
A corpse was casually thrown away by Abel.

Because he was smuggled in and has no telekinesis ability, he does not have the permissions and functions of other players and cannot use these cards.

He tried to grab the cards and get them handed to him.

But if left outside for more than a minute, the card will automatically turn back into a prop and can no longer be turned into a card.

So it must be stored in [BOOK].

This made Abel feel troubled.

He is like a virus Trojan that accidentally broke into this game. Although he can wreak havoc and kill as much as he wants here, it is extremely difficult to play the game and pass the level normally like other players.

In other words, if he wants to complete the optional prayer order content, he needs to first find an agent to help him collect these cards.

Then wait until the end, take it out all at once, and give it all to him.

But it's hard.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable.

Batra, the wealthy man outside, is offering a reward of 50 billion garni for anyone who can pass the level.

Money moves people's hearts.

Abel couldn't offer more rewards for people to cooperate with him, so he could only threaten them with force.

There are certain risks involved.

For example, use cards to escape or something.

And if the player leaves the game for more than ten consecutive days, or dies, all collected cards will be cleared.

"It's really troublesome."

Abel felt like he had nowhere to go.

Just then, a sudden faint sound breaking through the air caught his attention.

He leaned back slightly, and a sharp arrow immediately flew past his eyes, and then exploded with a BOOM sound.

Throw. Throw.

Abel stood there, patting the smoke dust off his body, and then saw four or five people surrounding him.

"Unfamiliar face, summon your [BOOK], let us confirm your identity, hurry up!"

"Are you ready?"


"Join the devil's game."

"This guy is a devil! Do it!"

Instead of running away, these people showed excitement.

Just reporting the location of the devil can get you a precious designated card, but what if you defeat the devil?

Will better and more valuable cards be revealed?

Otherwise, why would this event be started temporarily?

After becoming a qualified player, what could be more exciting than fighting a BOSS!

It's just that they overlooked one thing.

That is, BOSS is also divided into levels. Unfortunately, what they encountered was definitely a world BOSS!

As for the World BOSS, as the name suggests, it is a difficulty that requires all players to come together to find a way to defeat it with the slightest possibility.

Just these few of them can only die in vain!

Swish Swish Swish.

Only two ice blades were seen, and cold light was everywhere.

In an instant, four heads shot up into the sky, and blood sprayed all over the ground.

Only the last person was left, with a look of horror on his face.

Summoning [BOOK] tremblingly, I wanted to use the card to escape.

As a result, the next moment, two more arms fell to the ground.

"Ahhh! My hand!"

"Shh, I don't like this loud noise. Also, don't even think about using those magic cards to get out of here. Trust me, it's enough for me to kill you a hundred times before you use it."

"Devil, devil!"

"Although I don't like this title very much, since the GM here gave me such a 'name', I'd better cooperate with it first. But I hope you can add honorifics when calling me, such as devil gentlemen."

"Yes, I know, don't kill me."

Abel showed him a kind smile, and then started a good communication.

Not long after, a stream of light suddenly fell next to Gan Shu's trio, and then they only had time to say one word before they completely passed out.


The Ganshu trio have been in this game for 7 years, and they have always behaved harmlessly.

But in fact, they are the terrifying "Bomb Demons" who secretly place mind energy bombs on almost everyone, and then wait for the day of harvest.

And the guy who just landed next to them was no exception.

But what interested them was the 'devil' mentioned by the other party.

"what to do?"

"Find a way to wake him up, don't let him die."


After some treatment by the three people, the unfortunate man who had broken both arms finally woke up.

And after seeing Gan Shu, he immediately said excitedly: "Devil, I saw the devil! Dead, everyone is dead except me. Everyone is going to die!"

"Calm down, calm down and speak slowly!"


After receiving a slap in the face, the guy finally calmed down a little and began to tell what happened before.

After listening to this, Gan Shu and the others all looked a little serious.

"Are you saying that the five of you acted together, and then the devil killed four of them in an instant?"

The man with the broken arm nodded tremblingly, almost crying, "If I hadn't reacted quickly and used the card to escape in time, you wouldn't be able to see me now. Even so, I would have lost both arms. That is A devil, a devil!"

The three of them looked at each other and felt that this guy didn't look like he was lying.

Because ordinary acting skills can't fool them.

In addition, they had just checked that the two arms were indeed severed by sharp blades.

Even if it is a bitter trick, there is no need to pay such a high price.

Furthermore, this guy's life is in their hands, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking of this, Gan Shu said: "Where is the devil? Have you reported it?"

"Yes, report it, I will report it now"

The man with the broken arm summoned [BOOK] as if waking up from a dream.

In [BOOK], you can leave a message to the GM, the game administrator.

But under normal circumstances, you will not get any reply unless there are some special circumstances.

And like now, it is such a special situation!

But just when the man with the broken arm was trying to operate [BOOK] with his mouth, Gan Shu suddenly stopped him.

"I don't think this is possible. You don't have any evidence to prove that you found the devil. Even if you provide the location, what if the devil has left?"

Seeing the bewildered look on the man's face with the broken arm, Gan Shu once again felt his IQ being crushed.

He continued: "Perhaps we can do this. You use 'companion' to take us there together. If the devil is still there, you can use the card to leave and we will help you hold off the devil. Then you can report it quickly and get what belongs to you. reward."

"Maybe we can also take advantage of it by then, what do you think?"

"No, I don't want to go anymore! I won't go!"

"You should think about it before answering."

Gan Shu's smile suddenly turned cold. Don't you want to go? It's not up to you.

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