Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 685 The Invincible Crimson King

Under the leadership of Abel, Camorra began to expand frantically, defeating the 'Enthusiasm' organization steadily.

Because of the betrayal of the assassination squad, all members of the SS were assassinated. In addition, Diablo sent the Bucgarati team to find his daughter, resulting in no one available for his men.

Even the 'arrow' that can create a substitute messenger was taken away by Abel.

This made Diablo even more reluctant to show up, allowing the people in the organization to be killed and the territory to be taken away.

I have to say, this guy is a real dog!

Abel knew that it was impossible to force him out in this way.

Trish Una is the key point!

At the same time, Bugarati and others finally found Diablo's daughter Trish Una.

Diablo asked them to take the man to the lighthouse.

But then Bugarati conveyed the news to Abel.

Soon, it was the day when Bugarati and others returned.

Abel did not rush to the lighthouse ahead of time, let alone tell anyone about it.

He knew that Diablo's double could predict the future in the next tens of seconds in addition to having the ability to 'time-delete'.

In order not to overwhelm others, he just watched from afar as Bugarati led a pink-haired woman into the agreed lighthouse.

Obviously, with Diablo's prudence, he has no intention of letting other people enter here.

But if Bugarati was allowed to go in alone, he would definitely die!

So he called Giorno directly.

Giorno didn't know what command he received on the phone, and suddenly stopped Bugarati, then took out his gun and pointed it at him.

"Sorry, Bucciarati. You can't let this woman take you away. Someone has offered a higher price."

"What are you doing, Giorno?"

Mista and the others were stunned.

And Bugarati noticed the small movements of Giorno's hands, which meant to tell him, "The plan has changed."

So he stopped Mista and others who didn't know why, pretended to be coerced, and pushed Trish Una over.

Then, while Giorno was going to catch Trish, he made a sudden move.

The two immediately fought fiercely together.

Trish, who was suddenly free, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Just as Mista and the others tried to catch up, they were forced back by gunshots.

There are people around here!

Seeing that Trixie had run away without a trace, they couldn't do anything.

At the same time, Diablo, who installed a large number of monitoring equipment near the lighthouse but was hiding elsewhere, cursed directly when he saw this, damn it!

Then he acted immediately.

Although he always felt that something was wrong, it was impossible for him to just watch Trish escape from under his nose like this.

He had to solve this flaw.

So he used his other personality, Tobio, to quickly approach his daughter.

It's near, it's near, it's almost there.

From Abel's perspective of God, he saw a young man with pink hair holding a leather shoe to his ear, chattering without knowing what he was talking about.

Moreover, she was approaching Trish who was running around with great speed and precision.

"You finally showed up, Diablo!"

Abel felt that there should be no mistake this time.

Because Giorno and Bucciarati deliberately played the scene just now, including letting Trish go is also an overt conspiracy.

As long as Diablo was still around and saw this scene, no matter how cautious he was, he couldn't help but not act.

This is much more straightforward than asking Bugarati to confirm whether Diablo is coming in such a troublesome environment inside the lighthouse.

So when Diablo made his move, Abel also happened to fall from the sky.

"Die in peace, my daughter."

Tobio's right arm overlapped with [The Crimson King]'s arm, and a face that was the same as the [Crimson King] but scaled down appeared on his forehead!


Trish's chest and heart were directly punched through, and she vomited blood instantly and fell to the ground to die.

And at the same time, Abel also fell from the sky and blasted Tobio's head with a punch.

Unlock the bad ending: father and daughter on the road together.

At the moment of action, Diablo used the ability of [Epitaph] to predict such a future, and cold sweat immediately flowed down his cheeks, making him activate the power of [Crimson King] without hesitation at the very moment!

In an instant, the entire environment of the area affected by its ability was shattered into a special scene.

Here, Diablo can actively think about actions inside and see the activities of other people in this short period of time.

But you can't take the initiative to attack anyone.

Although it is said that the future picture seen by [Epitaph] will definitely happen, but Diablo can use the ability of 'time deletion' to erase this unfavorable future for him!

And the superposition of these two abilities truly created a nearly invincible stand-in—the Crimson King!

When Abel smashed a big hole in the ground, he immediately looked around.

Found out that apart from Trish who was knocked aside, the pink-haired young man had disappeared?

Abel held up his left hand, where he held a pre-lit cigarette.

Sure enough, the burning speed became faster!

In other words, almost ten seconds were deleted by the other party, so that he had no memory of these ten seconds at all, and just followed the instructions issued by his brain at that time to complete the action.


But Abel burst out laughing.

Because he is now 100% sure of the identity of the other party, and now this guy is nearby.

How far can he run in ten seconds?

Abel immediately showed his domineering aura!

If you want to run away, you have to ask him if he agrees.

On the other side, Diablo, who carefully deleted the time and chose to escape, had a gloomy expression and kept cursing in his heart.

That bitch Trixie just now was obviously a trap for the other party to lure him into the bait!

Giorno that traitor!

No, maybe someone else betrayed the organization as well.

Now the Bugarati team can't be trusted anymore.

Tobio was also seen.

Fortunately, only Tobio was exposed, and there was still a chance.

"My Crimson King is invincible. No one knows my true face yet. As long as Trixie is killed, everything can be restored."

Walking in the dark alley, Diablo kept reflecting, but he was still impulsive.

But in that case, under the temptation of once and for all, it was hard for him not to be moved.

In the end, of course, his prudence saved him.

If he hadn't predicted the future at that time, he would have been blown out of his head and died by now.

But there is one very important question.

That is, predicting the future is the ability to delete time, and he needs to activate it on his own initiative.

When he can't see any danger, it is actually the time when he is most defenseless.

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