Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 699 The field expands the Holy Truth Black Lotus Pond!


Abel made a move with his hand, and the magic weapon knight spear transformed by baby-5 flew back from a distance immediately, and he held it in his hand again.

Then he took a step forward with his left foot, with his foot on his waist and his hand on his belt, and threw it again.

Final Gun!

At the moment of the sonic boom, the final gun seemed to pass through space and time, and appeared between Kaido's eyebrows strangely and abruptly.

In an instant, blood spattered.

The shot successfully pierced Kaido's skin and flesh, and then launched an offensive towards the skull inside.

But at this critical moment, Kaido firmly grasped the body of the gun with both hands, preventing him from getting an inch!

The powerful impact pushed Kaido to slide non-stop on the ice. Even though Kaido sank hard with both feet and plowed two deep and long marks on the thick ice, it still couldn't completely counteract the blow. power.

At this time, Kaido couldn't help but let out a roar!

"Stop it!"

The strength of the whole body, plus the tyranny, are all condensed on the hands.

Abel, who resonated with baby-5's soul, even heard her painful moan.

Abel knew that baby-5 had done his best.

How could it be possible for someone else to block this blow with brute force? !

In order not to hurt baby-5, Abel decisively recalled it.

So the knight spear immediately turned into a streamer and flew back to Abel's hand, but Kaido was a step too late to keep it.

Feeling the soul power of baby-5 at this moment, Abel knew that he could probably fire two or three shots, or take a gamble.

On the premise that Kaido already had precautions, he chose the latter.

So, he first lifted the soul resonance state, and then let baby-5 start transforming again.

The next moment, a brand new dagger appeared in his hand.

The dark red blade, the silvery white blade glistening with cold light, the back of the blade is full of fine and sharp teeth.

Then the soul resonates again!

The shape of the dagger also changed dramatically.

The entire blade turned into a lightning-like appearance, the whole body was a hazy purple, and there was a pattern of a Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish at the position connecting the handle, only the handle was still the original dark red.

Breath of Darkness, working at full capacity.

One Shape · Shadow Attack!

A phantom stayed in place, and Abel's body was hidden in the darkness, and came behind Kaido silently.

Kidney Shot!

Ah bah, it's the angel of death!

Abel held the dagger backwards, and by ignoring the characteristics of the defense, he stabbed Kaido in the waist.

At the same time, Kaido, who was suffering from pain, also subconsciously turned around and swung the mace, smashing Abel into the air.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because the instant death judgment and the special effects of doom have already taken effect at the same time.

The wound exudes a gray-black breath

Immediately start the determination of will and luck!

If a white angel appears, the target will be healed; if a black angel appears, the target will die immediately.

This is the dominance of [Angel of Death].

It's just that it can only be used on the same target once in a short period of time, which is considered a defect.

At this time, Kaido froze in place, only he felt the coming of a great will, and just when that irresistible will was about to take his life, Kaido suddenly fell into a state of rage.

"piss off!"

The extremely violent domineering aura burst out without reservation, and with the blessing of this aura, Kaido's will was also strengthened to a limit.

No matter what the 'thing' on top of his head is, if you want to kill Lao Tzu, just do it upright!

If his life was taken away so inexplicably, then he would rather commit suicide!

Get out!

Under Abel's gaze, the black angel that was about to take shape suddenly exploded and turned into a lovely smiling white angel.

After the white angel appeared, it immediately turned into a white light and shrouded Kaido to heal his injuries.

The waist pierced by Abel just healed quickly, and the punch wound on the chest was also healed.

Only the wound on the abdomen pierced by the [Lance of the End] and the place where the forehead was stabbed were still bleeding, without any improvement.

That is a terrible curse that even the angels of the day cannot remove!

Seeing this, Abel knew that it was impossible to rely on luck to kill Kaido in one blow.

Simply let baby-5, whose soul power has bottomed out, directly release the magic weapon form, and then stay away from the battlefield here.

In the next battle, he will not have the energy to protect her.

baby-5 also knew that if she was exhausted at this time, staying here would be a hindrance, so when Dabai flew down from the sky, she immediately stretched out her hands and was taken to a safe place by Dabai.

This time, Abel pulled out the ghost pill again, preparing for the final fight with Kaido.

And Kaido seems to have the same idea.

"What was that just now? I can feel that once I let that black thing take shape, my life will be taken away by it."

"But it's a pity that it's only a little bit away. You can kill me just a little bit away."

Although the injuries on his head and abdomen made Kaido look a bit embarrassed, his tall and straight body seemed to tell everyone that this little injury could not kill him at all.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I can only say that even God thinks you shouldn't leave the scene in such a vain way, but should die by my sword."

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is meaningless to think about those "ifs". Abel immediately put those messy thoughts behind him, and then pointed the long knife in his hand at Kaido.

Kaido laughed: "Worororo! In this world, no one can kill me, including myself!"

Abel posed, ready to strike, "That was once, now, I'll kill you!"

"The field unfolds the Holy Truth Black Lotus Pond!"

I saw Abel squeezed a seal with one hand, and the jet black water gushed out from behind him, covering the sky and the sun!

In less than a second, the domain has been formed, trapping Kaido in it.

In the domain, apart from the endless black pool water, there are only black lotuses blooming on the surface of the pool.

And Kaido, who fell into the black pool water, immediately frowned. Although the pool water had only reached his waist, for some reason, soaking in it gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.

Feeling weak!

He couldn't help but recall those experiences of sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Kaido raised his hand, only to realize that he had changed from human-beast form back to human form.

He subconsciously wanted to use the power of the devil fruit, but found that nothing had changed.

At this time, Abel, who was standing on the largest black lotus, said, "Has the ability to discover the devil fruit failed? Here is your burial place, Kaido!"

This field created by fusing his shadow power is not as simple as it seems on the surface!

It can be called the grave of devil fruit ability users!

Whether it is pool water or lotus, there are hidden murderous intentions!

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