Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 698 If you withdraw, you will lose!



boom! ! !

After another fight, the ice under their feet immediately shattered like a spider web, but it was immediately re-frozen by the cold air released by Abel, which ensured that his battle with Kaido would not be caused by falling into the water. This nonsensical thing to stop.

After fighting fiercely for so long, both sides have gotten used to each other's fighting style and various moves revealed.

For Kaido, he hasn't had such a hearty fight for a long time.

The belligerent factor hidden in the bones and blood is being rapidly activated.

And Abel also felt that Kaido's power was growing endlessly.

"This guy really is an out-and-out monster!"

Abel also sighed in his heart.

But in fact, the 'full power' he has shown so far is not his real full power.

Leaving aside the Dabai hidden on the ship and the unsummoned demon Ozzy, he hasn't even used the magic weapon transformed by baby-5 so far!

Even a few hole cards that can be used to fight for their lives have not been drawn yet!

Thinking of this, Abel felt it was time to give Kaido some strength.

And to deal with an enemy like Kaido whose defense and self-healing ability are almost full, there is nothing more suitable than this.


After Qiu Shui and Ba Zhai collided, Abel immediately opened a certain distance with the strength of the rebound.

Then he casually pulled out a gorgeous saber flower and put the saber back into its sheath.

Before Kaido could figure out what he was going to do, he immediately pulled out the short knife pinned to his waist.

That was the ordinary weapon transformed by baby-5, and it was always worn by Abel in case of emergency.

"baby-5, magic weapon knight spear form!"


The next moment, the dagger in Abel's hand immediately shone brightly, turning into a nearly two-meter-long knight's spear, which he held in his hand.

This knight's long spear is in the shape of a spiral as a whole, and the body of the gun seems to be woven from multiple cyan metal strips, which are randomly scattered at the end.

The handle of the gun is connected like a bamboo joint, and the dark background is covered with black mysterious lines.

"Soul Resonance!"

With Abel's soft drink, the soul frequencies of the two were completely synchronized, and then they began to resonate.


The barrel of the knight's gun in Abel's hand suddenly swelled, as if an invisible force connected each strip of special material together. It seems to be hollowed out, but in fact it is still very closely related.

Then there was a flash of brilliant golden light that circled around the body of the Knight's Spear several times, it was incomparably dazzling!

For some reason, Kaido suddenly felt a threat from the weapon in the opponent's hand.

So Kaido rushed out without hesitation, dragging the mace backwards, then smashed the ice and jumped into the air, spinning the iron rod with both hands, wrapping the domineering look on the iron rod.

With black lightning, it fell heavily!

Jiang III Yin Naraku!

At that moment, time seemed to slow down.

If you want to be safe, Abel can completely exchange positions with [Shadow Requiem], so as to perfectly avoid Kaido's fierce blow.

But this premise is that he needs to release the mind projection state of [Shadow Art Requiem] first, otherwise he can't use the original ability.

More importantly, weapons!

The magic weapon transformed by baby-5 couldn't exchange places with him, so it could only be thrown in place.

In that case, it would be too dangerous for baby-5, and it also meant that Abel would give up the initiative.

Can not return!

After Abel realized this, his eyes immediately became fierce and violent.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

Let's see who can have the last laugh.

Abel, who has a lot of cards in his hand, chose to go head-to-head!

The black lightning inspired by the tyranny also wrapped the knight's spear in his hand that changed greatly, and then faced Kaido who fell from top to bottom, he threw it with all his strength!

Destroy it, the final gun!

The incomparably gorgeous stream of light passed through Kaido's body in an instant, and he didn't know where it flew.

But at the same time, the eight fasts in Kaido's hand also fell irresistibly, hitting Abel's left shoulder!

In fact, Kaido originally targeted Abel's head, but because Abel's later attack affected him, and at the last moment, Abel forcibly moved his body, which caused Kaido's attack to fail. Can hit home.


In a terrible moment, Abel heard the sound of bone cracking, and then lost the feeling of the entire left arm.

If nothing else happened, his left shoulder should have been completely shattered.

Even the ice dragon armor and armed domineering energy wrapped outside could not completely block the power of this blow, and were directly destroyed.

Fortunately, the talent of [Heart of the Other Ghost] made him feel no pain at all, so there was no change on his face.

Instead, after being injured, they launched a fierce counterattack again!

He clenched his right fist tightly, golden light erupted, and the ferocious dragon's head directly bit Kaido's body with the blast of his right fist, and rushed into the sky.

Burst Dragon Fist!


With the violent explosion, Kaido slammed heavily on the ice, and didn't stand up again immediately.

Here, it may be possible to praise Abel for freezing the ice very thickly.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa."

Successive outbreaks and injuries also made Abel's breathing heavy and rapid, but he quickly readjusted his breathing rhythm.

Looking at Kaido again, he also stuck the mace on the ice, and finally stood up again.

But at this moment, anyone who sees Kaido's appearance can't help but gasp!

Because the strongest creature on the surface, which claims to be unkillable, was actually injured, and it was seriously injured!

In the abdomen, a bloody hole the size of a fist looked extremely scary.

That was the wound pierced by the [Final Spear] before!

Due to the additional effects of piercing, must hit, and curse.

Therefore, this penetrating wound cannot be healed. No matter how developed Kaido's animal-type devil fruit is, if the curse effect of the wound is not cleared, it will definitely not be able to heal itself!

Then there is the fist print depression on the chest and some wounds caused by the explosion around it.

The reason is that the punch just now triggered the skill effect of [Clothes Burst], which made Kaido's domineering defense invalid.

It is equivalent to using his body to force Abel to hit him with a full blow!

Under the combination of the two, Kaido, who was severely injured, failed to get up immediately after falling to the ground.

In comparison, Abel's situation seems to be slightly stronger, but not much better.

That blow was equivalent to directly crippling one of his arms.

Of course, with the Immortal Bean in hand and the [Samurai Soul] talent, he is not worried about his current situation.

If Kaido can be killed by changing injuries, he is willing to eat up all the remaining fairy beans in this war!

But he had to keep some hole cards to deal with possible emergencies.

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