Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 726 Robbery! Hand over all the cards!

Under Gan Shu's coercion, the broken-arm man had to compromise and took them back to the place where they met the devil before using the [Come Card].

"Where is the person? Is he really gone?"

Looking around cautiously, Gan Shu and the others were a little reluctant.

The reward for discovering the devil, they want.

In addition, they wanted to personally measure the demon's strength, and then see if they should go back and form a group to push the BOSS.

Although he believed some of what the man with the broken arm said, he didn't believe it completely.

After all, garbage is garbage. Being able to kill several garbage instantly does not prove how powerful the devil is.

But soon they will pay the price for their greed and stupidity.

"Are you looking for me?"

A voice sounded behind the three of them, causing them to break into cold sweats.

No one even noticed how the devil had appeared in their midst.

The next second, the domineering and domineering power exploded!

I am the only one in the world!

When this momentum pressed on them, the man with the broken arm was the first to roll his eyes and fainted.

Then came Gan Shu's two companions, all of whom fell limply to the ground.

Only Ganshu was left alone, or it could be said that Abel deliberately kept him until the end.

"You know, death is never the scariest thing in the world."

"Do you want to feel it? That is far more terrifying than death."

Gan Shu fell to his knees with a pale face, his body soaked with cold sweat.

He covered his head and kept yelling and wailing.

No one knows what he went through.

Compared to being killed a thousand or ten thousand times, being trapped in eternal darkness and unable to feel the passage of time is the most tortured and maddening thing!

When he could see the light again, he was already in tears and on the verge of collapse.

"Very good, congratulations on passing the test."

"Then as a believer in the devil, swear allegiance to me."

"Then go kill all those losers and snatch all their cards."

"Yes, Master."

Gan Shu firmly put his head on the ground.

Until this moment, he didn't know how naive his thoughts were.

It turns out that not letting them take the initiative to attack the demons was really out of consideration for them.

This is simply an existence that cannot be defeated!

. . . . . .

boom! boom! boom!

"Gan Shu, are you crazy?"

"Bomb Demon, it turns out you are the Bomb Demon!"

"Don't kill me, I'll give you all the cards."

Gan Shu and the others gathered everyone together according to the plan, then blew themselves up and successfully detonated several bombs, killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Only then did everyone realize that they had actually been tricked a long time ago.

No wonder the Bomb Devil has been able to get away with it all this time and no one has been able to catch him.

This group of people is really hiding too deep.

For the sake of their own lives, many people had to hand over the cards they collected.

Gan Shu and the others started picking and choosing, and not only made up most of what they didn't have, but also got a lot of very practical and precious cards.

But it's not enough!

Gon and Killua have the cards they need.

So Ganshu and the others began to hunt down Gon and Killua.

However, under the protection of Bisiki Kuruga, Gon and Killua's strength has grown rapidly.

As a two-star gem hunter in the Hunter Association and the successor of Shingenryu, the 57-year-old Bisiki Kuruka usually looks like a little lolita with blond hair and twin tails.

And with her strength, it couldn't be easier to deal with Gan Shu's trio.

But out of the idea of ​​training Gon and Killua, she pretended to be invincible and ran away with the two of them.

They kept putting pressure on each other during the battle, which made the trio of Ganshu feel that they could succeed if they tried harder, but they were kept hanging.

"You bitch! You actually let these brats run away again."

Gan Shu cursed with a gloomy face, and when he thought that it was time to report the situation to the devil again, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

He also thought more than once about whether to report the coordinates of the devil to the GM, or spread it out so that everyone could feel the terror of the devil.

But when he thought about the consequences of breaking his oath, he couldn't help but shudder and shook this unrealistic idea out of his head.

So far, they don't quite know what the demon's abilities are.

But it probably has something to do with ‘deal’ or ‘agreement’.

In order to show them the consequences, the poor man with the broken arm became the poor guy who was sacrificed, and even his soul was completely dissipated.

If they didn't want to end up like that, they could only find a way to do what the devil said.

Fortunately, they still have value.

I just don’t know what the devil is doing by collecting these designated cards. Is it possible that he still wants to pass the level?

Don't be ridiculous, don't ask the GM here if he agrees.

After a while, Gan Shu and the others arrived at the designated place and once again saw the man who looked no different from a human but was actually a demon.

"It looks like it failed again."

Looking at the uneasy expressions on several people's faces, Abel immediately guessed the result.

Gan Shu hurriedly said: "Mr. Devil, it's not that we don't try our best, it's that those little devils are too cunning and can get rid of us in the end every time."

"Especially that bitch named Bisji, who ruined our good deeds several times."

Abel still had an indifferent expression after listening to their explanation.

It wasn't until they were anxious and their clothes were wet with cold sweat that he slowly said, "I will take action personally this time. You just need to force them to the place I designated."

"Yes, Mr. Devil."

Seeing that Abel didn't seem to have any intention of liquidating them, Gan Shu and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Now they don't think about anything else. As long as they can save their lives, everything will be fine.

At the same time, the game administrator Leza and others also had a headache.

They could not find the stowaways, and no one had completed the bounty mission. Instead, they failed several times and were almost deceived by several cunning players.

What's even worse is that before the stowaway is found, the Bomb Demon is about to collect all one hundred designated cards, and he does so through violent means.

If it weren't for the rules, they really wouldn't want to see an unruly player like Bomb Demon clear the entire game.

But there is nothing they can do about it.

After all, strictly speaking, fighting and grabbing cards are not prohibited in the game.

Since it is within the scope of the rules, no matter how extreme it is, it is not the GM's turn to meddle.

Compared with the bomb demon, it is most important to find the stowaways hidden among the players.

Leza and the others never expected that the stowaways would mix with the bomb demons, which proved that the most dangerous place is indeed the safest place.

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