"My lord, this is today's newspaper."



"I said it, don't! Again! Call! Me! Less! Lord!"

Doflamingo, who was lying on the chair, slammed the wine bottle in his hand against the wall, and then exploded.

The maid who brought in the newspaper was terrified and trembling.

Why does Doflamingo stop letting others call him Young Master?

Who is the master of the Don Quixote family now?

What does the young master mean in translation?

You taste, you fine taste!

Therefore, Doflamingo's favorite address has also become a taboo word.

Whoever makes a mistake will get mad!

Even though he was put under house arrest by Abel, no one dared to give him eye drops.

In addition to the fact that there is no freedom, the treatment in daily life can be said to be full.

What delicacies, delicacies, wines and delicacies you want to eat, that is a matter of one word.

In these respects, Abel never treated him badly.

It's a pity that Doflamingo didn't appreciate it, but thought that the other party owed him.

And indeed Abel owed him.

Abel himself recognized it, so he was provided with good food and drink, and so many people were hired to take care of him.

"Bring the newspaper, you can go!"

After Doflamingo lost his temper, he picked up today's newspaper, ready to see what big events happened outside.

And this is the only way he can understand the outside world.

So no matter how angry he was, he would read the newspapers every day seriously, even turning them over and over again.

Apparently, Doflamingo didn't think Abel would be able to trap him for the rest of his life.

Sooner or later, he will return to the sea and make a comeback!

It's just that when he saw today's newspaper, his pupils contracted violently in an instant, and his hands subconsciously squeezed the newspaper into crumpled ones. His face was shocked and unbelievable!

The cover of the front page of the newspaper was the guy he didn't want to see, and he didn't want to mention again.

And this photo is very artistic.

In the middle, Abel held Qiushui and Admiral Huang Yuan's Tiancongyun sword to fight together, showing his domineering power.

Behind him is Kaido who fell to the ground, life and death unknown!

As for the title, "Big Shock! Kaido died in battle, and the Dragon Hunting Guild won an all-round victory! "

The following content begins to explain in detail the cause and effect, as well as the entire war process.

It is so detailed that it seems that the war reporter who wrote the article experienced the whole war in person.

Apart from this incident, the entire newspaper did not mention any other news.

It seems that compared with the results of this war, nothing else deserves to be published in the newspaper.

Look at the last contributor, Morgans!

That's fine.

Although this guy sometimes exaggerates facts or even fabricates news according to his own subjective wishes or for the sake of attracting people's attention.

But for such a big event, the other party didn't have the courage.

At most, it is exaggerated in some places, using a little spring and autumn brushwork and so on.

But despite this, Doflamingo fell into a long silence.

As if in a daze, he read through the contents of the entire newspaper again and again, and read it over and over again, unwilling to believe it was true.

But the voice in his heart kept telling him, "This is true!"

That bastard boy actually did it!

Kaido, who had become a nightmare in his heart, was beheaded by Abel himself.

He also defeated the Hundred Beasts Pirates in the war, and became one of the top forces in the entire sea in one fell swoop.

This is something that he failed to do for more than ten years, but it was accomplished by the other party in such a short period of time.

Could it be that he has really been eliminated by this era?

Is the other party really more qualified than him to sit on the throne?


Isn't it just a clown?

With a pun, Doflamingo closed himself directly.

That night, he got himself very drunk and didn't want to wake up again.

. . . . . .

News, super invincible and explosive news was quickly transported by Newsbird and brought to all parts of the world!

Let countless people know the result of the war between the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Dragon Hunting Guild.

The Dragon Hunting Guild, which almost no one was optimistic about beforehand, not only became the final winner, but Abel, who personally beheaded Kaido, surpassed countless veteran powerhouses in one fell swoop, and became a super marine that can be compared with Whitebeard, BIG MOM and others. Nouveau riche!

And that's not all.

At the end of the news, in Morgens' summary, such a concept was mentioned for the first time.

Name: Emperor of the Sea!

That is to say, the strongest people who are most likely to compete for One Piece.

And the list he gave is:

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, known as "the strongest man in the world"!

The captain of the BIG MOM Pirates, the Queen of the Kingdom of Totland, the 'BIG MOM' Charlotte Lingling known as the "Natural Destroyer"!

The leader of the Dragon Hunting Guild, the upstart at sea who slayed the "beasts" Kaido, and the "White Death" Gustaves Abel known as the "Dragon Slaying King"!

And the captain of the Red Hair Pirates, "Red Hair" Shanks.

'White Beard' Edward Newgate, 'BIG MOM' Charlotte Lingling, 'White Death' Gustavers Abel, 'Red Hair' Shanks, these four may be the emperor of the sea, They are called the Four Emperors!


When the name Four Emperors was first proposed, it almost completely ignited the enthusiasm of heated discussions all over the world!

Everyone has their own opinion, and that's it.

But there are a few points that everyone agrees on.

The first one is the term "Four Emperors".


Moreover, there is indeed a lack of such a title to make a final conclusion for the most powerful person in the sea in everyone's mind.

So the 'Emperor of the Sea' is no problem.

The real problem is the candidate for the 'Emperor of the Sea'!

Naturally, there is no need for too much discussion on the first two. Whether it is 'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate or 'BIG MOM' Charlotte Lingling, they are the out-and-out overlords of the new world, making the navy helpless. .

Therefore, it is well-deserved that they have two places among the Four Emperors.

Originally, there should be another "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, but it is a pity that "Hundred Beasts" Kaido is already in the past tense, and was beheaded by the upstart Abel.

Therefore, this title should naturally fall on the 'Dragon Slaying Emperor' Abel.

This is not too controversial. Although Abel is a little too young, above the sea, strength will always speak.

Therefore, most people also agree that Abel can sit on an equal footing with 'White Beard' Edward Newgate and 'BIG MOM' Charlotte Lingling, and become one of the Four Emperors.

But what the hell is 'Red Hair' Shanks?

Although the name of the Red Hair Pirates has a certain degree of spread in the New World, many people know that this pirate group is very powerful.

But to what extent is it specific, and why it won the title of the last Four Emperors, many people are puzzled!

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