Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 165 Ace: I Really Want To Go Home

This trip subdued four dog legs and made Unohana Retsu kill a lot. It is a good result. Yan Luo controls the island to fly. While walking towards the training camp. Want to see how Ace is training.

Just came to training camp. Yan Luo heard the roar of enthusiasm. The training camp on the island is not too big. But there are elites in it. They are all carefully selected from the mafia boys. Or made great achievements. Only the elite mafia who are eligible to enter this training camp.

Generally, you have to enter this elite training camp. Either the strength reaches 500 powers. Either set up a great credit charter to enter the elite training camp. It is the Marine Six Styles that are taught here, as well as the two-color Haki. If you do not practice Haki within two years, you will be expelled from the training camp. Very strict.

"Boss." Just walked into the training camp. A figure appeared in front of Yan Luo. Respectfully bow and salute. This person is none other than the Captain of the Guards, Ulquiorra Cifer.

"Oh, is it your turn to be the Instructor? Xiaowu." Yan Luo nodded and said 813

"It was my turn a month ago. What's your order, Lord Boss?" Ulquiorra asked respectfully

"It's okay, I just came to see the Ace that was sent in just now. Where is he?" Yan Luo wanted to see how Ace was doing.

"Please follow me, boss." Ulquiorra took Yan Luo to the practice site. Along the way, the younger brothers who were training saluted one after another.

A corner of the training ground. Ace is facing the biggest crisis ever. That is the crisis of lower IQ. Ace looked gloomy. On the opposite side a titan about seven meters away stormed. Of course, because it is to awaken Haki. So it is forbidden to use the Devil Fruit ability, only fists and kicks.

The seven-meter-tall titan on the opposite side is the famous imbecile of the Pendragon family. Yan Luo's half brother. Edward Weibull. I saw Weibull with a snot hanging from his nose. Faced with Ace's attack, he was full of disdain. Block all of Ace's (bjba) attacks. While taunting: "Third brother. I said you are a fool. How many times have I told you. You must attack with all your strength. Did you not eat? After you go out with your IQ, don't say that you are my half-brother." .I don't want to lose face."

Ace was going crazy. After coming to the training camp. Weibull followed in. Said that he wanted to personally train his third brother. Ace retorted on the spot, "Master is Fire Fist Ace, not your honorable minister."

Weibull just said, "We are all half-brothers of the eldest brother. I am older than you, of course the second brother, and you are the third. In order not to let you lose face for me and the eldest brother. I will personally train you and let you Take control of the two-color Haki quickly."

Ace was like vomiting blood on the spot. What a shitty half-brother. As soon as I mentioned this, Ace wanted to punch someone. So he rushed forward and wanted to beat Weibull. The result is naturally that the nose is bruised and the face is swollen and turned into a pig-headed three again.

Then under Weibull's coercion. Can only give in helplessly. Weibull directly threatens him if Haki is not awakened within a year. Just send him directly to Enel. Thinking of that madman Enel. Ace can't do without yielding. He didn't want to go to that hellish place again.

But immediately Ace regretted it. Because Weibull was a notorious moron. And when training. Weibull always mocked Ace for being too stupid and a fool. You know being despised by morons. Called a fool. What is that? The total IQ has been insulted.

And Ace wondered, "If it continues. Will I be lowered by the halo of imbecility. I will become a fool. It seems that Haki must be awakened as soon as possible. Stay away from this imbecile. So Ace redoubled his efforts.

"Papa." At this moment. There was a burst of applause. Ace and Weibull stop training. look back.

"Brother. Are you coming to see Xiaosan? Don't worry. Xiaosan is stupid, but he has my teachings. He will definitely awaken Haki soon." Weibull assured him.

"Asshole, you are the mistress. Your whole family is mistress." Ace jumped angrily. The ghost is the mistress. Damn imbecile.

Weibull said with a serious face, "Little San, why are you so stupid? How many times have I said that. I am the second child. You are the little three."

"Pfft..." Yan Luo almost spat. The third child, and the second child, hehe, as expected of an imbecile, this title is really in line with his IQ.

Yan Luo smiled all over his face: "Wei Wei. Although Ace is a bit stupid, but the big brother believes. As long as there is Weiwei's teaching, he will be as smart and powerful as you in no time. Big brother believes in you. Train the little three well. Make him as soon as possible become as smart as you."

Ace shivered all over. I think Yan Luo's smile is so scary. To be as smart as Weibull? Wouldn't that be an imbecility? And the guy must be up to no good. Ace suddenly felt. The outside world is dangerous. I really want to go home. Now Ace sees everyone as full of malice.

"Wait. Yan Luo...Brother, can you change your coach? I think Weibull is so powerful. Being a coach is simply too wasteful. Weibull is so powerful that he should kill enemies on the battlefield to show his value. Right, Weibull Bull." Ace suddenly realized how smart he was. Just coax this low energy away first. You don't have to worry about your IQ being lowered.

Sure enough, Weibull was very pleased. Look very happy. He patted Ace on the shoulder, "Little San, you finally said something human. Although your second brother is strong, I am indeed overqualified to train others here. But for Xiao San, I reluctantly accepted it. Don't worry, I will soon One that will awaken you to Haki. And one that will make you as smart as I am."

"Poof" the Ace sank. .

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