Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 697 Sky Thunder vs Earth Fire!

60 million volts brontosaurus!

Facing Jhin's powerful attack, Enilo chose to counter-bomb without giving an inch.

I saw a fire dragon and a thunder dragon fiercely biting and twisting together with endless rage.

Then bang!

The extremely violent explosion attracted the attention of countless people.

When the smoke dissipated, both of them looked unharmed.

It's just that Jhin's helmet shattered and fell to the ground, revealing a handsome face and brown skin inside, and a wreath-shaped tattoo around his left eye.

In such a comparison, it seems that Jhin suffered a little loss just now, after all, he suffered a "God's Sanction" head-on!

"Your biggest mistake was to smash my helmet, and anyone who sees me like this will die."

Jhin's face was covered with shadows, and he covered his face with one hand.

"Why, you are afraid that you will scare others because you are too ugly, so you don't dare to show your face all day long?"

Enilo doesn't care what your reason is, he just started mocking you.

This time, Jhin was really enraged, and even the flames on his body expanded fiercely.

"Repent in hell, after I purify you with flames."

When Jhin enters the human-beast form, the horns on the head become longer, and the arms and the wings on the back fuse to form a huge pterosaur wing, with the speed and strength of a pterosaur.

"I will send you the same words, after I burn you to ashes with lightning."

Two hundred million volts Thor!

In an instant, Enilo's body burst into thunder, and wrapped all the released thunder and lightning around himself, thus transforming into a giant thunder god!

Isn't it just transforming, acting like who can't do it!

Enilu gave a disdainful smile, and then hooked his fingers towards Jhin, who was full of anger points.

What awaits the two of them next will undoubtedly be a fierce fight between heavenly thunder and earth fire!

. . . . . .

On the Red Forth, the red-haired Shanks and others, as well as the eagle-eyed Mihawk, were all OBs on the edge of the battlefield, watching the situation on the field all the time.

Shanks stood on the deck, letting the sea breeze blow his clothes, "Who do you think will win this war in the end?"

Mihawk said very seriously: "If I have to choose one, I like the brave guy."

Shanks was a little surprised and said: "Oh? This doesn't seem like an answer that can be heard from your mouth. I really want to get to know this young man if we can be recognized by our world's number one swordsman. .”

Being teased by his friend, Mihawk was not angry, but just glanced past Shanks' empty arm, "After learning that you lost an arm in the East China Sea, I thought my future life would be very difficult. Boring, but now it seems that there may be more fun waiting for me."

When Shanks heard it, he pretended to be angry and said a little unhappy: "Even if you lose an arm, you may not be able to beat me. Why don't you try now."

He said this as early as when he met Mihawk for the first time when he came back from the East China Sea this time.

Mihawk shook his head then, put away his weapon, and hasn't dueled Shanks since then.

It can be seen how proud Mihawk is, and how angry Mihawk is with Shanks' indifference to the arm he lost!

It was the same this time, Mihawk had no intention of fighting him at all, and bluntly said: "Facing you with only one arm left, I no longer have the desire to let me use the knife."

Even if Shanks has the best temper, he will be pissed off by his friends, but he still can't get angry.

There's no way, Mihawk doesn't want to fight him, he can't force people to fight him.

At that time, if Mihawk releases water again because of his broken arm, then he will really explode in anger.

But Mihawk didn't feel that what he said was anything to hurt.

He just recalled that he had an unfinished duel with that kid named Abel.

At that time, the opponent gave him the feeling that he was just a super genius with unlimited potential.

In order to be able to cultivate a qualified opponent for himself, he did not hit hard, let alone destroy the opponent's self-confidence.

As a result, only a few years have passed, and the opponent has grown to the point where he can really fight with him.

This makes Mihawk feel incredible, but also curious about it.

If there is a chance to really fight against each other in the future, he feels that he will definitely have a great time.

Even if it is to gamble on the title of "The World's Greatest Swordsman"!

At this moment, one of his men was pulled onto the boat from the sea.

Then he said excitedly: "Finally found the trace of the navy! On the seabed 1300 meters southeast, there are a total of ten coated warships hidden there."

"Made, these navies are really too cunning, if not for the murloc brothers who searched every inch, it would be really hard to find them."

Shanks seemed to have expected this result, without any expression on his face, just nodded slightly.

Then he gave the order: "Let the murloc brothers keep an eye on them. If the navy makes any moves, report it to me immediately."

"Yes, Captain!"

Since they arrived on the battlefield, they have been searching for traces of the navy.

It is impossible for the navy to let go of such a good opportunity and not send people.

Now that the location of the Navy's hiding place has been determined, Shanks is also relieved. Fortunately, he invited some murloc friends who are good at finding things underwater to help in advance, otherwise the success may fall short, and the Navy will hide from the sky.

Then when the time came to kill the Hundred Beasts Pirates or the Dragon Hunting Guild, they would be caught off guard.

On this sea, newcomers challenge the old and strong, and it is a tradition to overcome the above!

So no one will stop the grievances and wars between the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Dragon Hunting Guild.

But if the navy and the world government are involved, things will change.

And in order to ensure that the structure of the new world does not collapse, and at the same time to dispel the ambitions of the navy, this is the reason why Shanks really brought people here!

As long as the war between the Beast Pirates and the Dragon Hunting Guild has an outcome, then it's time for him to appear.

Presumably, whether it is the navy or those with ulterior motives, they should sell him a face.

Otherwise, he would bring someone to accompany him to the end.

Although the theory of the four emperors has not fully risen at this time, Shanks' red-haired pirates have also accumulated a great reputation on the sea.

Only one opportunity is missing, and they can be compared with superpowers such as the Whitebeard Pirates.

So what could bring him greater prestige than calling back the Navy and ending the war?

Everyone has selfishness, and so does Shanks.

Otherwise, why on earth is he so keen on trying to persuade the other party to sell himself?

This is obviously the means by which he accumulates his prestige!

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