Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 700 Ghost Shadow Ukiyo-e!

In this [Holy Truth Black Lotus Pond], the water in the pool possesses a terrifying 'seal' ability.

As long as the devil fruit ability user touches it lightly, he will immediately be unable to use the devil fruit ability, which is more domineering than sea water and Hailou stone.

This ability can be completely understood as the figurative PLUS version of 'Dark Water'!

And the ability of the pool water is far more than that. As the soaking time increases, it will seal the target's energy and blood, and then the power of the soul.

In the end, it turned into a corpse and sank completely to the bottom of the pool.

So you must not let yourself come into contact with this pool of water for a long time, or you will finish playing sooner or later.

Although Kaido didn't know the inside story, he also sensed the danger and instinctively wanted to stay away from the pool.

Look at Abel again, standing on the lotus all the time.

Kaido immediately walked towards the lotus flower closest to him.

It's just that the lotus is really not dangerous at all?

Kaido doesn't know, but he has to try first.

because he's starting to feel the cold

That was the result of Qi and blood gradually becoming stagnant.

When Abel saw this, of course it was impossible to make Kaido happy so easily.

Soon, Kaido felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and his walking speed was getting slower and slower.

He always felt that there was something under the water in the pool, but because the surface of the pool was too dark, he couldn't see what was in it.

If you shift the perspective to his lower body sunk into the pool, you will be able to see this extremely horrifying scene!

A large number of shadow people are like drowned floating corpses, clinging to Kaido's legs with their whole bodies, eating desperately, and even some of them are climbing up, and they all climbed onto Kaido's back, but Kaido Haven't noticed anything yet.

These black shadows are like evil spirits crawling out of hell to seek their lives, and they are desperately dragging Kaido into the endless abyss under their feet.

Abel gave this trick a very artistic name, called

Ghost Ukiyo-e!

At the same time, Abel was not idle, and saw that he swung his knife and slashed through the void.

Shura Aurora Slash!

The brilliant flying slash directly took Kaido's head.

Due to the different powers integrated into the domain, Abel must hit only when he uses the shadow system to attack!

This gave Kaido a chance to fight back.

Kaido used his tyrant, wielding a mace, and slammed into Shura Aurora Zhan who was flying towards him.

Shura Aurora Slash was shattered.

But Kaido was also taken a few steps back by the impact.

Then Abel struck again with a flying slash.

Kaido's heart sank immediately, and his intuition told him that if he didn't leave the pool now, he might have no chance to figure it out later.

So he clenched the mace in his hand and swung it fiercely!

King Kong Dysprosium!

A purple columnar wave of light immediately cut through the surface of the pool and greeted it.

Immediately afterwards, Kaido didn't look at the result of the blow, and immediately concentrated all his strength on his feet, and then jumped up violently.

When Kaido jumped out of the pool, he finally saw these 'black shadow ghosts' lying on his body clearly.

He couldn't help frowning, and immediately covered his whole body with tyrants, and streaks of black lightning quickly blasted these 'black shadow ghosts' away.

However, after falling into the pool, these 'black shadow ghosts' were unscathed, floating on the surface of the pool one by one, staring at Kaido who fell from the sky.


Kaido landed precisely on a lotus flower.

The seemingly delicate lotus can withstand Kaido's weight and impact, and float steadily on the surface of the pool, which is very miraculous.


But before Kaido could relax, under Abel's control, the huge lotus flower suddenly gathered in the middle, wrapping Kaido in it, as if it had been eaten in one bite.

"Jundali·Long Shengjun!"

Under Kaido's furious offensive, the lotus that swallowed it didn't last long before it was completely torn apart, leaving only a base.

Seeing this scene, Abel smiled.

Because the lotus can not be stepped on.

I saw that the other nine lotus flowers immediately closed into flower buds, and quickly absorbed the pool water, causing the depth of the pool water to drop rapidly.

After a while, the lotus blossomed again.

A tall shadow figure emerged from each lotus flower. Except for the lack of detailed facial features, the overall appearance was almost exactly the same as Kaido!

Even the mace in his hand was simulated.

As soon as these black shadow Kaido appeared, they acted quickly, stepped on the water without falling, and went straight to Kaido.

Thunder gossip!

Kaido waved the mace and instantly swept away all the shadow men.

But the black shadow Kaidos who fell into the pool got up and charged again as if they had not suffered any injuries.

Then under Kaido's shocked gaze, Qiqi raised the black stick in his hand.

Thunder gossip! X9!

It was exactly the same, whether it was the angle and strength of the shot, or the domineering arrogance wrapped around it, they were all the same as when he shot just now!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although Kaido forcibly blocked a few blows with the mace in his hand, his fists were no match for four hands, and his body and face were severely slapped.

This couldn't help but make him even more annoyed, and subconsciously broke out a more powerful attack than before.

"Bao Lei Gossip!"

This time Kaido clenched the weapon with both hands, and then blasted all the 'fakes' around.

The black shadow men who were blown up immediately merged into the pool below, and then quickly walked out of the blossoming lotus again.

And gave Kaido a head-on blow with the new skills they just 'learned'!

Roaring gossip! X9!

Kaido's eyes widened. He could block one or two, but he couldn't stop three, four, or even more 'fakes'.

When the black sticks slammed on his head and body, even the 'strongest creature on the surface' was stunned.

He was not stupid, and quickly deduced that it was the problem of those lotus flowers.

Coupled with this continuous pool of water, these 'fakes' are immortal.

He immediately wanted to destroy all these lotus flowers, but the enemies around him made him very irritable.

"Get out of here!"

Kaido suddenly let out a dragon roar and began to transform.

Without the black water on his body, the seal was naturally lifted.

He doesn't believe that these fakes can even 'imitate' the ability of devil fruit? !

With this belief, Kaido, who turned into a blue dragon, flew directly into the sky.

Then he froze!

Because in his opinion, the impossible thing happened, but it really happened before his eyes.

The black shadow Kaidos also began to deform one after another, and finally turned into long black dragons and flew into the sky.

"Die to me, Fire Dragon Torch!"

Kaido, who was frightened and angry, immediately created a huge fire dragon to wrap his body, and everything touched by the flame would instantly melt.

Those black shadow Kaido who rushed up to "send to die" were no exception.

But what made Kaido frowned was that after the 'fake goods' were melted, the black pool water turned into was not evaporated, and still fell into the pool water below.

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