Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 689 The world's attention, all living beings gather!

Ready to go, the whole army to attack!

Driving the nightmare battleship, followed by countless ships, Abel led the people to the sea.

Although the main battlefield has not been finalized, Abel will definitely not wait for Kaido to fight in Dressrosa.

The advantage of Kaido's Hundred Beasts Pirates is nothing more than those large-scale animal devil fruit capable users, and the remaining two major kanbans.

This shows that the opponent can actually exert its full strength on land.

As for Abel, first of all, the Nightmare Battleship is definitely a big killer in naval battles!

Coupled with the high-tech weapons and clone soldiers on Jiazhi's side, it is undoubtedly his advantage.

So it is impossible for him to waste this point and not take advantage of it.

If he sets off at this time, there is a high chance that he will meet in the sea between Ghost Island and Dressrosa!

And with so many people sailing into the sea with such great fanfare, they naturally couldn't hide it from anyone.

One of the emperors of the underground world, the president of the World Economic News Agency, known as "Big News", Morgans not only sent out his ace reporters, but even planned to go there himself.

He had a very strong premonition that the pattern of the new world would change because of this war!

After hearing about it, Stuci's eyes were full of splendor. Has the little man she was optimistic about at the beginning grown up to this point now?

Maybe Abel is the last insurance to carry out that plan!

For Vegapunk, she decided to watch the battle in person.

In addition to the two of them, the king of usury, Du Feld, also came after hearing the news.

But his purpose is a bit special.

Because his unlucky son was involved, he is still imprisoned on Ghost Island.

It's not that he hasn't tried to redeem people with money, after all, for him, things that can be settled with money are nothing.

But it's a pity that 'Drought' Jack is tyrannical and ruthless. He hates others throwing money at him, and he doesn't accept any negotiations. Everything that can be resolved by force will be resolved by force.

Obviously, Du Feld didn't have the force to challenge him.

Then Du Feld tried every means to negotiate with Kaido.

The result may be that the timing of the contact is not right. At that time, Jack was killed and Kaido was shot down into the sea by Abel.

Kaido's mood when he returned to the island can be said to be unstoppable!

At this time, even if Du Feld rushed to send the money, it was useless, and he was rejected directly, and almost lost his life in it.

In desperation, Du Feld had no choice but to go to Big Mom with the cheek. Because there was still a little friendship between him and Big Mom, so Big Mom met him.

But after listening to his request, there was no intention of helping at all.

The reason is that such a trivial matter is not worth her talking to Kaido.


Was the kindness she left back then wasted on such inexplicable things?

Don't say anything that is just a sentence, if it is so simple, why can't others do it?

Doesn't the reason lie in whose mouth this sentence came from!

Kaido agreed, which is equivalent to repaying part of BIG MOM's kindness. Whether this transaction is a loss or a profit, BIG MOM knows it well, so he sent the person away directly.

At this point, Du Feld was a little desperate, and was about to give up and continue to rescue his son.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Hunting Guild declared war on the Hundred Beasts Pirates!

No, a turning point appeared.

As for the young man named Abel, he has always been deeply impressed and still fresh in his memory.

In addition, the opponent put Doflamingo under house arrest and annexed the entire Don Quixote family, which made people marvel at this guy's skills.

Such a sophisticated method at such a young age, and possesses such great strength and influence.

The most important thing is to know forbearance!

Du Feld seemed to see an emperor above the sea walking towards the throne step by step.

Whether it's public or private, he feels that it's time to gamble!

So he's not only coming, he's bringing a lot of men and weapons.

Matt, fight!

Now, three underground kings came directly.

And not only that.

After hearing the news, Empress Boa Hancock couldn't stand Yvette's persuasion, and finally decided to take her Nine Snake Pirates to have a look.

It's not that they will definitely help, it's just that there is nothing they can do about Yvette. (Tsundere face~)

At this time, on an island in the New World, Hawkeye Mihawk was having a drink with the red-haired Shanks.

Although we meet again this time, Shanks has lost an arm, but he smiled and said that he bet it on the new era in the future.

But Hawkeye shook his head, threw out a newspaper, and said, "Perhaps the new era you speak of has arrived."

Against the backdrop of the fire, Abel's extremely handsome face on the newspaper looked even more irresistible!

"I know that this kid is really going to challenge that monster Kaido, he is really awesome, hahahaha."

"Okay, stop laughing, are you interested in witnessing the end of this war together?"

"If you are farther away, you can see it"

Shanks muttered while drinking.

He didn't want to be involved in such a troublesome matter just because he went to watch the fun.

Why bother.

Just because this is not just a matter between the Dragon Hunting Guild and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, it involves all aspects, including the situation in the new world!

So when the time comes, the navy and the world government will definitely pay close attention to it, and even send an admiral to lead a large number of navies and warships to wait for the opportunity.

As the saying goes, when two tigers fight, one must be injured!

As long as there is a suitable opportunity, the navy will inevitably take action, and it can completely solve one side and one side.

If they can reap the benefits of the fisherman and arrest both sides who are both in danger, then the navy's momentum will no longer be suppressed.

Next, the navy will take this as an opportunity to gradually focus on the new world.

And that kind of situation is something that many people don't want to see.

Furthermore, besides the navy, isn't there any other force that has this idea?

If that happens, Shanks will probably use his face fruit ability to let everyone sell him a face.

It's just that he has not yet become one of the four emperors, so it's hard to say whether he has this face.

Both Empress and Hawkeye are ready to go to the battlefield.

In addition, Enel, who has given up the position of Shichibukai, Kaixia Jinpei who wants to repay his kindness, and Doflamingo who was forced by Abel to retire for the elderly.

In this war, almost all members of Qiwuhai are here.

Well, after all, Lao Sha and Moria were also killed by Abel, and even the fruit was taken away, so they participated in disguise.

So here comes the question, who will the Navy Headquarters, which already has an admiral on board, send over this time?

Is it the extreme red dog, or the lazy yellow monkey?

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