Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 704 Praying Mantis Stalks Cicada and Oriole Behind

Just after Abel used a piece of black cloth as a cover, took Kaido's fish fruit fruit, phantom beast species, and blue dragon form, and immediately put it in the system package, he let out a sigh of relief.

Then put the autumn water on the ice and sit cross-legged.

Because Kaido's full blow just now also severely injured him, and his eyes went dark.

Even the one-time certain death effect of the talent [Samurai Soul] was knocked out.

It is precisely because of his recklessness that he can kill Kaido in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, this battle will last for days and nights.

So his weakness at this time is not pretending.

He has now entered a 'near-death state', and he can completely 'resurrect' with full blood through three sit-ups.

But he didn't.

It is to give those who hide in the dark a chance.

"I'm already like this, why don't you come and kill me?"

How could Abel not be prepared for something that even Shanks could see in advance.

This is why he would rather increase the number of casualties than insist on not playing the two hole cards of Dabai and Devil Oz.

I believe that whoever thinks he can do it at this time, if he jumps out and wants to pick peaches, he will definitely get a big surprise!

"You really won?"

Until this moment, Hancock, who came to support him, still looked incredible.

She came here this time, although Yvette took up a large part of the reason, but she also had her own considerations.

I felt that there was a chance of winning, at least 50-50, so I brought people here.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that it was completely different from the tragic victory she had expected!

Even without her reinforcements, the result would not have changed in any way.

This somewhat complicated her emotions.

The king of loan sharks, Du Felder, didn't think so. At this moment, he fell into endless ecstasy, feeling the excitement of gambling with his wealth and life, and finally won the bet!

He didn't care whether he played a role in this victory, he only knew that he was on the right team, and that was enough.

He was on board the big ship of the Dragon Hunting Guild!

There is a weird feeling that Kobe and I scored 81 points together.

Even at this moment, Du Feld felt that his unlucky son was a little unimportant.

He completely forgot what was the reason for it in the first place, which gave him the urge to fight with the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Stussy's eyes were even more colorful, and he felt that the executor of that plan was none other than Abel.

Although the world government has not done anything to Vegapunk yet, once the people of the world government know that Vegapunk has been secretly studying the disappearing hundred-year blank history, no matter how smart Vegapunk is A genius, how many useful technologies he has researched, the world government will definitely not let him go.

And as the No. 1 successful work of MADS cloning experiment, lurking in CP0, and also becoming the queen of Happy Street, she has multiple identities, but she is actually a Vegapunk from beginning to end!

No one knows this secret!

So she needs to find a retreat for Vegapunk in advance, someone who can rescue Vegapunk from the hands of the world government and navy!

Now he felt that there was no more suitable candidate than Abel.

It's just that I don't know why, since the first contact, the other party has been very defensive and vigilant towards her.

After a few 'encounters', the relationship between the two parties has not improved.

This also made Stuci not only doubt his own beauty, but also a little unconfident about his means.

Now that Abel has become an upstart above the sea, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to get close to him.

This can't help but make Stuci feel a little melancholy, not knowing where to start.

In fact, at this moment, even Jinping, who participated in this war from the beginning to the end, was a little dizzy.

He felt like he didn't do anything, so he just jumped into the sea, how could he win if he hit the water?

He didn't feel any intensity in a war of this level, and he had a very relaxed sense of déjà vu.

Of course, it was not so easy in reality. Both sides fought very fiercely.

It is only because Jinbe has not encountered an opponent of the same level, or even a stronger opponent, that there is such an illusion.

But Jinpei is not stupid, that is the Beast Pirates that even the white beard father has to consider the consequences, and will not easily start a war!

Now it was actually defeated by the Dragon Hunting Guild.

He will never give up this friendship easily.

At that time, with the two superpowers of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Dragon Hunting Guild protecting Murloc Island, he might wake up laughing from his dreams!

Even Jinbe is like this. Kidd, Kira, Bellamy and others who also participated in this super war that affects the new world structure as trainee crew members are also eye-opening, and they have withstood the super strength from the inside out. of baptism.

After seeing the demeanor of the top powerhouses above the sea, their original pride and expansion completely disappeared.

It's just that the fire in their eyes has been successfully preserved. One day, they will also stand on this stage and become the protagonists of the world!

Of course, that day is still too far away from them.

Aboard the Red Forth, the discussion of who would win the war had ceased.

Hawkeye Mihawk's 'foresight' and his optimism towards Abel made him feel very happy after the result was obtained.

Although the duel between him and Shanks will be difficult to stage in the future.

But the person he was optimistic about first broke into the famous hall, or in this undisputed way, which made him secretly happy.

In this regard, Shanks is also very helpless. The boy he bet with his arm and straw hat is not yet old enough to go to sea.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two parties.

But in any case, even Shanks has to admit that this young man named Abel does have the strength and courage to lead an era.

By the time Luffy grows up, it may be too late.

This possibility made him somewhat helpless.

But this is the sea, magnificent, treacherous and changeable.

You never know when a talented and gorgeous person will jump out, crush all the seniors and younger generations, and ascend to the throne.

"Okay, it's time for us to play."

Shanks' eyes suddenly turned to the rising sea in the distance, as if something was drilling out from below.

The answer is warships!

Huge warships floated up from the bottom of the sea, and then drilled out of the sea.

At the moment when Kaido died in battle and the Dragon Hunting Guild defeated the Beast Pirates, the marines hiding under the battlefield finally couldn't hold back.

Maybe let them fight against the Beasts Pirates or any of the Dragon Hunting Guild, they will look forward and backward, consider the consequences, and finally choose to let it go.

But right now, both sides are hurting, Kaido died in battle, and Abel was also at the end of his battle.

Is there a better chance to wipe out both sides than this? !

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