Xiaojie took the envelope and opened it.

Not only does it contain [The Ruler's Blessing], but it also contains a message, allowing those who clear the level to go to the castle on Rimi Road in the city to get the final reward.

[Ruler's Blessing]: The champion of the quiz will get a castle and a village with a population of 10,000 people under the castle. People in this village will live in accordance with the laws and instructions you made.

After checking the card, Xiaojie threw it to Abel with some disappointment.

Abel got the card, kept his promise and let Bisji go, and then signaled Ganshu to hand over the remaining cards to him.

Since the number 0 card is in Abel's hands, Gan Shu can't play any tricks, so he can only honestly take out all the cards numbered 1 to 99 and hand them to Abel.

At this point, Abel has successfully collected all one hundred designated cards with almost no effort.

And when he collected them all, a white light flashed and he submitted them directly to the system.

This means that he has completed all the contents of this prayer order and can return at any time.

But at this moment, three streaks of light flew from the sky and fell down.

It is none other than the game producers Leiza, Duen and Liszt!

The white dove that had just delivered the letter exposed the location of the devil Abel, and Leza and the others finally discovered the trace, so they rushed over immediately.

But unfortunately, it was still a step too late. The one hundred designated cards were no longer available.

"Stowaway, please leave the game now!"

Leza said with a serious face.

He didn't care that there were others around him.


Everyone who heard it was a little confused, and then their expressions changed.

There are no fools present. When combined with the information mentioned in the mission to find the devil, we can roughly understand the cause and effect.

The so-called "demon" who co-authored this game did not come in through the game console, but forced his way in from the outside world? !

This is so fucking outrageous!

No wonder even the game administrator rushed over in a hurry.

"Compared with stowaway, I prefer the other name you forced on me."

"In addition, I have collected a hundred designated cards and met the clearance conditions. This game does not seem to be as difficult as the rumors say, which is a bit disappointing."

"In comparison, it seems that you game administrators are more interesting."

"Then before I leave, let me leave you with a little shock."

The end of winter!

Under the gaze of everyone, Abel's aura suddenly exploded and climbed rapidly!

At the same time, his body became larger and larger, making people widen their eyes.


In a roar that resounded throughout the Greedy Island, an ice crystal dragon that seemed to come from ancient times spread its wings and stretched its body.

Then with a bang, the ground was crushed, soared into the sky, and flew freely in the air.

At this moment, Xiaojie and others, including Leizha and others later, all showed extremely shocked eyes and stood there blankly, somewhat helpless!

What did they see just now?

dragon? !

And it’s a super huge dragon!

When the pair of ice wings were fully unfolded, they completely covered the sky and the sun.

"Everyone who participated in the Demon Game, are you ready to face the final BOSS?"

Abel was flying in the air, looking down at the people below.

Then without waiting for them to answer, he completely detonated the extreme ice power in his body, turned into a beam of light emitting blue light, and sprayed into the entire cloud layer above.

Ever since, the sky has changed!

The temperature dropped sharply, soon reaching sub-zero temperatures and continuing to get colder.

Heavy snow like goose feathers began to fall on the ground, and in a blink of an eye it was covered with a thick layer on the ground.

Then a strong wind blew!

The moment the blizzard formed, hailstones as big as an ordinary person's fist were raging everywhere!

It seems that in the blink of an eye, the beautiful Greed Island has turned into a freezing purgatory of ice and snow.

No one can fight against this natural disaster.

The smart ones have quickly found a place to hide, or simply escaped from the game.

Those who responded slowly were either buried in the ice and snow and froze to death, or their heads were hit by hailstones and their heads were bleeding, and they never stood up again.

What's more, the temperature is still dropping.

Minus 30 degrees, 40 degrees, 50 degrees!

No one can survive in such extreme circumstances.

So when Leiza and others saw that the situation was not good, they had already taken Xiaojie and the others and fled to the castle on Rimei Road.

I thought this would prevent natural disasters.

But before long, they fell silent and regretted their naivety.

When the ice meteorites fell in a line and almost covered the entire island, Leza and others suddenly felt very regretful!

Why provoke the other party? !

What’s wrong with stowaways? Aren’t stowaways considered players?

Just let him come in and play, so what?

Will he die?

Originally I wouldn't, but now I do.

"Island of Greed. It's over."

Du En grabbed his chicken coop-like hair and said decadently.

"Let's go, leave here, leave the Greed Island."

"If the game is gone, we can make it again, but if the people are gone, there is nothing."

Leza also nodded, "Liszt is right, inform Elena and Yida to evacuate immediately, their side should also be affected."

"By the way, there's also this."

Duen suddenly took out a card and chose to use it at Xiaojie.

It is the [Archangel's Breath] that can heal all injuries and illnesses.


The injury was healed, and Xiaojie, whose hand was intact, immediately thanked him.

"No, it's a waste if you don't use it anyway. The island of greed has become like this, and no one will come here again."

"Let's go, I already feel that the Nian arranged on the island is being destroyed rapidly, and I'm afraid it will be too late if I don't leave."

No matter how this game is made, its body relies on the magic of 'Nian'.

And now under the ravages of the end of winter, these 'thoughts' can be regarded as coming to an end.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

As ice meteorites fell one after another, the castle was completely reduced to ruins.

It's just that several streaks of light have already cut through the sky and flew away.

With Abel's strength, he can intercept a few, but he is really too lazy to do so.

Because in his opinion, the destruction of Greed Island is the biggest shock to everyone.


Drive away?

I just crushed the game for you so fucking badly!

Since Lao Tzu is not allowed to play, then everyone should stop playing.

Unreasonable people are so domineering!

Not convinced?

Hold it in!

Abel doesn't care what others think, the most important thing is that he is happy.

As for the consequences

Hey, he's about to leave, and he doesn't know if he can return to this world next time, so whoever he is!

Give me a complete freeze!

With Abel's efforts, the Greed Island completely turned into a frozen island.

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