It's just that it's too late to regret now, Huang Yuan had to work hard to resolve the last two stabs.

At the same time, he also issued an order for all naval warships to move quickly to reduce losses.

In addition, Abel's tough attitude, coupled with the power shown by these knives, all proved that he was not as weak as he had shown before.

If Abel let the yellow ape go easily, then the yellow ape would think more, thinking that he was just pretending to be powerful.

Now Huang Yuan doesn't think so at all.

The power of the sparkling fruit erupts in an all-round way!

The real yellow monkey immediately showed the demeanor and real strength of the admiral, which also frightened many people.

Each laser beam is enough to kill them ten times.

But how many Taos appeared in front of my eyes?

Thousands of ways!

What does this number mean?

As long as Huang Yuan is willing, he can clear the field in an instant and wipe out more than 80% of the members of the Dragon Hunting Guild.

Of course, this is the case when no one stops him.

But this assumption still makes people tremble!

It's just that the stronger the yellow monkey's strength at this moment, the more powerful Abel who pushed him back.

It made their worship of Abel reach a peak!

Under Huang Yuan's full attack, the two Shura Aurora Slashes flying towards him were all crushed.

However, one of the warships was unlucky enough to be cut in half by the broken sword light. I don't know how many navies were killed or injured.

This also made Huang Yuan's expression more gloomy.

It's just that when his eyes stayed on Abel, Shanks, Mihawk and others, he knew that his best choice right now was to evacuate immediately.

He can accept the loss of a warship.

But if all the troops of ten warships are thrown here, then he is a sinner of the navy.

The situation that the navy could have controlled will suddenly lose control.

He couldn't gamble on this result.

This is his judgment at the moment, and he will take responsibility for it.

So he didn't even say harsh words, he directly issued an order to save people, and then drove away directly with the navy.

After seeing all the admirals being 'beat away', the members of the Dragon Hunting Guild became even more excited and began to make all kinds of strange noises.

On the other hand, the remnants of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are heartbroken.

Not only a little envious, but also a little dazed and worried about my next situation.

Fortunately, Abel didn't seem to intend to kill them all. He just ordered everyone to put down their weapons and surrender. Those who resist in the corner will be killed without mercy!

Except for some diehards who were still struggling to break through, most of the survivors gave up resistance and surrendered.

This also means that this war is really over!

"Oh!!! Won!"

"We defeated the Hundred Beasts Pirates, hahahaha!"

"As long as President Abel is here, I dare to touch even the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Invincible, invincible!"

"One Piece, One Piece!"

. . . . . . .

Amidst the cheers, Diamanti and the others can be said to have extremely complicated expressions.

When Lord Dover ruled the Don Quixote family, Kaido and his Beast Pirates were mountains they could not climb no matter what, and they were demons who defeated their self-confidence with just one blow.

But now?

Not only did they win the war with the Beast Pirates, but they also witnessed the whole process of Abel beheading Kaido!

Everything seems to be as Abel said, "I will accomplish what you cannot do! I will sit on the throne you cannot ascend!"

That guy's promise is beginning to be fulfilled.

This caused Diamanti and others, who were still inclined towards Doflamingo in their hearts, to start to waver.

"Perhaps, the Don Quixote family led by Abel can truly reach the pinnacle?"

"Is Abel really more qualified to be king than Dover?"

When these two thoughts appeared in their minds, even they themselves were taken aback.

This means that they have come to agree with everything the other is doing.

And Doflamingo, who is still waiting for their rescue, doesn't know what happened here, what kind of expression will he have when he knows?

Really curious.

. . . . . .

"It's worth it, it's really worth it!"

Morgans giggled excitedly, he knew that this war was full of surprises.

Thanks to the 'Navy Veteran' for the assist!

He had a hunch that this time the situation in the sea would change drastically because of his news reports!

He can't wait to get back to writing.

As for the manuscript he will write next, will it touch the sensitive nerves of the navy and the world government?

He doesn't care!

Although in some cases, he also had to cooperate with the world government and navy to release some special news.

But he himself dislikes other people's control of his reports the most.

He must decide what to publish in his newspapers.

This is also the reason why he dared to push Lu Fei to become the fifth emperor in the original book.

After taking a deep look at Abel and the others below, the giant eagle immediately carried Morgas away quickly.

And Abel also glanced over there, then withdrew his gaze.

After the war broke out, there were too many people hiding around and sneaking around, and it was impossible for him to keep everyone behind.

If you're just 'watching the fun', it's time to leave.

If there are still people who want to make trouble, then Abel can only reluctantly send them to see God.

"Captain red hair, do you want to stay and have a banquet together later?"

"It's not necessary. After all, President Abel has already dug a hole, waiting for the navy to jump in. Instead, I led people here rashly, disrupting your deployment."

When saying this, it is difficult to guarantee that Shanks is not self-deprecating and complaining.

Abel also knew that he had refuted the other party's face today, but that's how he is, one size fits all.

He didn't ask the other party to come.

"That's a pity, we can only get together next time."

Confirmed eyes, not like-minded people.

So there is nothing to regret at all, and Shanks left very simply.

After returning to his boat, he looked at Mihawk and said, "Aren't you going to say hello?"

Mihawk shook his head, "The time and place are wrong."

"That's right, I'm afraid President Abel will be busy next time."

Recalling Abel's previous performances, Shanks always felt that this person was too dangerous.

In a sense, the opponent will be even more difficult to deal with than Kaido.

At least he would rather fight Kaido than be targeted by Abel, those are two concepts.

"Go back, little ones!"


The war was over, and Shanks left immediately with his people.

Although there were some twists and turns in the middle process, his original goal had been achieved.

As for how much of this pie can be divided, it depends on where the public opinion will fall next.

Maybe there will be surprises.

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