Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 703 Holding the famous sword Qiushui, slashing the blue dragon Kaido!

When Abel and Kaido each released their strongest blows to draw an end to this desperate fight.

The aftermath just emitted almost caused the effect of clearing the field.

The sky is falling apart!

With Abel as the center, the thick ice layer quickly and completely shattered to the surroundings. Countless people fell directly into the sea and were swept away by the raging waves.

The domineering dominance of the fierce collision directly changed the sky, causing countless people to faint on the spot.

A series of turbulent vortices engulfed the ships one after another.

Storms, lightning and thunder, non-stop raging!

But what shocked people the most was an extremely bright knife light, and the clouds in the sky stretching for tens of kilometers were directly cut from the middle.

It looks like the sky has been torn apart!

After a long time, the violent sea finally released its anger and gradually calmed down.

At this time, no matter whether it was the divine dragon that soared through the clouds and the mist, tossing rivers and seas, or the six-armed dark sky demon god who seemed to support the heaven and the earth and was the only one who reigned supreme, they had all disappeared.

Until someone was still in shock and looked towards the very center of the battlefield.

There is still a piece of ice there that has not been completely destroyed, or it has been frozen by Abel again.

In short, there were two figures on the ice.

One stood, one fell.

After seeing clearly the person standing at the end, some people were ecstatic, some were astonished and unbelievable, and naturally some were devastated and demoralized!

In front of Abel, Kaido, who had turned back into a human form, fell to the ground, a fatal knife wound on his chest with deep bone visible, which had cut open his heart.

After receiving such a fatal injury, even Kaido has no chance of surviving!

In this battle, the outcome has been decided!

Abel placed the autumn water horizontally in front of his body. Although his voice was not loud, it resounded throughout the battlefield at this time.

"There used to be a great swordsman in the country of Wano, Shuangyue Ryoma, who never experienced defeat in his life. According to legend, he slayed the evil dragon with the saber and big sharp sword with twenty-one skills of autumn water, so he was called the Dragon Slayer Warrior. For the 'Knife God'."

"Today, my Aunt, founded the Dragon Hunting Guild to fight against the Pirates of Hundred Beasts in the new world. Holding the famous sword Qiushui, he slashed the green dragon Kaido, and did not avoid the ax and axe, and did not lose his prestige. Everyone in the world should witness it!"

"This battle is hearty! Come on, come on!"

Abel threw his head back and laughed, even though he was badly injured in the collision of the final blow.

But in the end he won!

And in front of countless people, he beheaded Kaido openly!

Just like what he said, if you don't lose your reputation, everyone in the world should witness it!

Moreover, the 'dragon' he slayed today is even more powerful than the dragon Shuangyue Longma slashed back then.

It is worthy of the name of "hunting dragon".

"Abel! Abel! Abel!"

"Dragon hunt! Dragon hunt! Dragon hunt!"

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!"

I don't know when the battlefield began to gradually change from small to large, and there was a uniform, deafening cheers!

That is the pride and pride from the heart of all members of the Dragon Hunting Guild who survived.

On the other hand, the Beasts Pirates, after Kaido's death, can be said to have lost all morale and completely collapsed.

Seeing that the situation is not good, many people are ready to flee.

After all, now that the battlefield is no longer frozen, if you sneak away by boat, you might still have a chance to survive.

At least most people are no longer ready to fight.

But the two big billboards of the Hundred Beasts Pirates did not have this meaning.

Kaido's death in battle did not make them feel scared, but they were extremely angry and unbelievable!

Jhin immediately wanted to confirm the situation of Boss Kaido, he didn't believe that the man who would become the "One Piece" in the future would die here so easily.

As long as there is still a breath, he can save people, and then wait for a comeback in the future.

But he wanted to leave, but he didn't ask the furious Enilu Tong if he agreed.

After the Thunder Beast helped release a large amount of lightning, Anilu directly rubbed out a huge black lightning ball, and then smashed it in the direction of Jhin!

Ray welcome!

Don't look at the incomparably huge black thunderball, but it actually flew extremely fast, and it caught up with Jhin in a blink of an eye.

If Jhin is not in a hurry to save Kaido, but releases his ultimate move at the same time, maybe there is still a chance.

But the wrong choice cost him a heavy price.

boom! ! !

The huge black thunder ball that was enough to destroy an entire country completely engulfed Jin's figure, and then endless thunder erupted, like thunder purgatory, leaving countless people dumbfounded!

And Abel took advantage of this opportunity to come to Kaido and stretched out his little black evil hand.

He accepted this green dragon fruit without hesitation!

When the thunder and lightning finally dissipated, Jhin, who was exuding a scorched black smell, fell powerlessly from the sky and fell directly into the sea, life or death unknown.

On the other hand, the battle between Quinn and Gage also went to the end.

Facing Quinn's modified body, Gaji took out his final trump card. With his ability to swallow fruit and his latest research, he combined with Reiju's four siblings to form a super Gundam!

Then, with the super power of the annihilation particle cannon, they fought against Quinn, and both sides were unable to recover.

But that's totally enough.

Without the obstruction of the two large signboards, the members of the Dragon Hunting Association immediately began to pursue the victory and beat the dog in the water.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates were defeated like a mountain. Although they still had a lot of personnel, they couldn't organize an effective resistance at all.

After all, Captain Kaido died in battle, the two major boards were defeated, and the rest of the cadres were too busy to take care of themselves.

Anyone with a little brain has already seen that the defeat is doomed, and there is no way to recover.

In the sky not far away, an albatross wearing clothes and a top hat is sitting on the back of a giant eagle, holding a video phone bug in his hand, facing the battlefield below, with an extremely excited expression on his face look.

He is the president of the World Economic News Agency, the bird fruit albatross form ability known as "big news" - Morgans!

Such an important event, how could he be missing.

He even risked his life to shoot material for the news.

It's just that Morgonz, who is an ability user in the form of a bird fruit albatross, can't fly, so he can only use this method.

But it doesn't matter, compared with the heavyweight and explosive news, all the efforts are worthwhile.

Morgons firmly believes that the news that the Dragon Hunting Guild defeated the Beast Pirates and Abel killed Kaido will cause an earthquake-level shock all over the world!

At that time, people all over the world will go crazy because of his news reports, and it will become the hottest topic of discussion nowadays.

As a journalist, what could be cooler and happier than this moment?

But Morgans didn't leave immediately, his intuition told him, wait a little longer, maybe there will be even more exciting news waiting for him later.

Reporters, be patient!

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