Even though Smoothie didn't like the "Dragon Slaying Emperor" or "White Death" who reached the sky in one step, he felt that the other party was only lucky enough to get to where he is today.

But considering that the opponent killed Kaido, it shouldn't be fake, after all, there were so many people watching at the scene.

Therefore, Smoothie felt a little guilty, and took advantage of the steps handed by his two younger sisters to put on a hundred dissatisfaction and eight hundred dissatisfaction attitudes, and reluctantly sent a contact to his mother to simplify the situation. Explained a bit.

Charlotte Lingling from the phone bug was only slightly surprised when she heard it.

After all, she has been so provocative, if the other party has no temper and no reaction at all, then she has to be vigilant instead.

But she didn't take him too seriously.

Although I don't know how Kaido was killed by the opponent, it must be some kind of conspiracy and tricks, and then seized Kaido's weakness.

If it hadn't been for that bastard old man with white beard who had tied her down in advance and prevented her from taking people to the battlefield, what would have happened.

If she and Kaido can join forces, what kind of bullshit Dragon Hunting Guild will rub them into scum every minute.

In that case, Kaido will not die, and will owe her another big favor.

It's a pity, I didn't expect Kaido to be so useless and die at the hands of a brat.

It was a waste of the devil fruit that she worked so hard to give to the other party.

"Don't worry, Smoothie. They won't dare to do anything to you unless they want to go to war with us, the Big Mom Pirates."

"Yes, Mom, of course I know they don't dare. So what do we do next? I don't want to give them back what is already Mom."

"Mamamama~ Actually, it's not impossible to return them."

"Ah? Why?"

"If that kid is sensible and willing to become a family with us, then naturally there is no need to make such a clear distinction. Do you understand what I mean?"

Smoothie was stunned for a moment, and then quickly asked: "Mom, do you mean to marry the other party?"

"That's right, when the people from the Dragon Hunting Guild come, you can ask that boy Abel directly. As long as he is willing to marry, he can choose any of my daughters, as many as he wants, including you. Do you understand, Smoothie?"

At the end, Charlotte Lingling's voice became cold all of a sudden.

No matter what my daughter thinks, no one can go against her will in this kind of matter.

Even in her opinion, why refuse such a good thing?

If he hadn't passed the age of peerlessness, how could he get someone else's turn.

With her and Abel's genes, they can definitely give birth to the best children!

It's a pity.

But when she thinks that the other party will cultivate a better next generation with her daughter, she thinks it is acceptable.

"Yes, Mom, I know, and I will tell the other party the truth."

"But what if that guy refuses to agree?"

Smoothie asked calmly, as if he had already gotten used to his mother's ruthlessness, otherwise he wouldn't have developed a similar character.

"Mamamama~ No one can refuse my kindness, unless it is a dead person."

The phone bug stopped abruptly amidst Charlotte Lingling's loud laughter.

"You've heard it too, let's go welcome our new family."

After putting away the phone bug, Smoothie took his two younger sisters to the port.

On the other side, Abel's fleet has just landed.

Those who wanted to resist the BIG MOM Pirates were quickly cleared away.

"President, I have made it clear that the island is occupied by the 14th, 15th, and 16th daughters of Big Mom, and Charlotte Smoothie is one of the [Three Generals of Desserts]."

Abel nodded slightly.

The meaning of this [Sweet Three Stars] is similar to the [Three Kanban] of the Kaido Hundred Beasts Pirates.

They are the three strongest cadres and the most senior cadres in their respective forces.

"Find them and kill them. It's time for Big Mom to know the consequences of messing with us."

A mere general, of course Abel wouldn't make a move himself.

BIG MOM has [Dessert Three Stars], and he also has [Contract Three Perverts].

Nothing wrong!

Enilo looked quite happy about having another fight.

Since following Abel's side, the big and small fights have basically never stopped.

Are they too troublesome, or why? Can't figure it out.

But just when Enilo was about to leave, Smoothie brought people over without them looking for it.

"Is the person here, President Abel of the Dragon Hunting Guild? I am my mother's 14th daughter, Charlotte Smoothie, and I am 25 years old this year."

"Girl 15, Charlotte Strong, 25 years old."

"The 16th girl, Charlotte Snamon, 25 years old."

Uh, what's the deal with this introduction like a blind date corner?

It always feels weird.

It's fine to announce the names before the fight starts, but you also have to know how old each other is?

What, are you not hitting nursing homes or kindergartens?

Abel's stomach was filled with discomfort, and he could only say: "I am the president of the Dragon Hunting Guild. Big Mom's hand is a bit too long. I will give you one last chance. Now all of you should evacuate now. Can save lives."

At this time, Smoothie took a step forward and said: "We can leave, or we can return all the other occupied islands to you."

Abel smiled, "I don't know when the BIG MOM Pirates actually switched to charity. Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

"Mom said that as long as President Abel is willing to marry, all her daughters including us, you can choose one or a few to marry. In this way, we will be a family, and those islands will naturally return."

When Smoothie said these words, not only Abel, but even the people brought by Abel were dumbfounded.

Especially Robin, baby-5, and Reiju's daughters all have wonderful expressions.

BIG MOM's abacus, you can know what this guy is thinking from five miles away.

The two four emperors married her daughter?

It's a shame she figured it out!

However, if the two forces are really married, it will be the navy and the world government's turn to have a headache, and they will not be able to sleep every day.

It's also interesting to think about it.

But Abel is absolutely, absolutely impossible to be BIG MOM's son-in-law.

It's not just the reason why the generation of BIG MOM is inexplicably low, there is another reason that is very important

That is, BIG MOM's daughters all have strange shapes, which are not in his aesthetics at all.

This is completely impossible to force.

There is no benefit at all, and it is full of crooked melons and dates, defrauding people?

If everyone really wants to look as beautiful as a fairy, then he can think about it.

Consider killing BIG MOM and take in these poor homeless people.

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