Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 728 Archangel's Breath

"Ba Tang·Dragon Fist!"


A golden dragon with black arcs all over its body directly hit Bisji's body hard.


The sound of bones breaking immediately sounded.

Although Bisji roared angrily and tried to block it, the dragon fist still penetrated his body, defeating all defenses.

The final sound of BOOM was drowned in the explosion.


Gon and Killua rushed over with anxious expressions on their faces.

When the smoke dissipated, the law of smoke without harm failed to create another miracle this time.

Bisji fell to the ground miserably and closed his eyes tightly.

Her arms, which had concentrated all her thoughts on defense, were shattered by the blast, and her chest had a penetrating wound the size of a bowl, and even the internal organs inside could be vaguely seen through the wound.

There are countless places left to be injured.

The dying Bisji began to vomit blood. She reluctantly opened her eyes, looked at Gon and Killua, and uttered a few words with difficulty, "Escape. Hurry. Escape."

The opponent's strength was far beyond Bisji's imagination.

Especially the pressure from the punch just now, she had only felt it from President Netero.

That is definitely not an enemy that Gon and Killua can deal with today.

But Xiaojie ignored that and immediately summoned [BOOK] and took out a card named [Archangel's Breath] from it!

[Breath of the Archangel]: Cure critical injuries and incurable diseases with just one breath, but it will only appear once.

"You save people, I'll buy time!"

After leaving such words, Killua gritted his teeth and rushed out.

Xiaojie knew now was not the time to waste time and quickly used this card.

After using this extremely precious card, all the injuries Bisji suffered were perfectly healed in an instant, and even the lost arm was recovered. It is simply a miraculous card!

The rich man Batra, who offered so much money to clear the game of Greed Island, just wanted to get this [Archangel's Breath] to save his wife who was suffering from an incurable disease.

So in a sense, having this [Archangel's Breath] is equivalent to having a second life.

Even Abel valued this card very much and listed it as one of the candidate rewards.

And during the period when the [Archangel's Breath] was in effect, Qi Ya did use the assassination technique of beating the enemy's family and his own mind ability to buy this little time.

"Interesting. It seems that you have forgotten the lesson you learned from the beginning and beat up the enemy Hakka brats."

Killua suddenly froze, because what happened before was so sudden that he and Gon never had a good look at the 'devil's' face.

Now take a closer look, and the memories of the past immediately appear in front of you.

"It's you! The 'God of Fighting' Abel, who won the Fighter Festival and won the title of the strongest fighter, suddenly disappeared?!"

After recalling the past memories, Killua couldn't help but exclaimed.

He didn't understand why the other party suddenly appeared here and became a 'demon' in the game?

Could it be some Easter eggs created by the GM?

This is too confusing!

No wonder they are not allowed to take the initiative to attack the 'demon' in the mission. After discovering the traces of the 'demon', they only need to report it immediately to get the reward.

Otherwise, who could beat this ‘God of Fighting’? !

You must know that that battle almost destroyed the entire Sky Arena!

How many [posters] have died there, and the Sky Arena's 'vital energy' has been severely damaged, which has not yet recovered, and a large number of [posters]'s positions have been vacant.

Faced with Killua's shock, Abel just smiled softly, "Looking at you, it seems that there is something you still don't know."

"At the Fighter Festival, Hisoka hired you to beat up the killers of the enemy family and wanted to deal with me."

"In the end, I seemed to have accidentally struck too hard and killed them all. The guy named Yi Mi was thrown directly from the roof of the Sky Arena by me."

"I don't know if they hit innocent people. Even if they didn't hit innocent people, it's not good to hit flowers and plants."


Qi Ya, whose whole body was shining with lightning, was easily blocked by Abel raising his hand, but he also interrupted what he was about to say.

"I'm angry, who is that guy named Ilmi? Brother?"

After intentionally provoking Qi Ya, Abel looked at Qi Ya with great interest.

At this time, Killua, whose telekinesis ability began to evolve at a rapid pace due to the loss of his family, was surrounded by strong electric light, and his hair stood on end, as if he had transformed into a Super Saiyan.

He hadn't gone back home during this time, and naturally he didn't know about Yiermi.

Although he has been in the shadow of Yi Mi all these years, when he heard the news of Yi Mi's death, what he felt was not relief, but anger!

Lightning flash!

Stimulating his own body muscles with electric current, Qi Ya turned into a flash of lightning and instantly came directly above Abel and jumped high.


Qi Ya hit all the thoughts on his right hand to form a large amount of thunder, and then slashed straight at Abel, like a bolt of lightning.

To be honest, Qi Ya's telekinetic attack is still remarkable.

But for Abel, it was not enough.

Don't forget, among the men he defeated was a user with the thunder fruit ability, named Enelu!

Compared with Enelu, Killua's lightning power is just as boring as playing house!


The thunderbolt hit Abel!


There's no after that.

Because it doesn't break the defense at all.

The defense that Bisiji couldn't break down even with all his strength was as insurmountable as a natural chasm in front of Killua.

Then Abel stretched out a finger and gently tapped Killua's forehead, which was unable to accept it and was stunned in place.

"The magic show was pretty good, with lots of bells and whistles."

As soon as he finished speaking, the power of ice spread along his fingers, freezing Killua into an ice sculpture.


Over there, Gonjie had just rescued Bisji, and here Killua was inside again.

This is when the gourd baby saves grandpa?

The wisest thing to do at this time is to take out the card and run away.

But Xiaojie would never do that.

He won't leave Qi Ya alone.

Although Bisji, who had just been saved, was very anxious, he would not escape alone.

Then they heard Abel say: "This kid who beat up the enemy Hakka can probably last for 3 minutes. If the ice is not lifted within 3 minutes, you can collect his body."

"Let Killua go!"

Xiaojie was extremely angry, but he had no choice but to be held tightly by Bisji.

Abel didn't waste any time and said directly: "Give all the cards you collected to Gan Shu. Remember, don't play tricks, otherwise you will know the consequences."

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