Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 729 A prank that makes your heart stop beating

I don’t know if it’s because he has done too many bad things, but Abel always feels that he has less and less pressure to say such ‘villain lines’.

On the contrary, sometimes I enjoy it.

After all, it’s so difficult to be a good person in this world. Spitting anywhere might lead to the collapse of one’s character, and the whole network ridiculed him.

It's different when you are a bad person. Throwing the leftover buns to a little beggar can be said to be a conscience and there is still a trace of kindness in your heart.

If he was handsome, that would be even more extraordinary.

Brother must have some difficulties~

Brother also wants to be a good person, but you don’t give him a chance~

Tsk tsk, scary!

So it’s best to be yourself. As long as I don’t have morals, others won’t be able to kidnap me with morality!

"you swear!"

"It's been a minute."

Abel wasn't in a hurry, he just patted Killua's head gently with his right hand twice, which made Gon and Bisji frightened and their eyelids twitched.

Afraid that he would be careless, he smashed Killua, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, into pieces.

"Let Killua go, I'll hand over all the cards."

Although Gon also wants to clear the level, in comparison, Killua is definitely more important.

So he compromised.

Seeing this, Abel directly motioned to Gan Shu who was hiding aside to hand over.

And I don't worry about what kind of tricks Xiaojie and Bisji are playing.

After all, he didn't care about Gan Shu's life or death at all.

Under Bisji's questioning gaze, Xiaojie shook his head decisively.

Because he also saw that although Gan Shu and the devil were together, the role played by Gan Shu was not that important.

If he messed up, Killua would be dead.

In this case, he didn't dare to gamble.

So Xiaojie honestly handed all the cards he collected to Gan Shu.

When Gan Shu's [BOOK] finally collected all the designated cards from 001 to 099, the game GM's broadcast resounded throughout the Greedy Island again.

It probably means that someone has collected all the designated cards from 001 to 099, fulfilled the conditions, and now immediately starts the question-and-answer meeting.

Every player can participate in the quiz, and the winner will get the number 000 card [Ruler's Blessing], and it is the only one!

In other words, only one person can pass the level.

"The cards are all given to you, let go of Qi Ya."

Xiaojie doesn't care about the question-and-answer meeting at all now, but looks at Abel anxiously, hoping that he can abide by the agreement.

At this moment, a bad taste suddenly flashed in Abel's mind, so he nodded, "Okay, I'll give it back to you."

Then stretched out a finger, tapped on Qi Ya's back, and pushed hard.

He saw Killua, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, falling forward.

"don't want!"

Xiaojie's eyes widened, he rushed forward desperately, and stretched out his hand vigorously, trying to catch Qi Ya before the ice sculpture shattered.

But he wasn't fast enough and couldn't make it in time!

The next moment, there was a whoosh.

Bi Siji broke out with all his strength, passed Xiaojie in an instant, and rushed in the direction of Qi Ya.

Her speed and explosive power are not comparable to Xiaojie.

Seems to be in time!


Hurry up!

Xiaojie pins all his hopes on Bisji.

Enough is enough!

Bang. Snap.

not at all.

Bisji's stretched hand froze in mid-air, failing to grab Qi Ya, so that the ice sculpture fell to the ground, and ice slags splashed everywhere.

At this moment, the heartbeats of Xiaojie and Bisiji both stopped.

Chiya is dead?

"Dang-dang-dang~ I'll give it back to you."

Abel grabbed Killua who was unconscious on the ground and threw him directly to Gon.

Why didn't Killua break with the ice sculpture?

Of course, he had released his ability beforehand, so only the ice outside was broken.

Xiaojie and Bisij were frightened, their faces were pale, and they still looked frightened.

"Hahaha, I am a demon with integrity."

Amid Abel's laughter, Gon caught Killua and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he had just passed out and was not life-threatening.

But in the prank just now, Xiaojie still felt extremely scared.

He was just a hair away from losing his best friend forever.

This feeling of powerlessness made him clenched his fists tightly.

"Okay, the last transaction was successfully completed. So, Xiaojie, are you interested in making another transaction? Just use this muscular girl's life."

As Abel spoke, he condensed an ice blade and put it on Bisji's neck, which was unable to move.

"I can't move my body. Why?!"

No matter how hard he tried, Bisji couldn't move even half an inch, but Xiaojie could see that behind Bisji, a black shadow monster was holding on to Bisji's shadow and wouldn't let go.

This must be the reason why Bisiki can't move!

But even if Xiaojie discovers the reason, what's the use?

Now that Killua is in a coma and Bisji is a hostage again, he is left with a broken hand. He can't even defeat Ganshu, so what can he use to fight the devil?

Xiaojie had no choice but to ask: "I've given you all the cards, what else do you want to trade?"

"No, not all, there is still one missing. Just use that [Blessing of the Ruler] to exchange for this muscular girl."

Abel said kindly.

Xiaojie also reacted immediately, then gritted his teeth and immediately called out [BOOK] to start answering the questions.

In this Q\u0026A conference, all the questions are related to the process of obtaining cards, so whoever passes more tests will be more advantageous.

On the contrary, those players who rely on robbing other people's cards will suffer greatly in this link.

This can also be regarded as a restriction and sanction imposed by the game administrator on such players.

Of course, such players can also grab this [Blessing of the Ruler] from other players through robbing.

It depends on whose method is more clever.

Now that everyone is answering the questions, many players have already made up their minds. If they can get this [Ruler's Blessing], they will sell it at a high price to the players who have collected all the other cards.

After all, under the premise that the designated 100 cards can be collected to pass the level, any card is indispensable, let alone the only No. 0 card.

A high price is never too high.

It's just that they don't have this chance.

Because in order to save Bisji, Xiaojie answered the questions with almost the most serious attitude in his life.

In addition, he has indeed collected a lot of cards in the game, so the accuracy rate is also very high.

I don’t know how long it took, but the question and answer session finally ended.

And Xiaojie also got his wish and won the No. 0 card [The Ruler's Blessing] with the highest score.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

According to previous contacts, although the other party has a weird temper and likes to cause trouble, he still keeps his promise.

From the horizon, a homing pigeon flew quickly, holding a letter on its feet.

Obviously it contains what Xiaojie needs.

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