With the arrival of the year 1513 of the Haiyuan calendar.

The pattern of the four emperors in the new world seems to have stabilized and is recognized by the world.

Even the most controversial red-haired pirate group has done several major things in succession, showing its strength and edge to everyone.

So that people no longer dare to say that they are the four emperors who make up the numbers.

At the same time, the Four Emperors have also become a worry for the Navy and the World Government. They want to get rid of them quickly, but they have to consider the consequences.

In desperation, the personnel problem of Shichibukai was once again brought to the fore.

Excluding those who died and rebelled, there are now only three people left in the Shichibukai: 'Hawkeye' Mihawk, 'Empress' Hancock, and 'Kai Xia' Jinbei.

Even if you include Doflamingo, who is imprisoned somewhere, there are only four people, and only half of the target has been completed.

The meaning of the World Government is to directly remove Doflamingo and free up a position, all of which will be used to recruit new people. The position of the Shichibukai must be filled in a short time.

In this way, even if the navy and one of the four emperors go to war, they can still get considerable combat support.

As a result, wanted orders were placed on the desk of Navy Marshal Sengoku.

These are all personnel selected by the staff in a short period of time and who meet the requirements to a certain extent.

Among them, the former king of the Kingdom of Sorbey currently has a bounty of 296 million berries. Bartholomew Bear, known as the "Tyrant", is impressively on the list, and he ranks first.

This 'tyrant' is more in line with the positioning of the Shichibukai, both in terms of strength and style of conduct.

After all, the bottom line of the current navy and the world government has always been to eliminate those extremely evil pirates who have committed countless crimes.

This is also the bottom line of the Shichibukai system.

It's not like in the next few years, in order to fill the vacancies of the Shichibukai, even guys like Whitebeard II with the blood of the navy on their hands can become the Shichibukai, or even become a trading tool for some people.

Zefa was so angry that he resigned from the navy and led his disciples on a path of no return.

It's so bad that it's no wonder that the Shichibukai system will be abolished in the end.

In addition to these wanted notices, there is a familiar name on another list.

The master of the Golden City, Gilder Tezzolo!

While this new tycoon on the sea has amassed a large amount of wealth, he is naturally also on the key watch list of the navy and the world government.

And it didn't take much effort to investigate his identity information clearly.

After all, his past life trajectory is not difficult to check, and there are many witnesses to the fact that he offended the Celestial Dragons and was captured as a slave.

As for how to escape?

Don’t ask, everyone understands!

Damn Fisher Tiger!

Combined with the power that the other party occasionally showed, and the fact that the Don Quixote family once auctioned a golden fruit at their own auction, but it was snatched away by a group of thugs.

Basically the entire context is clear.

It's just that the relationship between Tezoro and Abel was too deeply hidden, and it was also information that the Navy and the World Government failed to investigate.

The World Government feels that Tezzolo's ability to make money is very important, but due to some scruples, it cannot afford to take the Golden City as its own in an ugly way.

But fortunately, Tezzolo himself is very knowledgeable and sensible, and he has carved out a large piece of the profit pie.

To reciprocate love, or in other words, really want to win over Tezzolo to become one of his own.

The World Government believes that Tezoro needs the title of Shichibukai to scare some young people, and some of his more outrageous behaviors can be legalized and rationalized.

The most important thing is to send a signal to the outside world and bind it deeper to the world government.

If Tezzolo wants to join other forces, he has to do it all together and weigh it himself.

To put it bluntly, it was to cut off their retreat, leaving Tezzolo to rely on them.

This plan is very vicious.

If it goes ahead smoothly, Tezzolo will definitely be branded as a 'Navy lackey' and 'World Government's money bag'.

It's just that no one knows that Tezoro is the Golden Emperor of the Dragon Hunting Guild, maybe this stab in the back will make them suffer the consequences!

After worrying for a long time, Warring States finally finalized four candidates and prepared to send out invitations.

They are Bartholomew Bear, Gilder Tezolo, Basque Choate and Abigail!

There is no need to explain the first two. Among the latter two, Basque Choate is nicknamed "Big Barrel". He is a superhuman and a person with the ability to drink wine. He has great strength and is extremely addicted to alcohol.

As long as you drink alcohol, you are no different from normal people and are not very harmful.

But once you are stuck without alcohol for a long time, you will enter an extremely irritable mode.

He once ransacked the entire village because he couldn't find anything to drink, killing everyone he saw, and finally burned them all down.

Because he used all the money he robbed to buy wine, his men were dissatisfied.

Coupled with his character that could explode at any time, the crew finally rebelled while he was drunk and sleeping, trying to throw him overboard and seize the ship.

The result was that Basque Choate was awakened and killed everyone.

The pirate group was also disbanded, and this guy became a loner.

If you send an invitation to this person at this time, the probability of success is very high.

After all, this guy's weaknesses are also obvious.

The Navy has no shortage of wine.

Abigail is a natural-type swamp fruit user.

The natives from a small, remote and backward country are called wizards by the locals.

After going to sea, he caused many tragedies, but also saved many people.

It makes people wonder what is his moral bottom line?

What are the standards for saving people and killing people?

All in all a freak.

Many countries do not welcome his arrival because no one knows whether he will go crazy or what he is here for.

If she has the title of Shichibukai, Abigail can go wherever she wants, and no country can block her entry.

Presumably he won't refuse.

But it doesn’t matter if you refuse, just look for it again.

It didn't take long for the news that these four people had become the Shichibukai to appear on the front page of the newspapers!

Many people were surprised, and many people didn't care at all, or even showed disdain.

In this era, the Shichibukai does not represent much deterrence.

What's more, they are despised by others, who think that they are lackeys of the navy and the world government and are not worthy of becoming pirates who flaunt freedom.

But none of this affects the power and reputation of the Qibukai.

If you want to become famous on the sea overnight, becoming a Shichibukai is one of the shortcuts!

After all, not just any crooked person can get into the eyes of the World Government and the Navy. Those who can be invited to become pirates of the Shichibukai are all powerful guys.

This also needs to be acknowledged.

With the addition of these four people, the Shichibukai finally filled up their positions.

This move has led many people to speculate that the Navy will definitely make big moves in the near future.

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