Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 164 Judge: I Like Being A Dog The Most

on ice. The last android has been chopped down on the ice by Unohana Retsu. Unohana Retsu stands on top of a hill of corpses more than ten meters high. Dumped the Bloodline on Zanpakutō. With his eyes closed, he seemed to be reminiscing about the rush of killing.

The top of the snail boat. Vince Mo Ke Judge and the three Yizhi brothers were in cold sweat. Anxious and fearful. I prayed silently in my heart. Hopefully Unohana Retsu has had a good kill. Don't look for them anymore. But the reality is often so skinny.

I saw Unohana Retsu opened his eyes and hooked his fingers at the Judge family, "Vince Mo Ke Judge. It's your turn."

"Damn it. There's nothing I can do." Judge gritted his teeth. Jump off the snail boat. Step by step towards Unohana Retsu.

The three Yiji brothers were paralyzed by fright. "No. I don't want to die. Woohoo..." The three of them were frightened and cried.

"Sister. Sister Lei Jiu. We are your younger brother. Dear brother. Help us beg Master Yan Luo. We are willing to be dogs to Master Yan Luo... Sister..." The three brothers snotted their noses The begging of tears.

Yan Luo looked disdainful, "Hehe, Laozi has no shortage of dogs. And the three miscellaneous fish are also worthy of being my Yan Luo's dogs? You think too highly of yourself.

I say boss. Give it a chance. Even if Konoha is qualified to be a dog. At least dog legs can always be. The three brothers continued to beg for mercy. Make yourself worthless. Praise Yan Luo as a unique hero in heaven and earth. For my own dog's life. The three brothers also fought hard. This flattery is almost as good as Enel's.

Yan Luo was full of disdain. Look at Judge step by step towards Unohana Retsu. He said coldly: "These three little miscellaneous fish are simply the best in the garbage. But Judge is still a little bit backbone. It is his blessing to die in the hands of Lie. At least he died vigorously... I rely on`

Yan Luo was slapped in the face before he could finish his sentence. I saw Vince Mo Ke Judge throwing the big knife in his hand. 'Beng' knelt on the ice. Hands up. The next moment, the whole person made a big gift with all five bodies thrown to the ground. Lie on the ice" Master Unohana Retsu. Please spare me. I, Vince Mo Ke Judge, would like to be the most loyal dog of the Pendragon family. I will create artificial humans. I can make the Pendragon family have countless artificial human Warriors. I I am willing to do anything for you and Lord Yan Luo. I just ask you to spare the little dog’s life. Let the little one have the opportunity to become a loyal dog of the Pendragon family.”

"Pfft...haha...that's what you said about being a bit spineless? Boss. I don't see you very well." Acedes sneered.

Some of the maids were also sniggering. Yan Luo suddenly felt a pain in his face. your sister. Judge is, after all, a king. Can't you have some backbone? Wouldn't it be good to die well? Why don't you die if you beg for mercy with all your body thrown down.

on ice. Unohana Retsu stared at Judge who was sprawled on the ground. Suddenly put the sword back into its sheath. Indifferently said: "Suddenly there is no interest. Killing you will dirty my Zanpakutō. Garbage does not deserve to die under my knife."

Unohana Retsu walked towards the mid-air island step by step. Come to Yan Luo's side. Smiled at Yan Luo "Although I don't know why this family is unwilling to be a human. They prefer to be a dog. But the artificial human technology of this dog seems to be helpful to the family. This time let him go. After all, my Zanpakutō is not used To kill a dog.

"Thank you, Lie. Go wash up and leave it to me. Yan Luo nodded. Unohana Retsu turned and walked towards the castle.

At this moment, Lei Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. Even if I hate those guys again. Always his father and brother. It is the best result to save one's life now.

Yan Luo strode forward. He opened his hand and said coldly to the ice, "Universal Pull."

Judge and the three brothers were immediately attracted. The four of them panicked. They all yelled, "Don't kill me. Master Yan Luo. I am willing to be your loyal dog."

'.|| Woohoo. . . I don't want to die yet. Lord Yan Luo, please forgive me. '

"I have the technology. I can dedicate it all to Master Yan Luo." Judge and the four pleaded in fear. After a while. The four were thrown to the ground of the island by Yan Luo.

With Agility, the four of them quickly turned over and all knelt down, throwing themselves to the ground. "Lord Yan Luo, don't kill us... Cao Jiu. I'm sorry."

"Shut up." Yan Luo snorted coldly. The four shut up quickly. He didn't even dare to lift his head. Trembling with fright. Yan Luo said coldly: "Do you like being a dog so much? Then be a good dog. Remember. You are just dogs raised by my Pendragon family."

"Yes. We are the dogs of the Pendragon family. Long live the dogs. We are the most loyal dogs." The four Judges (Nuo Hao) nodded repeatedly. It seems very honorable.

The girls looked disgusted. These people are crazy, they are still so happy when they are dogs. But Vince Mo Ke's family doesn't think so. So what if you survive and be a dog? And there's no shame in being a dog for the Pendragon family. It depends on the owner to beat the dog. The Pendragon family is so obedient that even the World government can take care of it. Maybe his status as a dog's leg will be envied and envied by countless people.

Anyway, that's what the Judge family thinks. I took a life. Get the dog leg job again. Hi yo. Life has reached its pinnacle.

"Cut. It's another group of licking dogs." Robin Nami and others looked unhappy. Seems to remind of a certain disgusting super lick dog named Enel. .

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