"You can't escape this time!"

On the plain, Gan Shu's trio found Xiaojie and others again.

It's just different from the past few times. This time, Xiaojie and others actually no longer ran away, but chose to stay and fight. I don't know where they got the confidence.

The two sides immediately fought fiercely together.

In order to fully sharpen Gon and Killua, Bisiki also took away an enemy and started paddling.

In a one-on-one situation, you can see who is being beaten.

Killua swung a specially made 50-kilogram yo-yo, pressing down on his opponent the entire time.

Xiaojie, on the other hand, was hammered by Gan Shu!

Even one of his hands was blown off, so he was no match for him.

Seeing that Xiaojie was about to lose, he dealt with the enemy's Qi Ya first, and immediately threw the yo-yo at Gan Shu.

The two began to join forces to fight against the enemy.

With Qi Ya's help, the injured Xiaojie stabilized the situation.

Coupled with the assassination skills of beating the enemy's family, Gan Shu was injured without paying attention, and his heart was almost taken away by Qi Ya.


Gan Shu gritted his teeth, and immediately took out a "come again" card, which turned into a streamer and disappeared on the spot.

[Come Again]: Can fly to the designated place.

The remaining companion also wanted to run along, but he absolutely shouldn't have given Bi Siji a kick and kicked him several times.

"Want to leave? Stay and play with me!"

Bi Siji, who suddenly turned into a Vajra Barbie, rushed over and knocked the enemy away with a punch, and fell heavily on the ground before he knew whether he was alive or dead.

As soon as he raised his head, Xiaojie and Qi Ya had chased him with the [Magnetic Power] card.

[Magnetic force]: It can fly to the location of the designated opponent (only challengers seen in the game).

"What an impulsive brat, he doesn't wait for others~"

Bisji coquettishly, then tied up the two unlucky guys who were unconscious and threw them aside. Then he changed from King Kong Barbie back to a little lolita and used the [Magnetic] card to catch up.

With just such a delay, Xiaojie and Qi Ya encountered the greatest danger ever.

When Xiaojie and Qi Ya followed Gan Shu to the ground, the panic expression on Gan Shu's face suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there is viciousness, madness, and... fear!

But obviously Gan Shu is not afraid of Xiaojie and Qiya.

It's the person standing behind them at this moment, that... devil!

"Mr. Devil, I have already attracted you."

Mr. Devil?

not good!

be cheated!

Gon and Killua were immediately shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying Long Wei pressed heavily on them, making them unable to move, and their pupils trembling non-stop.

"Welcome to the devil's game, congratulations on becoming my hostages."

"Just a friendly reminder, if you do some small tricks at this time, you may die in an ugly way."

With the kindest smile, Abel placed his two hands on Gon's and Killua's shoulders respectively.

"Move, move! Move for me quickly!!!"

Gon and Killua both roared loudly in their hearts, trying to control their bodies.

But in front of their instincts, the fear from their hearts made them freeze in place.

It seems that if you move, you will be completely torn apart and die!

But at this moment, another stream of light fell from the sky, and it was Bisji who was catching up.

As soon as Bisji landed, he immediately saw the situation in front of him.

Then he decisively abandoned Gan Shu and rushed directly to the guy behind Gon and Killua!

Although this guy is very handsome, the more handsome he is, the more dangerous he is.

Besides, now is not the time to be crazy.


King Kong Barbie transformation!

Xinyuanliu punches with half a step!

What does it feel like when a little blond girl with twin ponytails rushes towards you and suddenly turns into King Kong Barbie Nezha?

It probably went from hammering your chest with a small fist (Nailing Gongyin) to smashing your chest with a small fist (Zhang Feiyin)!


Abel just opened his palms and easily blocked Bisji's punch.

This made Bisi Ji's pupils shrink.

Because of the punch just now, she had used 50% of her strength, but the opponent did not move at all.

"Are you stupid if you don't run away?!"

After Bisji's loud shout, Gon and Killua finally woke up from a dream, finally regained control of their bodies, and immediately ran to both sides.

Abel was not in a hurry to pursue him, but became interested and prepared to weigh the level of Xinyuan Chuanren.

So while holding the opponent's fist, he made a fist with the other hand and punched it out.

An ordinary punch!

Although Abel's current body is an energy projection of the system, it is actually a 100% replica.

With his powerful power after many evolutions of gourmet cells, even without turning on his natural ability, it was still like a heavy hammer, giving Bisji a big 'surprise'!

With just one punch in the face, Bisji almost lost his eyesight and fell to the ground.

But her tenacity allowed her to regain her footing, and then she punched Abel hard in the face.


The power of this punch was so great that it could be said that Bisiji used all his strength and did not hold back any more.

But something happened that shocked her.

The enemy who received her full force punch not only did not move at all, but also spoke.

"It's really ugly. It's a body with dead muscles. Can it only exert so much strength?"

Bisji's expression darkened, and he suddenly used his skill to break free of his previously held arm, and then used Shingenryu's moves to continuously hit the opponent with his fists and kicks.

That heavy sound was like a cannonball exploding in your ears!

Vital parts such as the head, neck, and chest are the key targets.

But from the beginning to the end, Abel just stood there, motionless, letting Bisji bombard him wildly.

Is Abel too arrogant?

No, he has already activated the talent [Heart of the White Walker] to save face, thus gaining a 3x defense bonus.

Coupled with the [Iron Block] of the Sixth Marine Style and the domineering defense of the armed color.

He is simply too steady!

He is so steady that he is a bit of a bully!

Only a few dozen seconds had passed, and Bisigi, who was attacking with all his strength, was already bruised and bleeding from the force of the shock.

Although she had always wrapped her hands with thoughts, she was still hurt.

It can be seen that Bisiji's attack intensity is indeed not low.

The main reason is that Abel's defense is too high.

"That's not how punching works."

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely shining golden light appeared on Abel's right fist, and then was surrounded by a large number of black thunder and lightning.

Before the punch was thrown, Bisji, who was closest to him, felt difficulty breathing, as if she saw the god of death waving to her.

If you can't catch this punch, you will definitely die!

I can't run away, I can only carry it!

Bisji crossed his arms in front of him with eyes wide open, and then focused all his thoughts on them for defense.

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