Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 690 Death Ray Smash Cannon, Fire!

Before reaching the battlefield and meeting the Beasts Pirates, Abel first met the Whitebeard Pirates.

The person who came was the captain of the first team, the phoenix Marko.

Marco conveyed the meaning of Papa Whitebeard and asked Abel if he would like to be Papa Whitebeard's son.

Although it doesn't sound very nice, it's a bit awkward.

But in fact, Whitebeard's invitation is something that many people above this sea dream of, which means that no one above this sea dares to provoke him.

Even the navy, without the order of the marshal, absolutely does not allow anyone in the Whitebeard Pirates to do anything.

The navy can't afford that consequence!

It's such a beef batch!

What is deterrence?

This is called deterrence!

A pirate standing in front of the navy, you dare not touch me.

After all, Whitebeard is notorious for protecting his weaknesses, regardless of the consequences.

If you really want to go crazy, it is not impossible to directly attack the Navy headquarters.

So what Marco brings is actually the kindness of the white bearded father, and at the same time, it is also a draw.

But Abel really didn't have the habit of being someone else's son, let alone having multiple cheap fathers on his head.

The most important thing is, he's really fed up with being a "family hero"!

Go fucking logging!

Doflamingo, who was lying on a chair basking in the sun and reading the newspaper, suddenly sneezed and looked into the distance. Someone scolded me. I knew who it was, but I didn’t say it.

So Abel declined the other party's kindness.

Before coming, Marco felt that the matter was stable, but after waiting, he no longer had much hope.

Originally thought that the other party was alone, unable to defeat the entire Beast Pirates.

In the end, I found out that the clown was actually me?

"How the hell did this guy do it?"

When he left, Marco was still very puzzled.

Can one person really pull up a team that can fight against a superpower like the Hundred Beasts Pirates in such a short period of time?

In the past, Marco definitely didn't believe it, but now it doesn't seem to work.

"It seems that there is no such fate."

Marco sighed, ready to go back and report.

In this case, the Whitebeard Pirates have no reason to intervene, otherwise it will become a world war.

But when White Beard heard the news, he smiled happily.

Not angry because the other party refused.

"It's a pity that such an interesting war can't be there in person."

"Little ones, get moving! Let's go!"

"The goal is all nations!"


Whitebeard's idea is very simple, before the winner is decided, no one should try to intervene.

So he was going to take someone to take a tour of Big Mom's territory.

Although under normal circumstances, Kaido does not need Charlotte Lingling's help at all.

But maybe this woman will make up her own mind, or come up with some ideas.

After all, the relationship between Charlotte Lingling and Kaido used to be close.

White Beard didn't want to see this scene, so he simply gave the other party some warnings.

As long as White Beard leads people to appear in Wan Guo, then even if Charlotte Lingling has a hundred courage, she will not dare to lead people away.

He even had to worry about whether White Beard was playing for real, and wanted to start a war with her.

Is the title of 'World's Strongest Man' really just a joke?

. . . . . .

"President, there are a lot of ships ahead, they are the Beast Pirates!!"

Abel picked up the binoculars and saw that countless ships appeared densely on the sea surface. The leading ship was very huge, with a ferocious animal head on the bow.

The flags of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are hung on all the ships, and no one dares to fake it on this sea.

Abel knew that the war was coming!

"Pass my order, advance at full speed, everyone is ready to fight!"

"Yes, President!"

Although the Beast Pirates have the upper hand in terms of the number of ships, the other side should also have the upper hand in terms of numbers.

But in the face of the ensuing naval battle, Abel seemed full of confidence.

After hiding for so long, it's time to show the true power of the battleship under his feet in front of the whole world.


Little nightmare!

Abel gave the order: "Turn on the main gun, and give our guests some surprises first."

Under his order, the central position under the bow of the ship was immediately opened, and then a huge cannon with a very strange shape slowly protruded from it.

Abel visually measured the distance between the two sides at this time, and ordinary artillery could not reach this far.

So the other party was still driving fast, showing no sign of fear.

Abel smiled.

"Kaido, taste the taste of nightmares!"


There was no nonsense, and Abel didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, so he launched an attack directly, preemptively.

Since it is a war, of course it is life and death, so there is nothing to say.

[Extremely Evil Teigu: Death Light Smash Cannon] has already completed charging. After aiming, a spiral orange-red halo shone from the muzzle of the gun, and then fired a beam of light the thickness of a bucket with a zigzag sound.

The recoil made the Nightmare Battleship's smooth operation stagnate for a moment, and then returned to normal after a sudden pause.

But Abel was concerned about the power of this cannon!

With the help of the fire control system installed by Gaji, the gun hit Kaido's ship with precision almost instantly.

The huge explosion was accompanied by the fire that soared into the sky, smashing it directly!

Although only a few ships of the fast-moving Beasts Pirates were affected, most of the people who saw this scene were dumbfounded!

Hasn't the war just begun?

Why did it end so suddenly? !

On the other hand, Abel's morale rose instantly.

But at this moment, an angry dragon chant suddenly resounded throughout the battlefield, and then a cyan dragon rose from the sky, shuttled freely among the clouds, and finally revealed its true colors.

Not many people know what kind of devil fruit ability Kaido is.

But at this moment, seeing this green dragon appear, he understood everything.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates also regained their backbone in an instant, began to roar wildly, and continued to move forward.

As long as Kaido is alive, this war will not end!

Seeing this scene, Abel was not surprised.

If Kaido was so easy to kill, he wouldn't have survived to this day.

However, his goal was also achieved, not to mention directly destroying Kaido's main ship, and killing a large number of elites.

It's just that it's not clear how many devil fruit ability users are carried on it.

It's a pity that the two 'big kanbans' have their own ships, including those important cadres, otherwise the results of the battle can be further expanded.

In short, this preemptive blow has already given Kaido and others a full blown blow.

To be honest, the power of that shot just now really scared many people.

Among them are those spectators who are wandering outside the battlefield.

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