw the monster howling violently as if it had suffered some kind of unbearable trauma.

And the wound left by this silver light sword intent failed to heal again? !

Seeing this, Abel nodded slightly without being surprised.

Since the substitute is the embodiment of spiritual power, even now because it absorbs the resentment of the death of the main body, it will materialize and become an immortal monster.

But the essence remains unchanged.

Then [Unlimited Slash], which specializes in spirit, will, and soul, is the absolute nemesis of this kind of thing!

Obviously, Abel's conjecture was correct.

So one after another silver light sword intents began to cut [the notorious B·I·G] crazily.

Every attack can cause it to suffer real damage, and in addition to the fact that the surrounding people have been dispersed, it has become impossible to swallow flesh and blood and continue to grow.

As time passed, the monster's howl finally became weaker and weaker.

The whole body became prickly and riddled with holes, like a pile of rotten meat.

Abel knew that a few more blows should be able to kill this thing completely.

But he stopped attacking, and instead took out the [Arrow] that he carried with him, which he got from Popo.

From the very beginning, this 【Arrow】has been the reason for him to rush over to eliminate the 【Notorious B·I·G】.

As long as this thing is still a stand-in, after being stabbed by the [arrow], it will definitely die!

It's just that Abel didn't expect that he could find a way to deal with this thing so quickly, and almost killed him directly.

Now he is going to try to kill this thing with this 【Arrow】to see what happens.

Think about it and do it.

Abel walked over and stabbed him directly.

In order to ensure the effect, he stabbed it twice more.

Then he took the [arrow] back and waited and watched.

To be honest, what happened next was not as violent as he had imagined, such as a direct explosion.

After the double was stabbed by the [arrow], his whole body froze immediately, as if infected by some kind of virus and lost its activity.

Then the whole body began to bloom, and when the wind blew, it turned into ashes and disappeared completely.

Overall, this test is pretty good.

"This thing is used against ordinary people to fight for the probability of survival, but if it is used against substitute messengers, it is definitely a supreme weapon."

It doesn't matter if it's a human or a stand-in, as long as you get stabbed, you can get a lunch box.

Satisfied, Abel took it back into the box and put it close to his body.

He even suspected that Diablo was watching him somewhere nearby, but out of extreme caution, he didn't rashly use his substitute ability to attack him.

And he is also very afraid of the opponent's [Crimson King]'s ability to delete time.

This is also the reason why he never leaves his cigarettes after arriving here. He can use the burning speed of the cigarettes to determine whether the flow of time around him is normal.

And without arousing suspicion.

Just like now, he lit a cigarette, but didn't take a few puffs.

He appeared here with great fanfare, showing his supernatural power, and he was trying to lure the other party to make a move.

But now it seems that this guy is indeed too cautious.

Lifting the ice wall, Abel came out.

"gone back."

"Yes, Godfather."

The men opened the car door respectfully, they knew that the monster must have been dealt with.

At the same time, in a building nearby.

Diablo, who had long pink hair, also put down the binoculars in his hand.

After learning that [The Notorious B·I·G] had been activated, he immediately found the opponent and hid it.

Camorra has changed so much, the source must be the mysterious godfather.

If you can take the opportunity to get rid of it, it will be very beneficial to the immediate situation.

What he didn't expect was that the mysterious godfather was not only young, but also possessed great strength.

Although he couldn't see the other party's substitute appearing, but through observation, he guessed that it should be an ability related to ice or temperature.

It's like Gacho from Assassin Squad.

Of course, even if it is the same type of double, there is no doubt that the opponent's double is stronger.

The powerful ability to change the surrounding environment with just one thought is obviously difficult to deal with.

To be on the safe side, he did not act rashly.

And for some reason, he always felt that his snooping might have attracted the other party's attention.

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