Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 710 The Four Emperors and the Bounty

"The emperor of the sea, the four emperors, are really too domineering!"

"I also agree with this statement, but does anyone know what happened to that 'red-haired' Shanks?"

"I heard that it seems to be a very powerful pirate group in the New World. The captain "Red Hair" Shanks and the "Eagle Eye" Mihawk in the Shichibukai are friends, and the two often exchange ideas."

"'Eagle Eye' Mihawk? Is that the world's number one swordsman? Then, this 'red-haired' Shanks should also be very powerful?"

"It should be, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that I have never heard of any impressive record."

"You guys, didn't the newspapers say that this 'red-haired' Shanks directly led people to intercept the Admiral Kizaru and a whole ten warships! It's not amazing to completely end the war and let the navy return without success batch?"

"When you put it that way, it seems like a real dick."

"Of course! Otherwise, why would he and the others be called the Four Emperors in the news? There must be a reason for that!"

. . . . . . .

Intense discussions like the above can be seen almost everywhere these days.

Among them, the topic of whether the "red-haired" Shanks is worthy of being one of the four emperors has attracted countless people's debates.

There are those who are approved, and those who are not.

Clearly, Morgans succeeded!

And it's a great deal!

Not only did he rely on the results of the war between the Dragon Hunting Guild and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, he increased the newspaper sales by at least ten times.

He also took the lead in proposing the title of "Emperor of the Sea", and pointed Jiang Shan, and distributed this title to four people, creating the so-called "Four Emperors" with his own hands!

Then, it even used the topicality of "red hair" Shanks to completely detonate public opinion, and everyone couldn't help but participate in the discussion.

No matter what the final result is, whether the "red-haired" Shanks can bear the pressure, and the "crown" he gave, he has already made a lot of money.

Even after the title of "Four Emperors" is recognized worldwide, his name as the "Founder" will last forever and become a part of history.

Immediately afterwards, the navy also updated the arrest warrant for the Dragon Hunting Guild.

Once again caused a boiling sound!

First of all, as the president of the Dragon Hunting Association, the newly promoted Abel, who has two titles of "Dragon Slaying Emperor" and "White Death" on his body, has directly increased his bounty to 4,855,500,000 Berry !

Surpassed Kaido's 4.6111 billion Berry and BIG MOM's 4.388 billion Berry!

Second only to 'White Beard' Edward Newgate's 5,046 million Berries!

Just the appearance of this number is enough to shock countless people.

But after calming down and thinking about it carefully, no one felt that Abel was not worthy of this bounty.

After all, even Kaido, who died in his hands, had a bounty of 4.6 billion. In addition, he defeated the admiral and broke the arm of Kizaru.

It's not too much to have this bounty.

Secondly, the bounties offered by the two major cadres, 'Thunder Emperor' Enilo and 'Omnimechanical Emperor' Jiazhi, also skyrocketed.

The former rebelled against the Qibukai, committing serious crimes, and then defeated Jhin, one of the big signs of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, so the bounty directly reached 1.64 billion Berry!

The latter was directly canceled as a member of the World Government of the Kingdom of Germa. Coupled with the "legendary" crimes, the bounty of Gaji also came to 1.38 billion Berry!

Including Reiju's four siblings, with the help of their father's halo and Germa's title, the bounties are all over 100 million, which is outrageous!

Next, Diamanti and others of the original Don Quixote family all participated in the war, and the bounty was increased in varying degrees.

After all, they were originally under the protection of Doflamingo Shichibukai, and their bounties were too small to match their own strength.

This time it can be regarded as giving them a 'rectification of name'.

The three intern crew members Kidd, Kira, and Bellamy, who also performed well in the war, showed their prowess, and all received bounties ranging from tens of millions of Berries, which can be regarded as a little famous.

Finally, there is a good news, that is, the existence of Robin has been exposed.

So much so that the bounty offered by the 'son of the devil' suddenly ushered in an unrealistic increase, reaching 290 million Berry!

It's just outrageous that he immediately opened the door for Outrageous, and Outrageous got home.

You must know that in this war, Robin has always been very low-key, and ended up lying down for no reason.

It can only be said that the world government's fear of her is far more than that of other people, and it can't wait to kill her immediately.

But now with the protection of Abel and the entire Dragon Hunting Guild, little Robin is no longer a target they can choose at will.

It is estimated that this is why he became angry and gave such a high bounty.

I don't know what other people think, but Robin himself smiled wryly.

Abel didn't think it mattered, what's the point of this.

His heavy nirvana hasn't been thrown out yet.

Otherwise, he would have to give him another 1 billion bounty, and he wouldn't be happy without it!

It's just that they have just defeated the Beast Pirates now, and they need a period of safe development time to receive Kaido's legacy.

After his Dragon Hunting Guild absorbs these nutrients, and then eliminates all restless factors, it will instantly expand to the point where the navy is intimidated.

At that time, it is time for him to blow the horn of 'counterattack'.

Don't you like offering rewards to others?

Then taste the taste of being offered a reward!

Abel estimated that if he really wanted to do this, he would immediately become a thorn in the side of the world government and the navy.

It is estimated that Robin is not as bad as himself!

But, who cares, it's enough for me to be happy.

. . . . . .

Oni Island, Kaido's lair.

Abel has brought people to receive Kaido's "inheritance".

I thought that there should be no decent resistance on the island.

However, after exploring a certain cave, he was attacked by a woman who claimed to be "Kozuki Oden".

This woman is about 17 or 8 years old, tall and tall, wearing a white sleeveless close-fitting kimono with blue patterns on the kimono and two diamond patterns on the chest.

A huge shimenawa was tied around his waist, he was wearing a long red skirt on his lower body, and a pair of red clogs with red straps on his bare feet.

It is worth noting that the opponent has a pair of red devil horns on his head.

There are also explosive handcuffs on his hands, like a person imprisoned here, and it is a bit weird.

Especially the strength shown by the other party, Abel couldn't help but look sideways at him.

Seeing that ordinary people couldn't take her down at all, Abel simply asked Kidd and the three to practice. Anyway, with him in charge, it is almost impossible for accidents to happen.

Well, being beaten is no accident.

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