"Contribution? What the hell is that?"

"That's right, I came to be a pirate for money and women, not for selfless sacrifice."


"What the hell are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at you two idiots. Did you come back without reading the explanation of the entire system?"

"So what, such a long notice, smelly and long, I don't care what it is, as long as it doesn't delay my success."

"Haha, it's just you? I'm afraid you'll never be able to make a name for yourself in the Dragon Hunting Guild in this life."

"Made, are you looking for death?"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. There will be times when you cry. Get out of the way. I'm going to do the task and save my contribution points."

"I can't wait to flatter my superiors, but you really have it. Don't forget to make me cry when you have accumulated enough contribution points for that bullshit."

The fight did not break out in the end. Only the young man who read the notice carefully and read it from beginning to end sneered.



No hurries!

As long as he makes enough contributions, he can become a formal crew member and then redeem those powerful weapons and sea treasures.

At that time, it's not just about how much money and women you want, it's not all a matter of sprinkling water.

These idiots who refuse to accept changes will be completely eliminated by the guild sooner or later!

He believed this.

It's just that he is obviously not the only smart person, he is in another place.

"Holy shit, is it true?"

"You can even redeem Devil Fruit?!"

"It's just a gimmick. How could such a precious thing be wasted on cannon fodder like us?"

"Is there anything impossible! Now that the contribution system has just been implemented, we peripheral minions can temporarily enjoy the treatment of trainee crew members, allowing us to take on tasks and earn contribution points by ourselves. This kind of good thing will never happen in this village. This is the store!”

"And even if you can't get the Devil Fruit, you can exchange it for money. I just saw that 1 point of contribution can be exchanged for 100,000 Berries! But it seems to be a one-way exchange. You can't buy contribution points with money. Under normal circumstances, you can't Private transactions are not allowed.”

"That makes sense. Anyway, you still get the money for normal work. Now there are more contribution rewards. You can earn it no matter what."

. . . . . .

"Hey, have you heard about it?"


"The Devil Fruit that Kaido ate was found by our president. Its full name is Animal Type·Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Blue Dragon Form!"

"It sounds domineering, but we still lost to our president."

"Yes, President Abel is the strongest in the world!"

"Whitebeard has grown old. It will be our Dragon Hunting Guild that will lead this era in the future."

"That's great. If possible, I would also like to have such a powerful ability."

"Just try your best, it may not be impossible."

"How to say?"

"I just heard that the president also put this Azure Dragon Fruit into the guild's warehouse and allowed anyone to exchange it."

"Really? How much contribution is required?"

"Well, it seems that you can take it away with 500 million contribution points."

"Are you kidding me for 500 million contribution points? Who can leave in exchange for this?"

The young man looked shocked and began to cry.

Assuming that according to the current exchange ratio, 1 point of contribution can be exchanged for 100,000 berries, then 500 million contribution points can be exchanged for 5 billion berries!

And maybe there will be more.

The price the world government agreed to purchase the surgical fruit was only this, which was considered the peak.

Since then, there has never been a devil fruit more expensive than the surgical fruit.

This kind of astronomical figure, even if he saves it for a lifetime, he will not be able to come up with it.

But that didn't stop him from having some wild ideas.

After all, even though Kaido is dead, many people still worship Kaido and hope to become the next 'strongest creature'!

The opportunity is right in front of you now, what should I say? Do you want to give it a try?

Many people's choice is to go all out.

Even if you can't get the best one, can't you get something a little worse?

Although the contribution required for labeling other Devil Fruits is also very high, it is not so outrageously high.

And a little conversion, they are all internal prices lower than the market price.

This can't help but seem more tempting.

All of a sudden, smart people started rushing to take over tasks, contribute to the guild, and shine.

But the idiots and idiots stayed on the boat and muddle along, laughing at the efforts of others.

Violet is also working hard, because Dressrosa is also on the list of items that can be redeemed.

Even the country can buy it, so who else? !

The enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the entire guild members were immediately mobilized, and some news even spread to the outside world, leaving many people stunned!

How much financial resources and strength do you have to be able to play this mode?

This doesn't look like a pirate at all. For those who don't know, they might think it's a 'state-owned enterprise'.

But for Abel, where does this go?

He has not yet come up with his real trump card, his sure-kill move.

The current contribution system is just an appetizer, paving the way for the next trump card and testing.

After the situation is opened up and a new bounty mode is launched, the reputation of the Dragon Hunter Guild can be pushed to the top in one fell swoop.

Of course, at that time, the Celestial Dragons, the World Government and the Navy would never let him and his Dragon Hunting Guild go.

They will also become the next "revolutionary army" and be regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the world government.

I just don’t know who will be more ‘harmful’.

After a while, Stussy, who suddenly disappeared, appeared again and brought good news to Abel.

That is, the instrument he wants has been brought to him and can be debugged anytime and anywhere.

Abel Liang didn't dare to lie to him, so he just put it away.

At the moment, he doesn't have any suitable Devil Fruits on hand. He can't just put things in the guild warehouse and take them out by himself after changing hands, right?

That would definitely greatly dampen the enthusiasm of every guild member, thinking that as the president he was still operating in secret.

This is no longer necessary.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry right now, so he might as well put this matter aside and talk about it later.

In addition, for these captives brought back from the Beasts Pirates, Abe has already ordered Sugar's factory to start working urgently, turning all these guys that he dare not use and completely distrusted into toys, and then provide them 24 hours a day for himself. Working around the clock.

It’s just that Jhin, Quinn and Yamato have not been dealt with yet by Abel.

Gaji also used some technological means to control these three people and imprison them in the prison, so that they would not break free and cause destruction everywhere.

Keeping these is always a problem.

But if he really had to kill him, it seemed like it would be a little bit of a pity.

Abel thought for a moment and decided to see their attitude.

If he wanted to die, he wouldn't stop him.

If you are aware of current affairs, that would be better.

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