Let’s not mention what big operations the navy is planning.

Anyway, Abel looked at the photo of Tezzolo in the newspaper and smiled.

The World Government wants to send a signal to the outside world that it regards Tezoro as one of its own.

Why wouldn't Abel want to place one of his own men within the Qibukai?

The last one was Enero, this time it’s Tezzolo’s turn.

In addition, Jinbei and Hancock, who were close friends with him, and Mihawk, who had met once and had a good impression.

It's equivalent to four of the Shichibukai leaning towards his side!

If a fight breaks out, it's not certain who these Shichibukai will help.

On this day, Abel was exercising.

A huge warship was being tossed around like an ordinary toy.

There's no way, it's not that he has to be a conspicuous bag, but at his level, ordinary weight training has no meaning.

You can only use warships as sandbags to train and maintain your condition.

In the navy, Garp often played like this with Aokiji.

Of course, since Aokiji has been turned into a toy by the sugar, it is locked up.

So the memory about Qing Pheasant was erased.

So much so that only two of the original three generals of the Navy are left, and no one thinks there is a problem.

It turns out there are only two!

This ability is too terrifying, even strong men like Warring States and Garp will be affected.

"President, the life card of Zuowu that you ordered to find has been found and brought."

Zou is the name of an island, but this island is very powerful and can be 'moved'. It is located on a super huge elephant.

So to reach Zou, it is useless to rely on the record pointer, because it is always moving.

And if you want to go there, you can only use the life card pointing there.


Abel casually placed the warship on the ground next to him, and then put away the small life card that the visitor respectfully presented.

Because there is only one behemoth template left, the talent [Behemoth Power] can evolve.

So Abel thought carefully and prepared to go to the elephant owner to cause trouble.

After all, if the Elephant Master is not a giant beast, then he really doesn’t know what kind of giant beast it is. Does it have to be bigger than a planet?

And saying he is looking for trouble is actually not that evil.

He doesn't need to kill the elephant owner, he just needs to get some hair or skin tissue to enter the template.

Of course, before going to the elephant owner, he had to meet Doflamingo.

The reason is that Doflamingo asked someone to bring him a letter, saying that he wanted to see him.

As soon as he heard this, Abel immediately stopped feeling sleepy.

As early as after he killed Kaido, he wanted to show off in front of Doflamingo and see what the expression of 'the young master that everyone admired' would look like.

But then I thought about it, this kind of villain's triumphant face is really a bit low.

In addition, a lot of things happened later, which he forgot about.

Anyway, with his current status, he no longer needs Doflamingo's approval.

Unexpectedly, even the members of the Don Quixote family basically stopped and stayed voluntarily to become a part of the Dragon Hunting Guild.

You must know that Abel has never restricted their personal freedom.

But until this moment, no one chose to leave.

Isn't this enough to explain the problem?

Abel guessed that Doflamingo also knew that these guys could not be counted on, so he found someone to bring him a message.

. . . . . .

When the ship docked, Abel went to see Doflamingo alone without anyone else.

He knows the other person too well.

If there were outsiders present at this time, with Doflamingo's temperament, he would never tell the truth or what was in his heart.

Especially people like baby-5 who 'betrayed' him.

So Abel simply brought no one and only brought a bottle of red wine. After all, it doesn’t look good to come empty-handed.

"Dover, I feel relieved to see that you are so happy and comfortable staying here."

Not long after Abel entered the manor, he saw Doflamingo lying on a sun lounger, wearing sunglasses and sunbathing.

Good guy, he seems to be living a more comfortable life than anyone else.

Drinking afternoon tea, there was a fruit plate on the table.

Except for the lack of freedom, Abel really didn't treat Doflamingo badly at all.

And he didn't know if it was his own imagination, but Abel always felt that Doflamingo seemed a little fat.

Seeing that Doflamingo didn't speak and didn't pay attention to him, Abel didn't care. He had a chair brought over and sat next to Doflamingo. Then he put the red wine he brought on the table.

"This is the trophy I found in Kaido's lair after I killed Kaido and defeated the Beast Pirates. I remembered that you like to drink red wine, so I brought it to you. You don't have to be polite to me."

Extract keywords: Kaido, Beast Pirates, loot.

Abel pretended to be very mellow, and he beat Doflamingo to a pulp with just a bottle of wine.

You must know that Kaido is Doflamingo's victim and the real culprit that led him to this situation.

At the same time, it is also a nightmare that I dare not face after falling asleep every night!

Doflamingo couldn't continue to pretend to be dead, so he could only stand up and said: "I saw it in the newspaper. Not only did you defeat Kaido, but you also became the Yonko. It's really glorious."

Because of his sunglasses, he couldn't see Doflamingo's eyes.

So for a moment, Abel wasn't sure whether this guy was praising him or being deliberately sarcastic.

"It's okay. I've said it before. I'm more suitable for this position than you. How long has it been now? Time has proven everything."

Veins suddenly popped out on Doflamingo's forehead and temples, and the tea cup in his hand was about to be crushed.

But unexpectedly, he endured it and asked calmly: "How are my family members?"

"It's great. I can give you everything you can give them, and I can give it several times. I can also give you anything you can't give them. So now they have forgotten that they were also Don Quixote. Part of the family.”

Abel thought Doflamingo would be furious after hearing this.

But it turned out that he underestimated the opponent's city.

Or perhaps Doflamingo had already anticipated this.

"That's good. It means I didn't feel sorry for them."

"So how long are you going to keep me under house arrest here? You have got everything you want, and the Don Quixote family has completely disappeared. I no longer pose any threat to you."

Yes, the newspapers during this period really stimulated Doflamingo and made Doflamingo aware of the gap between himself and Abel.

Although it was difficult to admit this, it was a fact after all, it was there, and it was not something he could change without admitting it.

So after calming down, Doflamingo suddenly found that the opportunity to regain his freedom was already in front of him.

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