"Marriage? Stop kidding."

"He stole my stuff and dared to make a condition, it's just life-or-death!"

Abel immediately controlled the domineering arrogance and exploded towards the opposite side.


Charlotte Strong and Charlotte Snamon were so overwhelmed that they couldn't breathe, and they knelt down on the ground with ugly faces, and could only struggle to hold on.

As for the other miscellaneous fish, they had already rolled their eyes and fell to the ground in a coma.

Only Smoothie, under the suppression of Abel's domineering look, can still retain some combat power.

But he was also sweating coldly, feeling that he was an ordinary person, but in the end he was being targeted by an ancient monster, and he shuddered!

One's own life and death are always under the control of the other party.

It's a bad feeling.

Smoothie only ever felt something like this when his mother had a craving for food and was being watched.

It seems that it will be eaten in the next second!

It was also at this moment that she confirmed that the opponent's beheading of Kaido might really rely on strength, not luck and conspiracy.

"This person is as strong as my mother!"

When Smoothie had such a realization, the arrogance in her heart disappeared instantly.

As a strong and muscular woman, she can squeeze out all the waste without hesitation, and she can also lower her head and behave very politely and well-bred.

So even though Abel categorically rejected the marriage proposal, she was not angry. Instead, she said sincerely: "Mom means that if we can work together, we will definitely be able to dominate the sea, and then the so-called One Piece will be in your pocket and your mother's." things."


Abel withdrew his arrogance and smiled disdainfully.

"Differences do not conspire with each other, I have no intention of joining forces with you, let alone marrying."

"Go back and tell Big Mom that if you dare to reach out again next time, I will destroy her world!"

"get out!"

Smoothie took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

As a weak person, we must have this awareness.

Because basically all the guys who dared to contradict their mother had their souls extracted by their mother and died, and now their graves are several feet high.

Smoothie didn't want to die yet, and after feeling the overbearing arrogance of the opponent before, she didn't have the idea of ​​doing anything.

At this moment, I can only help the two younger sisters and walk outside.

"I will definitely bring your answer."

Smoothie led the men away.

"Just let them go?"

There was no fight anymore, and Enilo was a little unhappy.

"Courtesy first, then soldiers, if BIG MOM is sensible, let her go first."

"If it's endless, then I don't mind turning the Fourth Emperor into the Third Emperor, and I'll kill her first!"

From the beginning to the end, Abel did not actually regard BIG MOM as his opponent, at most it could only be regarded as a stumbling block on the way forward.

The only difference is that when he is willing to kick it away!

And what he really has to deal with has always been the world government and the navy.

So he really hoped that BIG MOM would be more sensible and not seek death.

. . . . . .

After Smoothie left, he immediately reported the situation to his mother.

After listening to Abel's answer, BIG MOM even breathed heavily.

Then there were some "don't eat me" screams and horrible chewing noises from the phone bug.

After a while.

"Very good, boy Abel, I remember him."

"In so many years, this is the first time someone dared to refuse my kindness like this."

"I'd like to see how he has the confidence to do this."

Smoothie asked: "Then what should we do with the islands we took over that originally belonged to the Beast Pirates? Just return them?"

"Give it back to them? Since that Abe boy is unwilling to accept my kindness, then each depends on his ability. I have eaten the cake in my mouth, should I spit it out again?"

"Yes, Mom, I see."

Charlotte Lingling made it very clear that she wanted to fight Abel to the end.

And in terms of power, she is not afraid of anyone.

Did she really think that all her sons and daughters were born in vain?

So the sea, which had been calm for a few days, became lively again.

In order to compete for the territories left after the Beasts Pirates disbanded, the BIG MOM Pirates and the Dragon Hunting Guild have been at constant friction, and they don't know how many conflicts have occurred between them.

Small-scale battles happen almost every day.

Today you occupy this island, tomorrow I will take it back.

What you say is yours is yours?


Abel also doesn't have avatar skills, so it's impossible to manage so many places.

So I can only let Enilo and others split up and prepare to fight BIG MOM to the end.

Now there is more fun to watch.

Many people are guessing, when will the Dragon Hunting Guild and the BIG MOM Pirates start an all-out war.

Will one of the four emperors fall directly by then?

That was simply too exciting!

at the same time.

In the first half of the great voyage, a new force of pirates named the Heart Pirates also started their new adventure.

"Luo, look at this, the Dragon Hunting Guild you care about the most seems to be facing off with the BIG MOM Pirates again."

Luo, who was wearing a hat, seemed to still look the same as before, but there was a lot of inexplicable temperament on his body.

He took the newspaper and looked at it, and it really clearly recorded the recent friction between the Dragon Hunting Guild and the Big Mom Pirates.

That is the power of the two four emperors!

Any of their actions can have a huge impact around the world, and it is no exaggeration to say that even the navy and the world government are always paying attention to their movements.

But what Luo cares about is not this, but the domineering guy in the photo who is so handsome that countless women are crazy about him.

It's just that he hasn't seen each other for a few years, and the other party has grown to the point where he can't see his back.

The emperor of the sea!

The bounty is 4.8555 billion Berry!

One of the most likely candidates to become One Piece!

Even Doflamingo, who made him feel invincible, was kicked out of the position of Patriarch by Abel, and he also established the Dragon Hunting Guild, annexing the entire Don Quixote family!

When he learned all this from the newspaper, it felt like a dream, unbelievable!

But when I think that this guy did it, it feels like nothing is impossible.

Luo still remembered that when he was in Don Quixote's family together, he could easily master what he couldn't learn no matter how hard he tried every day, and then surpassed, surpassed, and then surpassed the cognition of the cadres, becoming the leader of every day. A super genius in my mouth.

I thought that after getting the fruit of the operation, the distance between him and Abel could be shortened.

Unexpectedly, the distance became even further.

But Luo was not discouraged, and these news inspired his fighting spirit even more.

"Look, Abel. I will catch up soon, and come to you in a dignified way."

"And Doflamingo, Mr. Cora's death. I will never forget it!"

Luo looked firmly at the sea in front of him.

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