Although the Nine Snake Pirates led by Hancock and the manpower brought by Du Feld did not have the final effect in this war, they were enough to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Let the Beast Pirates, who are already at a disadvantage, get even worse!

Chaos, the interior of the Hundred Beasts Pirates suddenly became chaotic.

Many people felt that all of a sudden, there were enemies everywhere.

And at this moment, whether it is their backbone Kaido, or the two "big kanbans", or other cadres, they have no time to control their lives.

Because everyone encountered an opponent who would be difficult to tell the winner in a short time, and it was impossible to jump out of the battle to preside over the overall situation in a short time.

This caused the morale of the members of the Beasts Pirates to drop again and again, and they were already on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can already see that the Hundred Beasts Pirates have lost.

But as long as Kaido and the two "big billboards" are still active on the battlefield, it is unlikely that this war will end quickly.

And let's not mention the fierce battle between Kaido and Abel that no one dared to approach.

Just the two battles of 'Flame Calamity' Jhin VS 'Thunder Emperor' Enilo and 'Plague Disaster' Quinn VS 'Omnipotent Emperor' Gaji are enough to attract the attention of countless people!

Following the domineering titles of Thunder Emperor and Golden Emperor, Jia Zhi thought for a long time before deciding to add the title of "Machine Emperor" to himself as a recognition of his efforts and excellence in scientific research.

But considering that the mere 'Emperor of Mechanics' was a bit dry and could not fully reflect his strength and advantages, so he edited it again and changed it to 'Emperor of Mechanics' to show that he was a smart scientist with a brain.

Anyway, it's okay.

In addition, Jiaji not only gave himself a majestic (self-conceived) nickname, but his strength has also undergone earth-shaking evolution compared to the original.

Just because Tun Tun Guo and the enhancements brought about by his powerful technological equipment far exceeded his initial expectations!

da da da da da

Quinn took out his two or three-meter-long heavy-duty Gatling and kept shooting at Gage, and it was full of biochemical bullets.

Each bullet is filled with its carefully developed super plague virus.

But facing Quinn's attack, Gage smiled disdainfully, took out a small diamond from his pocket, threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

Devourer Diamond Form!

In the blink of an eye, Jiazhi's whole body has completely turned into a diamond material. This extremely hard object is almost immune to most physical attacks, and it is even completely immune to viruses.

After all, I have never heard of diamonds being poisoned.

This made Quinn's attack completely useless. Those bullets hit Gage's body without breaking the defense at all, and they were all bounced away.

As for the viruses in the bullets, they are even more useless.

I really don't know if the "Diamond" Joz of the Whitebeard Pirates will drop his jaw in shock after seeing this scene.

And the upper limit of Tun Tun Fruit, which Abel once regarded as an alternative, is obviously far more than that!

After proving how defiant his defense was, Gage took out a small laser launcher from his pocket while Quinn was shooting out of bullets, and swallowed it.

"Quinn, let you come and see my scientific research art!"

Devourer Laser Form!

There was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes, and Gaji changed again, and the diamonds all over his body disappeared.

The tip of the index finger of his right hand turned into a black muzzle.

Then there was a slap of biu, a laser beam instantly brushed across Quinn's right cheek, and then fell on the ice surface with a loud bang.

If it wasn't for Quinn's timely dodging, the blow just now would not have been as simple as just wiping a scorched bloodstain on his face.

And what Gage did next made Quinn frowned even more.

"As we all know, a normal person has ten fingers."

Ka Ka Ka.

As soon as the words fell, Gage's hands turned into ten muzzles, aiming at Quinn at the same time.

"Hahaha, I have to say, you really impress me, Jiaji!"

"But you are not the only one who has improved over the years."

Amidst Quinn's loud laughter, his size began to increase rapidly, and finally turned into a huge orange monster with a whole body.

Animals · dragon fruit · ancient species · Brachiosaurus form!

Not only the ancient species, but Quinn also transformed his body, making him an out-and-out mechanically transformed human.

"You also come to see my super transformation that even Vegapunk can't match!"

"Black Flame!"

Quinn suddenly opened his bloody mouth and emitted the same laser light from the mouth.

Gaji also opened his hands and fired a laser at the same time, and the two sides collided violently.


The laser beams produced a huge explosion.

"It's not over yet!"

Before the smoke dissipated, Quinn intensified his attack, firing laser light from his right hand, mouth, and even the claws of the mechanical prosthesis at the same time!

Gaji did not back down at all, and immediately transformed himself into a laser super turret by using the characteristics of Tun Tun Fruit, and then continued to confront Quinn.

It can be said that the two sides meet each other at chess and meet good talents, and the fight is called a dark world.

Quinn's transformation of himself has indeed reached an extremely terrifying point. Based on combat uniforms alone, Gage is no match for Quinn.

But don't underestimate the preparations Jiaji has made in advance for this battle!

All kinds of seemingly strange small props or experimental materials, after being transformed by Tun Tun Fruit, can bring immediate results, and it is inextricable for Gage and Quinn to fight each other.

Putting this in the same time period of the original work is simply incredible.

The battle continued until Quinn himself committed suicide, and then there was a change.


Quinn suddenly fired a series of explosive beam bullets from his eyes and blasted at Gage, but Gage didn't know why, but this time he suddenly froze and didn't dodge.

Fortunately, the battle suit on his body provided amazing defense, so he was not killed in seconds, but he looked a little disgraced.

Seeing this, Quinn couldn't help laughing, "I'm very confused, then look at this trick again!"

"Generating QUEEN!"

Quinn stretched out the modified neck and bit Gage with his mouth, and then began to release electric shocks.

Gage gritted his teeth, finally showing an angry look on his face.

Because the technological devices that Quinn is using are all his designs!

When we were in a team, we often discussed and studied together.

And Gaji also showed Quinn a lot of his designs or ideas, but he didn't expect that one day, this would become the opponent's means to attack him!

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