"That's impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Let's not talk about whether such a thing can be made, do you know how much it will cost just to get such an instrument?"

"You still want three? You have no sincerity to cooperate."

Even Stuci's city mansion was irritated by Abel's lion's big mouth, and what she brought out was something that anyone outside could only dream of.

It's fine if this guy doesn't take it seriously, but he still takes her for a fool?

What an exasperation!

"If you say there is no, then there will be no, see off."

Abel showed a nonchalant attitude and said lazily.

When negotiating and testing each other, whoever is seen first will lose.

Now it was Stucey who begged him for help, so he had the absolute initiative.

This initiative must not be lost, even if he really wanted this instrument, he could not show it.

In that case, he would be led by the nose by this shrewd woman instead.

Big deal, no more, one shot and two parts.

Look for opportunities later.

With this bachelor's attitude, Abel's mind was very peaceful, allowing Stuttie's chest to heave and fall.

If he didn't know whose clone this woman was, he could still appreciate it.

But since you know it, forget it.

I feel guilty.

Angrily, Stussy picked up the instrument on the ground, turned back into the suitcase, turned and left.

Abel didn't hold back either, more like he finally got rid of a big trouble.

"you win."

"But three are impossible. At most, I can find a way to get one for you, and I'm still risking my life."

"If you agree, we will sign the contract."

After confirming that Abel was indifferent to his departure, Stucey could only have a cheeky face and came back again.

Do you still remember the scene when you followed your mother to buy clothes when you were a child?

If even the sure-kill trick of leaving is not effective, then it may be that the price is really not worth it, or this product is not worried about selling at all.

If you don't buy it, others will buy it, whether you like it or not.

What Qihuo Keju is talking about is the current situation.

For this reason, Stuci had to take another step back, and retreated again and again.

After all, the bottom line has been seen through, so it is no longer called the bottom line.

"Eh? I remember that some people here just now yelled that it was impossible, absolutely impossible. Why did it change as soon as you turned around?"

"I also want to know now, is this impossible, is it really impossible, or is it a means of bargaining?"

Abel's eccentric connotation made Stussy a little bit, and Stussy could only bear it.

"You don't have to believe me, but I won't raise the price again."

This time, Stucey's expression was unusually firm.

If it doesn't work, you can only find someone else.

Abel looked at her and knew that there was really no way to squeeze out more oil and water in this regard, but he was always uncomfortable if he didn't want to blackmail anything else.

"In this way, let me also mention that if you think it's okay, you can cooperate happily, if you don't think it's not, then please feel free."

"First of all, a sustainable devil fruit ability conversion instrument is the main content of the transaction, yes."

"But you have to deliver the goods first. If you don't see the item, the transaction will be automatically voided, and this one-time machine must be kept as a deposit. After all, I have to verify the truth of what you said."

"Secondly, I won't sign any contract with you. I don't even know who the person I'm going to save is, how can I sign it? If you set me up, I'll have to fool myself into it?"

"So if you want to believe it, believe it. If you don't believe it, then leave as soon as possible. Don't delay my vacation."

"In the end, I want to reserve the right to 'raise the price'. Otherwise, if you let me break into the Navy headquarters, or push into the city to save people, do you think the current price is appropriate?"

After Abel finished speaking, Stussy's complexion also changed back and forth.

In fact, some of the content mentioned here has touched her bottom line, but Abel's last sentence gave her real hope.

That is, it is not impossible to let this guy break into the navy headquarters, or advance into the city to save people, but it will cost more!

This confidence, this madness, this strength is what she values ​​most!

Because at that time, I am afraid that I will really face the attacks of the world government and the admiral.

Without this courage and determination, everything is meaningless.

The rest is not so important.

So Stuci thought about it carefully, and finally put the box down, nodded and said: "Yes, I will do as you said. I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise."

Before he finished speaking, Stuci left.

She was afraid that if she stayed for a while, she couldn't help biting the bastard's neck hard.

However, even though he paid a considerable price, he managed to reserve a way out, and the trip was not in vain.

. . . . . .

Not long after, back in the room, Abel turned on the system.

[Do you want to start searching for prayer orders? 】

[Current search times: 1 (free)]

. . . . . .

[Start searching for prayer orders. Search complete! 】

[Get an intermediate prayer order]

[Order description: As an undefeated legend in the video game world, try to clear the island of greed! 】

[Order content: 1. Smuggle into the island of greed. 2. Collect all 100 designated cards (optional)]

[Order basic reward: 2000 transaction points]

[Order optional rewards: 3 different designated cards (obtainable after completing the optional order content)]

[Remaining receiving time of the order: 4 minutes and 59 seconds]

[Note: After successfully receiving such a wish order, the energy projection of the host body will be automatically generated and immediately placed in the order world. 】

. . . . . . .

"The island of greed. Is it the world of full-time hunters again?"

Abel immediately took out a badge, which was the reward he got last time he entered that world and cleared the Sky Arena.

[Gold Badge: The Strongest Fighter]

Equipment Items

Description: Participate in the bi-annual fighting tournament in Sky Arena, defeat all hosts by one person, and win the final winner.

Effect 1: After wearing it, the physical recovery speed is accelerated by 100%. (Example: Assuming that full strength can be restored in 1 hour, it only takes half an hour to restore full strength after wearing the badge)

Effect 2: Stamina recharge, which can replenish all the wearer's stamina at one time. Cooldown: 72 hours.

PS: Persistence is the real power!

. . . . . .

It is indeed a very practical thing after one training.

Oh, right.

He also remembered that Hisoka and Irmi Beat the Enemy had been killed by him.

Not sure if this wish order world is the same as last time.

If it is the same, maybe there will be a very interesting chain reaction.

"Smuggling, it seems that you really have to sneak in."

Abel also felt a bit of a headache when he thought that he didn't have the ability to read and couldn't enter the game through formal channels. Fortunately, there was no way out.

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