Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 731 Vientiane Card Manufacturing

[Intermediate prayer order has been completed, and the customer gave a five-star rating (perfect praise)! 】

[Comment: Not just for clearing the level, the entire game became GG because of you and became an eternal legend! And that day, the news of the appearance of the dragon spread throughout the world! Countless people want to see your style. 】

[Five-star evaluation increases 100% of the basic transaction point reward. The optional order content has been completed, and the reward can be selected by yourself. 】

[Because the customer is very satisfied, you get an extra reward——Skill: Card Reading Modification]

. . . . . .

[Please select optional order content to reward cards numbered 0 to 99: 0/3]

. . . . . .

[It is detected that the host has two similar skills of the same type, 'Magic Card Transformation' and 'Mind Card Transformation', and can spend 5000 transaction points for fusion upgrade. whether? 】

[Note: The skills after fusion and upgrade cannot be guaranteed to retain their original effects and carry certain risks, so please choose carefully. If you refuse to merge, you will not be prompted again. 】

. . . . . .

When Abel's consciousness returned to the world of pirates, a series of system prompts immediately came to his ears.

He began to check them one by one.

To be honest, he just wanted to cause a scene before leaving, but he didn't expect that the benefits would be so high.

But if you think about it carefully, under normal circumstances, if you want to destroy the entire Greedy Island, you not only need to fight to the death with all the administrators in the game, but also have a powerful attack with a super wide range, so that it is possible to destroy the 11 people including Jin on the island. The thoughts arranged above.

This kind of difficulty is simply not something that ordinary people can achieve.

On the other hand, Abel directly changed the celestial environment of the entire island by releasing the power of ice, and finally transformed a small island with a sunny and pleasant climate into a world of ice and snow.

No matter how powerful your thoughts are, they are vulnerable to the power of nature.

In other words, the thoughts of Jin and others are not powerful enough to cause natural disasters.

This is the essential difference.

The five-star review doubled the basic reward, not to mention getting 4,000 transaction points.

After pondering for a while, Abel was a little hesitant among several cards regarding the optional order content rewards. These cards are:

Card No. 17 [Archangel's Breath]: Heals critical injuries and incurable diseases in one breath, but will only appear once.

Needless to say, the practicality of this card is comparable to that of the Immortal Bean, and even stronger than that of the Immortal Bean, because the Immortal Bean cannot cure diseases, but this card can even cure terminal illnesses!

In other words, if Roger, the Pirate King, had this card back then, he would be able to cure his illness.

So it's hard to say whether this Pirate King will surrender.

Card No. 30 [Wish Cushion]: Anyone who sits on this cushion will listen to your request, but the request cannot exceed that person's ability. Each person can only take effect once.

Card No. 36 [Recycling Room]: Put broken things into this room, and they will be repaired after 24 hours, as if they were new, but never open the door before the scheduled time.

Card No. 47 [Sleeping Girl]: A girl who can sleep for you, so you can move around the clock without sleeping.

Card No. 65 [Witch's Rejuvenation Medicine]: Taking one pill will reduce one year of age, but the effect is only physical, and knowledge and memory will be preserved. Be careful that if you eat more than your own age, you will die. Bottle of one hundred pills.

Card No. 73 [Dark Emerald]: A gem protected by the devil. When the holder is in danger, it can be transferred to others.

In addition, there are cards No. 70 [Crazy Doctor’s Muscle Enhancer] and Card No. 68 [Elder’s Energy Enhancer], which Abel gave up early on.

The former can increase strength, but Abel has a big question mark over the effect of this potion. After all, with his current physical fitness, there are very few potions that can continue to enhance his strength.

And even if it is effective, if it is only increased a little, it means nothing.

So he just gave up.

As for the latter, it can make a certain part of the body full of energy, with impeccable frequency and durability.

Well, Abel was just curious, he wouldn't need such a thing.

After careful consideration, Abel first eliminated the two cards [Sleeping Girl] and [Dark Emerald].

Although you can do more things without sleep, humans are not machines, and proper rest does no harm.

And [Dark Emerald] seems to be very useful, but there is a very tricky place, that is, whoever the danger is transferred to is not under his control, it is random.

Originally, he could bear this danger, but in the end, it was transferred to the people around him, such as Robin, baby-5 and others.

Wouldn't that be self-defeating?

Let's forget about this uncontrolled transfer of danger.

In the end, Abel made a decision and chose the three cards [Archangel's Breath], [Wish Cushion] and [Witch's Rejuvenation Potion].

Because he didn't seem to have anything that he needed to repair, he could only give up the [Recycling Room] with regret.

After selecting the optional rewards, Abel set his sights on the skill fusion.

First of all, the [Memory Card Transformation] I just got is a skill that is almost the same as the [Magic Card Transformation].

The only difference is that it is possible to create some cards with novel effects.

Secondly, the [Magic Card Modification] skill, although it can be regarded as a trump card, is too infrequent to be used so practically.

The last thing to consider is whether the 5,000 trading points are worth the gamble.

Looking at his deposit of more than 40,000 trading points, Abel decided to spend a luxury!

"OK, fusion!"

Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!

If the effect is to stretch the crotch, at worst it will be as if it does not have these two skills.

[The fusion is successful, you have gained a new skill: Vientiane Card Manufacturing! 】

Skill: [Manufacturing of Vientiane Cards]

Level: LV3 (half of the level is reserved after fusion)

Consumption: mental power

Effect: Create a blank everything card, which can forcibly seal all skills of the target and use them.

Number of uses per day: 3, maximum number of cards that can be retained at the same time: 3. (both will increase with level up)

. . . . . .

"Huh? It seems that there is no different change. Is it just that the name has changed?"

Abel studied the skill effects carefully several times, and his eyes suddenly focused on the word 'forced sealing'.

"Could it be that?"

A bold idea suddenly arose in his heart, and he was ready to test it later.

If it's really what he thinks, then this skill is so awesome!

Even if the level drops from LV6 to LV3, it's still worth it!

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and clicked on the system mall. Speaking of which, it had been a long time since the system mall had found anything good, so he didn't even have the desire to consume.

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