"Hahaha, you don't need to thank me, Gaji. After all, no one is willing to use your rubbish inventions except me."

In Gage's view, it's okay for the bastard Quinn to steal his scientific research results, but he dared to use them as a weapon against him, and even mocked her face to face, it's really shameless!

It's just that now is not the time for him to be angry, he must find a way to get out of the predicament.

"Damn it!"

"Let go of your father!"

The four siblings of Reiju, who had been wandering on the edge of the battle, rushed over immediately after seeing their father in danger, and inflicted certain trauma on Quinn with the augmentation brought by the battle suit and exoskeleton.

This also made Quinn, who was biting Gage tightly and giving him electrotherapy, frowned. I didn't expect these little ghosts to be a bit powerful.

Especially after seeing two of the little ghosts also use the moves he just used, Quinn was immediately happy.

Even the look at Jiji became playful.


The four figures vomited blood and flew out.

Even though it was just Quinn's random blow, not everyone could block it.

If they were not protected by battle suits and the powerful self-healing ability brought by the exoskeleton, this blow would have seriously injured them to the point of death.

But the little time that Reiju's four siblings won was not useless.

Gage has already found one of the teeth in his mouth, and then controlled it to fall, and swallowed it with a thud.

As a scientist, Gage's brain is very smart, and he has long envisioned a plan for what to do in a similar situation.

His choice is to replace every tooth in his mouth with a different material, so that even if he is caught, there will be infinite possibilities.

And the tooth he just swallowed was made of rubber!

After being immune to Quinn's electric shock, Gage, who turned into a rubber man, flicked his arms and let his fists stretch out continuously.

Then snap back.

Rubber Rubber Pistols!

(Luffy: Hey, hey, how can you do this!)


Quinn, who was punched in the eye, was forced to let go.

Rubber rubber machine gun!

Gaji began to output crazily, and even added armed domineering, and Quinn, who was hitting straight, swayed from side to side, as if he was doing some confusing dance.

Please call me Vinsmoke Rubber Man Gage from now on!

(Luffy: It's over, I'm a stand-in!)

Maybe when Luffy goes to sea in the future, he will have to pay the copyright fee to Jiaji for using these moves.

Fortunately, Jiaji is only using it superficially, and has not developed any second or third gears, otherwise I am afraid that there will be nothing to do with Luffy in the future.

"Quinn, bear my anger!"

Although the series of blows looked very refreshing, but because of Quinn's ability to resist beatings, it would be pure nonsense to say how serious the damage was.

It might be better to say that it was Gaji taking the opportunity to vent his anger.

After having a good time, Jiaji started to get real.

He took out another extremely sophisticated device, threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it directly.

Vinsmoke, activate super transform form!

There should be BGM here, you know it.

After a fancy transformation, Jiaji directly turned into a giant cannon with a barrel of ten meters long!

And an extremely dazzling arc flashed on the barrel immediately, and it began to charge rapidly.

"Railgun, ready."


boom! ! !

In Quinn's slightly astonished gaze, which had just regained clarity, an indescribably terrifying beam of light filled his entire field of vision.

I just don't know if it will become his unchanging belief in this life.

. . . . . .

Just when the old friends Jiji and Quinn staged a wonderful scene of "love and kill each other", the battle between Enilo and Jhin was also extremely exciting!

As the big sign of the Beast Pirates, the leader of the "Three Great Disasters", Jhin, nicknamed "Fire Disaster", is undoubtedly Kaido's right hand and the most trustworthy companion.

Jhin is tall and strong, and his whole body including his face is covered by pitch-black clothes. He wears a mask, goggles and a helmet. He wears a black double-breasted suit with two skull patterns on the collar. He also wears black gloves. An inch of skin is left, and the back of the head is surrounded by flames.

Under the helmet is white hair and brown skin.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing is the pair of black wings!

Enilu, who is used to seeing the white wings of Sky Islanders, was very concerned.

But what few people know is that Jhin's original name was Abellu, and he was a remnant of the Lunaria race that disappeared from history and could emit flames all over his body.

If someone discovers the traces of the survivors of the Lunaria tribe and reports it to the World Government, they can directly receive a reward of 100 million Berry!

It can be seen how much the world government attaches importance to this race.

According to legend, the Lunaria tribe was the aborigines of the "God's Kingdom" who lived on the Red Earth Continent before the Tianlong people.

Moreover, the Lunaria tribe was called "God" by the people at that time!

What's more interesting is that the people of the Lunaria tribe are also known as monsters that can survive in various environments in nature!

So did the Lunaria tribe ever live on the moon?

Think of Sky Island's intriguingly dilapidated history, and its habit of using wings as decoration.

Perhaps Enilu, who was thinking about going to the moon to have a look, could really find something there.

And this battle is more like fate.

The battle between the two sides has entered a fierce stage from the very beginning.

After discovering that Enilo was not an easy enemy to deal with, Jhin also decisively showed his true skills and entered the beast form, becoming the form of the animal system · dragon fruit · ancient species · pteranodon!

The ancient species, coupled with its ability to fly, and the special mysterious flame on its body, it would be difficult for ordinary people to resist.

But Enilo is different. The thunderous fruit endowed him with extremely strong attack power and mobility, coupled with the "heart network" perception ability of the combination of the thunderous fruit and the arrogance of knowledge and the arrogance of the armed arrogance that has been trained for a long time, Enilu is far from the experienced baby in the original book whose ability was restrained and then he was numb.

"Sable self-respecting emperor!"

Jhin pulled his head back like a slingshot, and then let go to generate a powerful shock wave, which was so powerful that it was difficult to defend against.

However, Enilu had already turned into a thunder and disappeared in place, and immediately counterattacked.

God's punishment!

A huge thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky. Although the devil fruit Jhin ate greatly enhanced his speed, it was still impossible to be faster than the lightning speed, so he was hit straight and fell from the sky.

But before it landed on the ice, a fierce flame immediately enveloped it.

Fire Dragon Emperor!

Jhin, who had transformed into a human-beast form, first wrapped the samurai sword in his hand with the flames on his body, and then condensed and launched a long flame dragon through the blade.

As soon as he approached, Enilo felt the terrible temperature, the hot flame was like magma.

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