[The intermediate prayer order has been completed, and the customer gave a five-star evaluation (perfect praise)! 】

[Comment: You successfully defeated Diablo, unified all Italian Mafia, became a legendary godfather, and will always be remembered by history! 】

[Five-star evaluation increases 100% of the basic transaction point reward, the optional order content has been completed, and the reward is automatically issued, please check it yourself. 】

[Because the customer is very satisfied, you have received an extra reward - Requiem of the Requiem]

. . . . . .

[Gold Bug Arrow EX]

Disposable Consumables

Description: Made of a special meteorite that fell on the earth, it contains a magical deadly virus, but it has been strengthened by some kind of power.

Effect: After stabbing the target, there is a chance to successfully awaken a supernatural substitute ability. If the awakening fails, you will die within fifty days. The chance of success is related to the strength of mental strength.

Hidden Effects: Unknown.

PS: Boy, did you drop this golden worm arrow or this silver worm arrow~

. . . . . .

【Sorrow of Requiem】

Disposable Consumables

Description: A super evolution of a mysterious deadly virus.

Effect: The hidden effect of 'Golden Bug Arrow' can be activated, allowing the stand-in to complete an evolution. There is a certain chance of failure.

PS: Run, Death Song is about to open up!

. . . . . .

After Abel got out of bed, he immediately started checking the system for these prompts.

He got another five-star praise, which made him feel very happy, proving that his violent approach was not wrong, and it also brought him the greatest benefits.

The first is 6000 trading points after doubling. For him who is accumulating trading points for advanced trading qualification examination, it will never be too much.

Then there are two rewards this time.

Looks like it's matching.

Abel first activated the hidden effect of [Golden Bug Arrow EX] with [Requiem of Requiem], and then got such a line of instructions.

Hidden effect: It can be fused with special objects, with a 100% success rate. Requirements: Use it together with [Sorrow of Requiem].



Well, Abel is actually used to it.

After all, the simpler the explanation, the better the effect.

Hopefully it will be the same this time.

"So what is this special thing?"

Abel was not in a hurry to use it, but began to think.

Logically speaking, the hidden effect must be stronger.

Then he thought of a scene, that is, the scene of snatching the 'arrow' from the mouth of Bolbo's stand-in.

At that time, he clearly remembered that the substitute named [Black Sabbath] already had decorations similar to 'Arrow'.

It's as if the two have begun to merge.

Recalling the original book, the Requiem of a silver chariot holding a [Bug Arrow].

So, does this special thing refer to a 'substitute'? !

Abel felt that his analysis was correct, but the problem was that he didn't have a substitute!

If he wanted to awaken his substitute, he had to use [Golden Bug Arrow EX] first.

But there is only one [Golden Bug Arrow EX], after using it, where can he find another [Golden Bug Arrow EX] to activate the hidden effect?

Isn't this messing with his mentality?

"Substitute, if you really want to understand the literal meaning of the substitute, it seems that I really have a fake substitute."

Abel muttered, and then summoned the Shadow Mage.

If you really want to associate them together, his shadow mage is really like his substitute.

Shulker, immune to damage, swap places

Every ability is very useful.

Even in the JOJO world, he was mistaken for his substitute by other substitute messengers many times, and then died inexplicably.

The more Abel thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and then he picked up [Golden Bug Arrow EX] and [Requiem of Requiem] and chose to use them against the smirking Shadow Mage.

Unexpectedly, the fusion was really successful! !

And there is more new panel information.

【Shadow Requiem】

special stand-in

Description: A unique and special stand-in made of special things combined with [Golden Bug Arrow EX] and [Requiem of Death].

Panel: Destruction B, Speed ​​A, Action Precision ∞, Sustainability ∞, Range ∞, Growth ∞

Effect 1: Immune to any form of damage, can transform at will, can freely shuttle in the shadows, and can exchange positions with the main body at any time or exchange a part of the body.

Effect 2: It can receive and become the inner shadow of all creatures within the ability range. In this state, attacking Shadow Magic Requiem is regarded as attacking itself. At the same time, in this state, Shadow Magic Requiem only retains the ability to move and cannot attack any targets.

Effect 3: The soul of the creature injured by the shadow worm's arrow will be temporarily driven from the body into its own shadow. The more damage done, the longer the soul stays out of the body. If it only hits but fails to cause damage, it will cause a certain degree of soul shock.

. . . . . .

Looking at the brand new shadow mage with an extra black worm arrow in his hand, Abel clicked his tongue.

Although it is not a time-type, the space-type ability is very impressive, but after careful consideration, he thinks that the two extra abilities in [Shadow Art Requiem] are very bugs.

I won't go into details about the abilities inherited from the original Shadow Mage.

Talking about the ability to absorb the inner shadow, it seems to be nothing at first glance, but in this state, if you attack it, it is equivalent to attacking yourself.

Combined with the original ability to be immune to any form of damage, it is simply the strongest defense!

Of course, in this state, [Shadow Fa Requiem] can't do anything, and can only be beaten passively, which is a small pity, otherwise there is really no solution.

Look at the last ability, Shadow Worm Arrow, which is the arrow in [Shadow Art Requiem] right now.

After being launched, as long as it hits the target, it can cause a soul shock effect. If it directly causes damage, it can shake the target's soul out of the body and force it into the shadow.

The more damage done, the longer the soul stays out of the body.

This is simply an auxiliary magic skill, a control magic skill!

After all, in a battle, even the slightest loss of consciousness may become a factor of defeat, and the enemy will catch and attack.

If it successfully causes the state of the soul to leave the body, it is tantamount to leaving a fixed target standing there for you to hit!

If this is not great, then Abel doesn't know what is great.

It's just that because it is a special substitute, [Shadow Fa Requiem] is always in a manifest state, can be seen by others, and cannot be "virtualized" like other substitutes.

But it doesn't matter, this little thing doesn't hurt.

With [Shadow Requiem] as his helper this time, Abel is more confident in the next battle with Kaido and the Beast Pirates.

After scanning the system mall and finding nothing worth buying, Abel walked out directly.

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