The black water in the pool seems to be 'water', but it is actually some kind of special liquefied power of shadow.

Naturally, he will not be afraid of flames, and it is even less likely that he will be vaporized.

It is more like an energy, an embodiment of rules!

So when Kai, who turned into a blue dragon, showed great power and killed all the 'fakes', the next moment, the newly upgraded pro, max, and plus versions of [Shadow Demon] came out of the lotus again.

And as soon as he was resurrected, he turned into a dragon and rushed into the air.

Then it created a huge fire dragon to wrap its body.

Fire Dragon Torch! X9!

Kaido: "."

Kaido is really a little numb at the moment.

He has experienced so many battles and fought against so many enemies, but he has never seen such an unreasonable ability.

If it's a replica, a counterfeit, he can still hit a dozen.

There are 9 of them, how can he fight them? !

If he hadn't discovered in the previous attack that these 'fakes' were only one-third of his own strength, he might have started thinking about how to break through this weird space and escape.

The world has only seen his reckless side, but in fact he is a smart person who likes to use his brain.

It's just that in most cases, he doesn't need to consume his precious brain cells.

In the air, under the joint siege of 9 [Shadow Demons], Kaido suffered a lot.

No matter what abilities or moves he uses, in the next second, these [Shadow Fiends] will automatically master them, and then skillfully use them to deal with him.

If ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they will inevitably be in a dilemma. The more powerful the means, the less they dare to use them.

But with only ordinary means, it is obviously impossible to defeat the combination of 9 'owns'.

This seems to be an unresolved result.

But Kaido just doesn't believe in evil, he doesn't believe that this ghost thing has no limit?

Rising Dragon · Flame Gossip!

Kaido started to risk his life, and saw him use the head of the "Fire Dragon Torch" to wrap the overlord-colored domineering Qi with a powerful impact and instantly smashed all the other [Shadow Demons].

Then, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Kaido immediately swooped down and opened his mouth wide, and it seemed that the target was the lotus flowers in the pond.


The turbulent pillar of flame erupted immediately, the temperature and power could easily evaporate a mountain, and it could also penetrate an island in an instant.

Kaido didn't believe that the delicate lotus below could block his attack.

It is indeed impossible, but don't forget, there is still one person alive in this field.

"Breath of Darkness · Shape of Four · Black Mirror!"

With his ability to draw circles in the void, part of the black pool water was immediately drawn out, forming a huge black round mirror, blocking the route of Kaido's heat attack.

Then I saw that powerful heat directly drilled into the black round mirror and was completely absorbed.

"Back to you!"

Abel controlled the black round mirror and flipped it over, and then the violent heat that had just been absorbed and sealed was immediately returned to Kaido intact!

Kaido only had time to avoid the reflection of the black mirror, but didn't notice the delay. The [Shadow Fiends] took shape again, and after transforming into dragons, they all opened their mouths wide open.

interest! X9!

boom! ! !

Kaido had just avoided the heat that Abel reflected back, and was hit directly by the remaining 9 heat.

Kaido's figure was engulfed on the spot.

It is the so-called pursuit of victory.

Abel immediately reversed the tip of the knife and stuck it in the pool water under his feet.

Breath of Darkness·Land Shape·Death Sword Tomb!

Breath of Darkness · Wu ZhiType · Soul Eater Black Flame!


Countless black swords flew out of the pool, trying to cut Kaido into pieces!

In particular, the black flame was still burning fiercely on the black sword, but the color was the same, which made it difficult to distinguish.

Once these two tricks were used, the black liquid in the pool decreased rapidly again.

Then the 9 [Shadow Demons] sprayed out another round of enthusiasm!

Because the consumption caused by maintaining this field was far beyond Abel's initial estimate, so he took out a fairy bean and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

In the next moment, not only were all the injuries he suffered before healed, but his left arm was also intact, and it also helped him recover to full strength.

So he controlled 9 [Shadow Demons] and then zoomed in!

Rising Dragon · Flame Gossip! X9!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

It seemed that after the bombing of the nine intercontinental missiles, Abel finally chose to stop and check the situation.

As the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, Kaido's huge body in the air had become drenched with blood and listless.

No matter how powerful the defense is, it can't withstand such a toss.

But Kaido has definitely developed the Devil Fruit to the point of awakening, because with the blue light shining on his body, those seemingly scary flesh wounds stopped bleeding quickly and began to heal!

This kind of vitality is almost like opening it!

(Kaido: "How the hell are you still talking about me?")

But obviously this super self-healing ability is not without cost and burden. In Abel's knowledgeable and domineering perception, it is obvious that Kaido's breath has weakened.

In addition, the wound caused by [Final Spear] was bleeding all the time, and it couldn't stop the bleeding and heal.

This has caused Kaido to lose a lot of physical strength and vitality.

What's even worse is the black pool water left on Kaido's body.

Although he had tried his best to resist with his domineering energy, he obviously couldn't block them all.

These black pools of water are acting as a 'seal', making it difficult for Kaido to continue to maintain his green dragon form.

After realizing this, Kaido no longer hesitated, and using the little time he had left, raging flames and black lightning burned all over his body, and he slammed directly into the boundary of the domain.

Although he knew the strength of his domain in his heart, it was impossible for Kaido to break through it casually, but out of safety, he still asked the [Shadow Demons] to intercept it.

Rising Dragon · Flame Gossip!

Kaido released his ultimate move again, hitting the boundary of the field heavily.

Abel's complexion changed a little, because he seemed to have underestimated the destructive power of the domineering aura on the domain.

But fortunately, the domain has not been broken.

At this time, Kaido could no longer maintain the blue dragon form, changed back to the human form, and began to fall from the sky.

The [Shadow Fiends] immediately rushed up and surrounded Kaido to attack.

Facing the siege, Kaido suddenly placed the mace by his side and made a gesture of accumulating power.

Then swipe!

A blow with violent power and domineering look quickly knocked out half of the [Shadow Demon] in seconds.

The remaining [Shadow Fiend] were not affected only because they were not in the direction of Kaido's attack.

At this time, Abel didn't think much about it, he just regarded it as Kaido's last battle of trapped beasts.

It wasn't until one of the remaining [Shadow Demon] also changed back to human form and made the same movement that he felt something was wrong.

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