Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 722 Devil Fruit Ability Transformation Instrument

After revealing some inside information to Violet, Abel always felt that there was something wrong with the way this woman looked at him, as if she wanted to eat him in one bite.

But considering that baby-5 is watching him so closely, Violet probably has no chance for the time being.

Then an unexpected guest appeared.

"Brother Abel, you are really cruel, you have new people and forget the old ones."

Dressed in cool clothes, Stussy walked over with a pink princess umbrella, not excluding the suspicion of pretending to be tender.


Why is it this woman again?

Abel frowned slightly, not knowing how the other party found him.

He took people on vacation without much fanfare.

"You actually managed to find this place. Should I praise you for being amazing, or admit that there are too many ghosts in the guild?"

"It's just a small trick~"

Stucey smiled, then took out a life card.

This piece of life was stuck in her palm, and it was slowly moving in a certain direction.

Abel was a little surprised, "Life card? Mine?"

At this moment, Stucey shook his head and looked at baby-5 beside him.

"The time you taught her to do makeup?"

Abel immediately recalled that after the first encounter, Stucey taught baby-5 how to make up and dress up. He must have collected baby-5's nails at that time, and then made this life card.

And because of the particularity of baby-5, Abel would take her with him basically wherever he went, so that Stussy could easily grasp his movements.

In this way, the next few "encounters" also make sense.

"This woman is deliberately creating a meeting, and she didn't let me notice it at all. It's amazing."

Abel's eyes narrowed involuntarily. If the other party hadn't directly revealed the hole card today, he would still be kept in the dark. After returning, he will thoroughly investigate who in the guild leaked his whereabouts.

But if you really do that, it means that you are looking in the wrong direction from the beginning.

"Why did you tell me? If you didn't tell me, I probably wouldn't have thought of it."

Seeing Stucey nodding, Abel asked curiously.

But Stuci said with a serious expression: "Because I want to have an open and honest talk with you, just the two of us. Telling you this represents my sincerity."

Abel knew that the other party's purpose of approaching him repeatedly was about to be revealed.

But to be honest, he really didn't want to know.

Because you can think clearly with your heels, it is definitely a big trouble when it comes to CP0.

But now it looks like it's too late for him not to know.

Since the other party can find here, it will be the same in the future, unless she is killed directly.

It's just that if you do that, it will be a big trouble.

So he decided to listen to what the other party was going to do first, and then decide how to do it.

"Go over there and play for a while."

Abel dismissed all the women around him, and then looked at Stucey who was sitting beside him as if he was familiar with him.

"I want you to help me save someone."

"Save who? When?"

Stuci shook his head, "I can't tell you yet, I can only say that when the time comes, I will contact you as soon as possible."

Abel was immediately annoyed, "You begged me to do something, and then you didn't say anything. You don't know who to save, and when. Then you should hire someone else, I can't help with this matter, and I don't want to. "

"I also know that this request is a bit excessive, but I have a last resort."

"I also said, if you don't help, please go back."

Abel didn't even bother to look at her more, what the hell, couldn't he be too involved in the drama, really think there is something between the two of them?

Help, help, help a fart!

Without mentioning any benefits, just think of 'Bai Piao' (not a typo, intentional), what is he? Good man?

Seeing this, Stucey also knew that if she didn't come up with something that could impress the other party, she probably would have come in vain today.

So she put the suitcase she brought on the ground and opened it.

Then I saw that the suitcase began to deform rapidly, and finally turned into an instrument with a strange shape.

Stuci introduced: "This is the latest research of the world government, the devil fruit ability conversion instrument."

"With this thing, inanimate 'objects' can also eat devil fruits, creating special devil fruit ability items."

"For example, if you put Kaido's blue dragon fruit and the sword in my hand into the upper and lower layers of the instrument, then you can get a [blue dragon sword], which can transform into a blue dragon and come back to life sword!"

Abel immediately realized after listening, isn't this the devil fruit ability conversion technology developed by Vegapunk?

The [Elephant Sword] in the original book is a sword that has eaten the fruit of the elephant, and can also attack according to the user's command or even the mind.

Under normal circumstances, anyone owning such a weapon would be a considerable improvement in strength.

Being able to get this kind of thing is enough to show that Stucey is not easy.

But why did this woman use the dead Kaido's green dragon fruit as an example?

Did he notice something, or did he think he would be more impressed by Kaido's devil fruit ability?

Abel wasn't sure, but the instrument was indeed very precious.

In the future, the number of devil fruits he can obtain will definitely increase.

Some can be sold in the system mall, or used as trading items.

But for some of the more precious ones, it would undoubtedly be too wasteful to use them like this.

For example, the Qinglong fruit and Yamata no Orochi fruit he got recently.

Jhin and Quinn, who were imprisoned by him, were also precious fruits of ancient animal species.

It would be too bad to sell it for trading points.

And now he can eat at most one more devil fruit, the rest are always rotten in his hands?

It's not that he doesn't want to use it for his subordinates.

The main reason is that there are no suitable candidates.

Potential and loyalty are indispensable.

Otherwise, he would rather rot his hands.

It's just that the appearance of Stuci with this instrument now seems to provide him with another path.

Combining items and devil fruits can also exert great power.

Furthermore, his dark fruit power can destroy items at any time and absorb the devil fruit again.

Isn't this a perpetual motion machine with an infinite loop?

As long as you don't lose it, you can use it almost anytime, whatever you want.


Something is wrong!

Abel thought it was okay, but he didn't show it. He just asked, "How long can this device be used?"

"Well, it's a one-off, and it's extremely expensive to make"

"It's meaningless to talk like that."

Abel interrupted the other party directly, "Take a disposable piece of garbage to fool me?"

"I want the kind of instrument that can be used continuously, at least three!"

"And this is just a deposit. If the difficulty of rescue exceeds my expectation, then I'm sorry, you have to pay more!"

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