Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 702: Heavenly Dragon Kills Gossip!

Chapter 702 Tianlong·Zhuxi Gossip!

Abel couldn't tell what felt wrong. It wasn't until Kaido faced the attack and assumed this posture again that he had a vague guess, but it was too late to stop him at this time.

When [Shadow Fiend] waved the black stick and blasted that blow, Kaido also adjusted his movements and struck out almost at the same time.

Then a shocking scene appeared!

Just after Kaido made a move, the attack of [Shadow Demon] seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, pulled by a force and finally merged together, forming an extremely huge and fast super shock wave!

That's right.

"Ba Hai!"

With Kaido's roar, the super shock wave directly blasted towards the edge of the field he hit with the dragon body just now.

Originally, it was a super combo skill that required two people to use, but now Kaido used the characteristics of [Shadow Demon] in turn to achieve this shocking blow with the help of the enemy!

The difficulty of this is unimaginable!

A little hesitation will lead to the failure of the release and become a unilateral beating, but this guy Kaido did it, it's really incredible!

To put it in a playful way, thank you [Shadow Demon] for the assist.

boom! ! !


After all, the domain constructed by Abel was still unable to block the blow of this extremely exciting Tyrannical Sea!

And Kaido also took this opportunity to run out of the burial ground prepared by Abel for him.

But Abel doesn't have so many regrets.

After all, if Kaido was really that easy to kill, it wouldn't be his turn to be the executioner.

Since he couldn't solve the opponent in the domain, he had no choice but to execute him openly in front of the whole world!

"You can't escape, Kaido!"

After releasing the domain, Abel took a step forward, and then the sound spread throughout the battlefield.

Everyone who didn't know what happened in the field was shocked when they heard this!

That arrogant and unkillable Kaido actually escaped?

Hearing this, Kaido's face suddenly became gloomy, as if he wanted to kill everyone.


He never escaped in his life.

Whether he broke into the navy headquarters alone or fought against anyone, he never retreated and never escaped!

Even if he was defeated in the end because of lack of physical strength, it was the same.

So Abel's words directly angered him.

"Today I will let you bury the sea, Abel!"

Amidst Kaido's roar, many members of the Beasts Pirates immediately regained their confidence and shouted: "We must win! We must win!"

Not to be outdone, the more dominant Dragon Hunting Guild immediately shouted in unison: "Invincible! Invincible! I am invincible! Kill, kill, kill!"

By this time of the battle, thousands of people had died in the fighting.

Countless people were injured.

And the battle between Abel and Kaido has come to the final battle!

Now, both of them are clear in their hearts that ordinary attacks have absolutely no effect on each other.

If you want to defeat the opponent, you must come up with your strongest blow.

So Kaido lifted the seal, turned into a green dragon again, soared into the sky, and got into the clouds, as if flying through the clouds. Immediately, there were lightning flashes, thunder, and heavy rain.

The aura on Abel's body also began to rise steadily, and it was time to use the reserved cards.

Burn blood!

Relying on [Burning Blood Meditation], Abel allowed himself to quickly enter the [Serious Injury State], gaining 300% of his fighting power.

At the same time, he activated the 'Blood of the Demon King' in his body.

When the mysterious black lines spread from his face to his whole body, an incomparably violent force and emotion erupted in his body at the same time.

Holding Qiushui tightly in his hand, he felt the double critical strike bonus brought by [Demon of Sword Contract].

"Not enough, this is not enough!"

At this moment, Abel was completely insane.

If you don't kill Kaido here, everything is empty talk!

[Title: King's Arrogance] Strike with one's life, activate!

Consuming a full 10,000 courage points, Abel got ten times the power bonus of the next attack!

Abel, who had already stacked a lot of buffs, really felt unprecedented power at this moment.

That is the extreme self-confidence that seems to be able to cut open the sky!

"Breath of Darkness·Seven Shape·Great Dark Demon God!"

When Abel used this trick again, it was different, it felt different.

The phantom of the six-armed Great Darkness Demon God that appeared behind him has been condensed to the extreme, no longer nothingness, but seems to be real.

Three heads and six arms, holding trident, moon sword, skull bowl, skull drum, rope, samurai sword and other things in his hand.

There are eye and moon patterns on the forehead, a huge dragon head on the shoulder, and the armor of the Ice Dragon King.

Every detail is so real and terrifying!

Let the people who are fighting on the battlefield show incomparably shocked and terrified expressions.

But at this moment, what Abel felt was completely different from before. He only felt as if he had really transformed into the six-armed Dark Sky Demon God, and was overlooking the entire battlefield from the opponent's perspective.

With just a thought, he can freely control the six-armed Great Dark Demon God to move freely.

Of course, he knew it was just an illusion.

Unless his physical strength and energy are limitless, with the current consumption, it is simply a dream for him to maintain this state for a long time.

Kaido, who was accumulating strength in the clouds, naturally also saw this terrifying scene.

But he has no fear!

Although being able to reveal this illusion is enough to prove the strength of the opponent, Kaido will not think that he will lose because of this!

Because his next blow was also a gamble with all his destructive blows!





Wind, thunder, water and fire, Kaido, who has gathered these four elements, looks like a legendary creature from a fairy tale.

"Ah! Bo!"

Accompanied by an earth-shattering dragon roar, Kaido's body was covered with the energy of the four elements, and with the domineering aura as the shell, he condensed a body of a dragon several times larger than himself.

Tianlong·Zhuxi gossip!

The power as if the sky was falling, crushed countless people out of breath, and directly fell to their knees on the ice.

As the center of the battlefield, Abel also moved at this moment.

I saw him and the six-armed Great Darkness Demon God behind him make a saber gesture at the same time, and then a palpitating aura instantly filled the audience, as if they were being targeted by something terrifying.

"Breath of Darkness·Seven Shape·Great Darkness Demon God"

"Six Paths of Reincarnation·Slaying the Dragon!"


When Abel swung this saber, it was as if time was frozen, but the six-armed big dark demon god behind him cut out six afterimages one after another, and then the six sabers merged into one, turning into an incomparably bright slash and head-on charge The coming dragon Kaido collided together!


God, it was cut open! ! !

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