Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 687 Legend, Godfather of a Generation!

[The Crimson King]'s time deletion can only delete about ten seconds.

And these ten seconds are obviously not enough for it to escape from the frozen sea.

The moment it came out of that special space, endless cold air hit it instantly, completely freezing it!

In order to avoid accidents, Abel immediately superimposed various buffs, and then blasted out a one-strike dragon fist with a tyrannical twist!

I saw that the golden dragon smashed all the ice all the way, and finally jumped out of the sea and disappeared into the air.

And the runaway [Crimson King] was also smashed to pieces.

Fortunately, unlike the previous [Notorious B·I·G], it has the characteristic of being unkillable, otherwise it would really be impossible to deal with.

After solving the [Crimson King], it can be regarded as clearing the last obstacle.

When Abel returned safely, Bugarati and others knew that no one could stop this man from becoming the godfather of the entire Italian gang.

For Trish, the daughter of Diablo.

At the request of Bugarati and Giorno, Abel did not kill them all, let the other party go, and gave him freedom.

Leaving aside whether this woman would avenge a father who wanted to kill her, even if she did, Abel didn't care.

He will leave after completing all the contents of the wish order, no matter what flood he is.

Based on this concept, it is predictable how he will choose to expand Camorra next.

After quickly defeating the 'Zest' organization and unifying the entire Naples Mafia, Camorra rapidly expanded outward while recruiting troops.

And before every battle, the head of the enemy organization will be assassinated inexplicably.

This also made it impossible for anyone to stop Abel's progress.

Even if the enemy wants to use the same means to deal with him, it is useless. His physical strength can even be used by rocket artillery, unless missiles are used to blow him up.

Just obviously, they're the mafia, not some violent state agency, there's no such thing.

Some heavy machine guns are already the limit.

On the contrary, after Polnareff met Koichi Hirose, he conveyed all the information he had investigated to Jotaro Kujo in Japan.

Although Diablo, who had seriously injured him like this, was dead, the guy who replaced him was undoubtedly more dangerous.

If it is allowed to continue to develop, no one is sure whether the other party will want to control the entire country one day.

In desperation, Kujo Jotaro could only make a trip in person.

But the result was that he was seriously injured and escaped.

The stand-in ability of time stop is indeed very powerful, but there is a premise that when time stops, your attack must at least be able to break through the target's defense.

If you don't break the defense, it will be useless to stop time for a long time.

When Abel was fighting with Kujo Jotaro, he directly stacked the defense all the way, the protective barrier formed by iron block + armed color domineering + overlord color domineering + ice dragon armor.

Under this extreme defense, if Kujo Jotaro could injure him, he would be considered a loser!

In the comic book, Kujo Jotaro's "Platinum Star" has more than a dozen pages, but it can't hurt Abe in the slightest.

Instead, after the time stop ended, he was almost punched to death by Abel.

No way, no matter how strong the double is, it can't change the fact that the body of the double messenger is an ordinary person.

Unless you learn from Dior and shout: "JOJO, I am no longer a human being!"

Then put on the [Stone Ghost Mask] and become a vampire.

Even ordinary vampires may not be able to do it, they have to be the ultimate creature evolved from [Stone Ghost Face] + [Ai Zhe Red Stone]!

Of course, if Kujo Jotaro really became the ultimate creature, Abel probably wouldn't be able to stop him.

Without the troubles of Kujo Jotaro and others, Camorra, like a super virus, quickly spread to every city in Italy, and then planted their flags.

Anyone who tries to stand in their way will be wiped.

Those who are willing to join them and call Abel the godfather will become their own people.

At this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Camorra's rise is a foregone conclusion.

After the official people suffered a lot, they let go of their arrogance and sent people to negotiate.

The final outcome of the negotiations is unknown to outsiders.

It was only the next day that officials recognized the sole legitimacy of the Camorra.

So far, Abel has become the king of the dark underground world in Italy, the godfather that everyone knows.

And Abel also knew that it was time for him to return.

So he began to reward meritorious deeds, and gave Bugarati and others the wealth, status, and power they wanted according to their merits.

Risut and others also obtained unimaginable territory and benefits as they wished.

Abel knew that now that he was under pressure, there would be no internal problems.

But that doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist.

On the contrary, the now "bloated" Camorra is like a time bomb that could explode at any time.

Especially those guys who are forced to join, how many are really willing?

If there is enough time, Abel can find a way to solve these potential hidden dangers.

But alas, he didn't.

So one day, he suddenly chose to abdicate and hide behind the scenes, giving up the position of boss to Giorno.

This decision shocked everyone, and there was an uproar in their hearts!

Even Giorno was dumbfounded and stunned.

These people obey Abel, but not necessarily Giorno.

Many people have already started to make their own calculations.

It is estimated that even Risut and others think that Giorno is not worthy of that position.

But what about Abel?

"Don't you want to be a gangster superstar? The stage has been given to you. Whether you can do it well or not is up to you."

"There is also this thing, and I will give it to you. How you want to use it is your own business. Whether you choose to escape, or face the difficulties, I will not interfere in any way."

"I'll leave Camorra to you. It's up to you to decide whether to lead everyone to hell or to the abyss, hahahahaha."

Abel laughed and handed the box containing the 'arrow' to Giorno.

Then he lit his last cigarette and strode away.

Since then, no one knows where Gustavers Abel, the godfather who unified the Italian Mafia, has gone.

Some people said that they saw Godfather Abel enjoying his old age in a certain island, and some people swore that he was shot and killed on a certain street in Italy.

In short, there are different opinions, but no one can come up with evidence.

This also makes Abel's existence a complete legend.

But at this moment, Giorno, who opened the box and looked at the 'arrow' inside, gradually changed from confused and restless to determined!

"The so-called enlightenment is to open up a path that should be advanced in the dark wasteland!"

"I, Giorno Giobana, have a dream! To be a gangster superstar!"

"Now, it's my time!"

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