Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 735 Recruitment and Cleanup

Abel found Jhin and Quinn in the dungeon.

It's just that the communication process was not smooth.

Jhin is more loyal to Kaido than expected and regards Abel as his enemy.

Even as a prisoner, he threatened that if he was freed, he would do everything possible to avenge Kaido.

In desperation, Abel had no choice but to take the initiative and pull out the autumn water to send the opponent away so that he could reunite with Kaido below.

At the same time, it also allowed Qiu Shui to gain the reputation of slaying dragons, adding another 'dragon soul' under his sword.

By the way, harvest another animal type·Dragon Fruit·Ancient species·Pteranodon form!

Abel completed the entire process, including killing people and taking out the power of the devil fruit, under Quinn's wide-eyed gaze.

He didn't care about the Lunaria clan.

If you want to study it, the same goes for studying corpses.

"What about you, also choose to go with him to see Kaido?"

After killing Jhin in front of Quinn, Abel entered Quinn's cell again, still holding Qiushui in his hand, looking murderous.

Quinn couldn't help but swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

He really didn't expect that the other party would be so decisive in killing him. Just because of one word, Jin died.

And after death, even the power of the Devil Fruit was extracted by the other party and merged into a new Devil Fruit.

what does that mean?

It means that they have great value even after they die!

If his answer does not satisfy the evil star in front of him, he will definitely be killed, and then the power of the Devil Fruit will be extracted from his body.

Does he still have the qualifications and value to negotiate?

The answer is no!

Quinn doesn't want to die, and he's not loyal to Kaido to that extent.

To put it bluntly, after the disbandment of 'MADS', he just wanted to find a place for himself, and finally chose Kaido's Beasts Pirates.

Unlike Jhin who was rescued by Kaido, he believed that Kaido would definitely become the Pirate King.

Unlike Jack, who was adopted by Kaido since he was a child.

In comparison, he is more like a job-hopping worker.

So why should we make it difficult to beat workers?

"Huh? If you don't say anything, then that's it."

Abel raised the autumn water and was about to drop it.

"Don't! I'm convinced."

Quinn, who wanted to live, finally gave in, followed Abel, and went to report to Gaji dejectedly.

Speaking of which, the conflict between the two is due to some overlap in their research directions.

This leads to dislike of each other.

However, several viruses developed by Quinn were very powerful and caused huge casualties to the Dragon Hunter Guild in previous wars.

If it weren't for the environmental restrictions and the sight of Gazi letting Quinn get the upper hand, there's no telling how many more people would have died.

It's just that research in this area overlaps with Caesar's.

So what does Abel value in this guy?

It’s actually body modification!

Neither Gaji nor Caesar have much experience in this area. This is the advantage of Quinn joining the research team.

Think about it, Gaji's clone soldiers are absolutely loyal, obey orders, and are extremely well-educated. It's a pity to only use them as human shields.

But what would happen if these clone soldiers were modified into human bodies, equipped with a large amount of firepower, various viruses and poisonous gases, and could self-destruct at critical moments?

Abel found it very interesting, and this is also the focus of the next research by Gaji and others.

After taking care of Quinn, Abel found Yamato again.

This guy is quite adaptable to the new environment. He eats when he is given food and drinks when he is given water every day, and then he exercises in there by himself and sleeps when he is tired.

It seems that there is no difference from the previous life.

Quite a bit happy-go-lucky.

"I remember you, you were the leader of those people."

"When will you let me out?"

After seeing Abel coming, Yamato jumped up from the bed, and the chains tied to his body clattered.

"Are you Kaido's daughter?"

"I'm not, my name is Kozuki Oden."

Yamato shouted loudly, seeming to dislike the name Kaido's daughter.

"Whatever you want to call is your freedom, because Kaido is dead, killed by me with this sword."

As the autumn water comes out of its sheath again.

Yamato was stunned for a moment, and she didn't know that she suddenly couldn't accept the news of Kaido's death.

I was still surprised to see the sword of the swordsman Ryoma Ryoma, the national treasure of Wano, Shusui.

Or maybe both.

"I don't believe it. Kaido is an unkillable monster. You must be lying to me."

"Also, is this real autumn water?"

Yamato shook his head, as if I am very smart, you can't even think of deceiving me.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. I'm just curious whether you will seek revenge from me after you are free."

Yamato thought about it seriously, then shook his head firmly, "No, even if Kaido is really dead, I will not take revenge on anyone."

"He has done too many bad things, and sooner or later this day will come."

"When I get out, I will definitely beat Kaido away with my own hands, drive all those evil parties out of Wano Country, and then liberate it!"

At this moment, the strong will emanating from Yamato even gave Abel the illusion that ‘if it’s this guy, maybe he can really do it’.

This also made his original plan to eradicate the roots and kill Yamato a lot less.

It's not that he thought that the other party said that he would not seek revenge from him, so he foolishly believed it.

But I think that people with such a concept should at least not die so boringly in this dungeon.

Even if one day in the future, Yamato stands in front of him and wants to avenge Kaido, he may not regret doing so.

This inexplicable and complex emotion made him silent for a while.

"That's not a small tone, but I really want to see if you can do it."

After leaving these words, Abel turned and left.

The next day.

Yamato was taken aboard and sent away.

The destination is nowhere else but the country of Wano!

Although Kaido and those evil parties have been dealt with now, the chaos in Wano has still not been resolved, and no one has emerged to make a final decision.

Abel was about to throw Yamato over to see if she could really change anything and do something that even Kozuki Oden couldn't do before.

It's not like I got those three sharp knives for free.

And with the full implementation of the contribution system within the guild, the enthusiasm of the people within the Dragon Hunting Guild has been completely mobilized.

Entrusted by various countries, the bounty tasks were completed quickly and well, and received a lot of praise.

So much so that many people now do not confuse the Dragon Hunting Guild with the Pirates, and think it is a large chamber of commerce or a bounty guild.

This is very helpful for Abel to create a positive image for himself.

As for those guys who are used to living a life of licking blood from the tip of a knife, they also have a place to go.

Because the Dragon Hunting Guild has also taken on a lot of war mercenary jobs, there is no need to worry about having no future.

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