Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 721 Contribution Degree System

Sunshine, blue sky, sea, sand.

After handing over everything to Enilo, Gage and others, Abel also let go of his tense nerves and gave himself a few days off.

Baby-5, this clingy little fairy, naturally follows him wherever he goes.

Unexpectedly, Robin also came with him on the grounds of his personal secretary.

This made Enilo very happy!

Without Robin's discipline, this guy might not be able to do anything.

However, considering that Robin showed him his new swimsuit, Abel felt that it was okay to let Enel let himself go.

On this sea, there are not many enemies who can threaten this guy's life.

Then Reiju didn't know what reason she used to persuade Gage to let her join the vacation team.

Immediately afterwards, Monet brought his sister Granose, and Violet, all came.

Suddenly there was a group of Yingyingyanyan around him, which suddenly made him a little uncomfortable.

Abel always suspects that this change may have something to do with BIG MOM's proposal of marriage to him.

Look at these babes playing beach volleyball right now, and think of BIG MOM's weird daughters.

Even if Abel's head was hit to the bottom of the sea by Garp's galaxy impact, he would know how to choose.

So someone is lucky.

Beauties, big and small, wearing all kinds of swimsuits, are running and playing on the beach in a healthy and lively way.

Abel had always thought that among these women, Robin had the best figure.

But when Violet finished dancing in front of him with a red rose in her mouth, he realized that this woman was really hiding something.

And baby-5 and Reiju have also reached the age of rapid development, and they may not be able to catch up in the future.

Only the Monet sisters.

Hey, don't mention it!

It is worth mentioning that because Abel threw Caesar to Gage to deal with, Monet did not become a "bird man", but a human image.

Abel lay on the sun lounger, basking in the sun comfortably.

Next to him, Violet carefully peeled the grapes for him, and then fed them to his mouth one by one.

Even baby-5 puffed up his face so attentively, and tried to drive her away from Abel several times, but failed.

Abel knew very well why this woman flattered him so much.

It is nothing more than that he returned the freedom of the Wano country to the citizens there, but Dressrosa remained the same and was not relieved.

In Violet's view, this is hope!

Since Wano Country can, why can't Dressrosa?

Furthermore, Dressrosa has fallen to the point where it is today, and the biggest villain is Doflamingo.

And now Doflamingo has stepped down.

Violet thought very clearly, if she could save the country and its people at the price of such a little dignity, why didn't she do it and try hard?

Of course, she also knows that what she is doing now is far from enough.

But she believes that one day, she will succeed.

While enjoying everything now with peace of mind, Abel suddenly said as if he was talking to himself: "I have always been fair. The people of Wano Country took out three big sharp knives and twenty-one jobs as the price. Redeemed the Wano country from me."

"If you want to save Dressrosa, you need to pay the same price, or make enough contributions to the guild, do you understand?"

Violet's hand, which was peeling the fruit, suddenly paused, and then a complex emotion of surprise, joy and worry emerged in her heart.

She was delighted that Abel actually gave her such a promise, telling her clearly that Dressrosa could be liberated.

But the worry is that the price of liberating Dressrosa is a bit too high, and she can't afford it at all.

Not to mention whether the three big sharp knives and twenty-one workers can be bought, even if they can be bought, how much will it cost?

Definitely an astronomical figure!

There was no way she could do it.

If it's just like this, then this promise is almost the same as no promise, and she will also fall into despair.

But she also heard another hope.


"That's right, after a while, I will implement a contribution system in the guild, and make it more precise. Every point of contribution has a corresponding value, and can be exchanged for any item in the guild, including but not limited to money, positions, All kinds of weapons, even famous knives, all kinds of rare items in the sea, and even devil fruits!"

"As long as you have enough contribution points, you can exchange for anything you want in the guild, even if it is a whole country, it is completely fine."

After listening to Abel's brief narration, Violet was shocked by the heavy news.

She immediately asked with some urgency, "Then how can I get this contribution? How much contribution is needed to exchange for Dressrosa?"

Abel sat up, smiled at her, then picked up a grape, and said, "At that time, there will be a large number of missions released in the guild every day, and there will be a certain amount of contribution for completing the missions. In addition, for the Those who made achievements in the development and construction of the guild, those who actively participated in the battle, those who beheaded the important cadres of the enemy, and so on."

"After a while, there will be a detailed rule on obtaining contribution points, which will record all the ways to obtain contribution points, as well as the redemption list of contribution points."

"Want to stand out? Want to get rich? Want to be superior? Wealth, status, power, beauty, as long as you pay for the guild and make enough contributions, the guild can help you achieve anything you want."

"This is the role of contribution."

After hearing this, Violet was both shocked and unrealistic.

Because no matter how you think about it, if you want to exchange for a country, the contribution you need must be a huge number, and it is impossible to let people change it casually.

And can she really accumulate enough contribution points?

Ten years, twenty years, or fifty years?

Violet was really pessimistic at this moment.

But at this moment, a peeled grape was directly put into her mouth.

"As a cadre of different levels, there will be a fixed contribution rate as salary every month. In addition, taking care of the president's food and daily life is an important task, and the contribution rate rewards are not low."

Violet wasn't stupid either, she figured it out right away, and stopped fooling around.

The entire guild belongs to Abel, how to distribute contribution points, and how much contribution points are distributed are not all a matter of one sentence.

Moreover, she accumulated contribution points in exchange for Dressrosa, which would not cause any loss to the guild, or inflation problems.

So Violet, who wanted to understand, immediately looked at someone with watery eyes, his eyes were passionate.

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