A happy holiday always goes by quickly.

With the remaining territory of the Beasts Pirates basically divided between the two companies, the friction between the Dragon Hunter Guild and the Big Mom Pirates has become increasingly intense.

Today you grab an island from me, tomorrow I will grab two of your flags!

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates probably didn't want to quarrel with Abel on this matter, and they weren't that interested, so they had no intention of snatching it.

Only Big Mom has a close relationship with Kaido. I don’t know what the purpose is, but I want to disgust him.

You even want to recruit him as your son-in-law? !

It was just too much fake wine.

So the first thing Abel did after his return was to lead people to scan ten islands with the Big Mom flag.

But these sons and daughters of Big Mom couldn't organize any decent resistance at all, and they were defeated in a crushing manner.

This can be regarded as showing off his muscles to the world, otherwise, would he really think that he has no temper?

Such a fight actually seemed to have stunned Big Mom.

Young man, you don’t have martial ethics!

As the captain of a ship, how can he end up easily?

Abel: Didn’t Kaido just rely on his rough skin and thick flesh to make him invincible and cause trouble everywhere?

BIG MOM: "."

Okay, you can be cruel!

Big Mom seems to have no intention of taking action personally and fighting with Abel for a while.

Instead, it suddenly stopped and a 'Mom's Tea Party' was held with great fanfare, inviting all the major forces to come. I don't know what kind of shenanigans they were doing.

Could it be that he wanted to unite these people and isolate the Dragon Hunting Guild?

It's completely meaningless!

After Abel took control of the Don Quixote family, he was equivalent to owning smuggling channels, arms factories, and all other commercial institutions across the South China Sea, the West Sea, the North Sea, and the first half of the Grand Route.

It is completely self-sufficient and can transfuse blood at will.

Coupled with the joining of the Loan Shark King and the secret support of the 'Golden Emperor' Tezoro, Abel dares to say that the Dragon Hunter Guild is the richest force besides the Celestial Dragons!

And if you have money, you can do whatever you want!

Ignoring the 'little people' like Big Mom, Abel let out a bad breath and decided to give full play to the guild's financial advantages and acquire a large number of various rare objects and secret treasures from the sea.

Among them, Devil Fruit is the top priority!

On this day, Abel summoned all the cadres in the guild and held a major meeting.

Guild contribution system starts trial operation!

First of all, the positions in order from high to low are the president (Abel), the vice president (temporarily vacant), the president’s secretary and general manager (Robin), the three god emperors (Thunder Emperor Eniru, Omni Emperor Gaji) , Golden Emperor Tezoro, among which Tezoro is temporarily hidden and only a few people inside know about it.), Twelve Little Strong (known to the outside as Twelve Shadow Riders, waiting for selection, Kidd and others are candidates), Eighty Eight hunters, regular crew members, trainee crew members, and peripheral minions.

The minions on the periphery are just cannon fodder. With Abel's current reputation, he can recruit as many as he wants, so it doesn't make any sense at all.

Normally, you do not enjoy contribution points at all. Only when you make great contributions to the guild, or accumulate 10 contribution points, and are promoted to trainee crew members, will the guild mall develop them. You can use your contribution points to exchange for what you want, etc.

However, it is still subject to certain restrictions, and there is no fixed monthly contribution.

Only after becoming a formal crew member can you have all the benefits related to contribution, such as posting tasks, accepting tasks, unlimited exchange of items, and a certain amount of contribution will be given as salary every month.

Of course, it is impossible to just wait for death.

There are corresponding assessments every month. If you fail to complete the assessment, you will not only receive no contribution salary, but also if you fail to complete the assessment more than 3 times in a row, you will be demoted to a trainee crew member again and start over.

Taking formal crew members as an example, every time you move up a level, your treatment will be very different, and your monthly fixed contribution salary will be higher.

However, to gain something you have to pay, and the tasks you have to perform as a cadre are naturally more difficult and dangerous, which is understandable.

In short, after introducing the contribution system, Abel hopes to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and let those who are truly talented, capable, and daring to fight stand out on their own.

This is much simpler and more convenient than searching for talents everywhere.

And the investment is not as huge as expected, which means that all aspects will be more embarrassing in the early stage.

But after everyone has accumulated enough contribution points, it also means that they have made correspondingly valuable contributions to the guild, and a relative balance can be basically maintained when entering and exiting.

And in order to open up the situation, Abel not only asked people to collect a large number of precious and rare things and put them into the guild warehouse, but also put the Elephant Fruit, Fortified City Fruit, Sound Fruit, Target Fruit, and Island Fruit in his hand. The island fruits are all put into the warehouse as redeemable items.

Anyway, the entire guild belongs to him, and he can take things out again at any time, or exchange them with contribution points.

As the president of the guild, giving yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan is not excessive.

Just looking left and right, he always felt that it was not enough and was missing some explosive points.

There is no such impulse that makes people unable to look away after just one glance, making their blood boil and wishing they could work for him for the rest of their lives!

So he took out another devil fruit, animal type, fish fruit, fantasy beast type, blue dragon form!

That’s right, it’s Kaido’s devil fruit!

Of course, he would definitely not let anyone exchange this precious Devil Fruit, and would set an astronomical figure that was difficult to reach.

The purpose of this Blue Dragon Fruit's existence is just a gimmick!

A huge stunt that will make everyone excited and fight for their whole life!

Abel will let everyone know that this is the Devil Fruit that Kaido ate, and now he has discovered it.

He even thought about the slogan.

"Do you want to be the next Kaido? Work hard, boy!"

Anyone with any brain knows that Kaido's power does not just rely on a Blue Dragon Fruit.

Maybe others can become a strong man on the sea after eating this Blue Dragon Fruit and developing it properly, but it will be difficult for them to become the second Kaido.

In other words, even without relying on Devil Fruit abilities, Kaido's strength is still at the top of the pyramid.

So Abel is deliberately changing the concept and blaming all Kaido's achievements to 'external forces', which is the Blue Dragon Fruit.

Are you afraid that no one will work hard at that time?

He was worried whether the tasks he had collected by cooperating with all parties would be enough to be divided among these evil wolves!

Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!

Ever since, after the meeting, each cadre implemented the contribution system.

As expected, everyone was excited!

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